
Pariah's Shadow Chronicles

"I have nothing left to lose. The world has stripped me bare, robbed me of everything I held dear. But from the ashes of my former self, I have risen, reborn as a force to be reckoned with. With every tear, every drop of blood, every moment of agony, my fury grows stronger. My pain has become my power, and I will use it to extract a merciless vengeance from the very fabric of the world itself. The world will know the depth of my fury, and tremble at the sound of my name." "For I am..."

Meaz · ファンタジー
1 Chs


The city of Archemere was an astonishing sight to behold, a sprawling metropolis that seemed to float in the air, its towering skyscrapers and flying vehicles defying gravity with ease. The city's fusion of magic and technology was evident everywhere, from the glowing runes etched into the buildings' walls to the intricate machinery that powered the vehicles.

On this particular night, the blue moon cast an enchanting glow over the city, its light reflecting off the glass and steel structures and imbuing everything with a dreamlike aura. People of all races and backgrounds bustled through the streets, their clothing ranging from the simple garb of laborers to the fine silks of aristocrats.

But amidst the stunning beauty and wonder of Archemere, there was one structure that stood out above all the rest - a towering edifice that rose high above the clouds, a massive floating skyscraper that seemed to touch the very heavens themselves. This was the Archemere Tower, the heart of the city, and the site where its founder had established his rule millenniums ago.

The tower was a true work of art, with every inch of its walls boasting intricate designs and symbols that shimmered with magical energy. At the very top of the tower lay a spacious balcony that overlooked the entire city, offering a breathtaking view of Archemere's skyline. It was on this balcony that the city's throne rested.

The throne was a work of unparalleled beauty, crafted from pure gold and adorned with precious gems that sparkled like stars in the moonlight. Intricate carvings depicted the history of the city, from its humble beginnings as a small settlement to its rise as a thriving metropolis.

On this particular night, the tower was alive with activity, as people from all corners of the world had come to pay their respects to the founder, whose legacy had endured for millenniums. Mages and other magic-users displayed their powers and skills, creating dazzling displays of light and sound that dazzled the crowds. Flying vehicles zipped through the air, their engines roaring as they performed daring acrobatics over the city.

There were men and women in fine clothing, adorned with jewelry and symbols of their status, mingling with the common folk who came to witness the spectacle. Children ran around and played, their laughter and shouts filling the air. Even street performers had come to showcase their talents, adding to the festive atmosphere of the event.

Fuchi couldn't believe his luck, he had been begging his parents to take him to the city for months and finally, they had relented. The Mystic Monorail train was a wonder in itself, speeding through the sky and weaving between the towering buildings with ease. As they stepped out of the train, Fuchi's senses were immediately assaulted with the sights, sounds, and smells of the city.

The first thing he noticed was the constant hum of magic in the air, making his skin tingle with excitement. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and magical ingredients, wafting from the food carts and market stalls that lined the streets. The buildings around them were a dizzying mix of architectural styles, from sleek and modern skyscrapers to ornate, traditional structures that seemed to be made entirely of shimmering crystal.

As they made their way towards the Archemere Tower, Fuchi couldn't help but gawk at the amazing sights around him. He couldn't help but notice the mages gathered in the center, each practicing their own unique brand of magic. Some were summoning bursts of light that illuminated the sky with vibrant colors, while others were manipulating the elements around them, causing gusts of wind or waves of water to dance at their fingertips. The more advanced mages were casting spells that produced deafening sounds, making the ground beneath his feet vibrate with their power.

As he watched in amazement, he noticed that some of the mages were specialized in healing magic, mending wounds and curing ailments with a simple touch. Others were more focused on the darker side of magic, using their powers to control the minds of others or summon powerful demons to do their bidding.

He saw vehicles flying overhead, some of them sleek and futuristic, while others looked like they were powered by pure magic.

They finally made their way towards the Archemere Tower, one of the most awe-inspiring structures in the city. As they drew closer, Fuchi's heart raced with anticipation, as though a thousand butterflies had taken flight in his chest. He had heard so much about the tower's grandeur and the legends that surrounded it, and now he was finally going to see it with his own eyes.

The tower loomed above them, its massive spire piercing the sky. Fuchi craned his neck upwards, taking in the intricate carvings that adorned the walls. He could see figures etched into the stone, their features so lifelike that they seemed to be looking down at him.

Two Mage Officers guarded the entrance, their imposing figures creating a formidable presence. Fuchi had never seen such an imposing sight before. They wore long, flowing robes that were adorned with intricate symbols and runes, signifying their status as mages of Archemere. The officers stood tall and alert, their eyes sharp and vigilant, scanning the crowds for any sign of trouble.

Fuchi and his family joined the long line of people waiting to enter the tower. As they made their way through the crowds, Fuchi was struck by the sheer diversity of the people around him. There were mages, scientists, and travelers from all over the world. Some were dressed in extravagant robes, others in simple clothing, but all of them were united in their desire to see the marvels that lay inside the tower.

Finally, they reached the entrance, and the Mage Officers stepped aside to let them in. As Fuchi stepped inside, and his eyes widened at the sight before him. The grand hall was filled with a sea of people, their voices blending together in a cacophony of sound that reverberated off the walls.

The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant paintings, which brought life to the grandiose halls that seemed to stretch on forever. The air was thick with the heady aroma of exotic incense, which seemed to transport Fuchi to another realm altogether.

As he looked around, he noticed the unique features of the tower, like the towering pillars that seemed to reach towards the heavens, intricately woven tapestries that hung from the walls, and the shimmering chandeliers that cast a warm and inviting glow. The floor was made of polished marble, and as Fuchi walked, he could see his own reflection. It was as if he had stepped into a different world, one filled with magic and wonder.

A group of Mage Officers patrolled the area, their eyes sharp and vigilant, ensuring that everything was secure. Fuchi couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he watched them move through the crowds, their long robes billowing behind them. They were the guardians of Archemere, and Fuchi felt privileged to be in their presence.

As they made their way towards the founder's throne, Fuchi's younger sister clung to their mother's hand, her eyes wide with wonder. Fuchi's father pointed out various landmarks and attractions, telling them stories of the city's history and legends. Fuchi listened intently, his mind full of questions and curiosity.

Finally, they reached the balcony where the founder's throne was located. Fuchi's heart quickened with excitement as he gazed upon the glowing gems that adorned the throne. He could feel the power emanating from it, and he knew that it was something truly special.

But as they approached the throne, Fuchi noticed that there were other people gathered around it, some of them mages showing off their magic skills and power, while others were simply admiring the beauty of the throne. The Mage Officers kept a watchful eye on everything and everyone, ensuring that no one came too close to the throne.

Fuchi's mother whispered to him, "Be careful, don't touch anything."

Fuchi nodded, but he couldn't help but feel curious about the glowing gems that adorned the throne. He gazed at it in awe, mesmerized by its beauty.

His father put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Son, this is the heart of Archemere, the very essence of the city. It's said that the founder himself created this throne, imbuing it with his own magic and power."

Fuchi's eyes widened in amazement. "Really?"

His father nodded. "Yes, it's a symbol of the city's strength and prosperity."

As they reached the edge of the balcony, Fuchi gazed out at the stunning view of the city. The towering buildings, sprawling parks, and bustling streets were all laid out before him like a breathtaking tapestry. The vibrant lights of the city at night made the view even more spectacular. Fuchi had never seen anything like it before, and he was struck by the sheer size and beauty of Archemere.

Fuchi's mother noticed his amazement and placed a hand on his arm. "Isn't it breathtaking?"

Fuchi nodded, still awestruck. "It's incredible."

His father smiled. "Archemere is known as the City of Magic for a reason, son. It's home to some of the most powerful mages in the world."

As they made their way back down to the ground floor, Fuchi couldn't help but notice the diverse groups of people around them. Families with young children, groups of friends laughing and joking, and even solitary figures lost in thought. All of them seemed to share the same sense of wonder and excitement that Fuchi felt.

He also noticed the Mage Officers patrolling the area. Dressed in black leather armor with long coats billowing behind them, each officer carried a sword at their hip, and Fuchi could see the glint of magic in their eyes as they scanned the crowd for any signs of trouble.

Fuchi's mother leaned in close. "Remember, son, we have to be respectful of the Mage Officers. They're here to keep us safe."

Fuchi nodded, feeling a bit intimidated by the imposing figures. He had never seen them up close before, and their stern expressions and sharp weapons made him nervous.

As Fuchi and his family exited the tower, he felt a bittersweet twinge of sadness. He didn't want the exhilarating experience to end, but he knew that he would always cherish the memory of seeing the heart of Archemere. He gazed up at the towering structure, marveling at the intricate blend of magic and technology that made it possible.

Suddenly, a fierce determination seized him. He wanted to become the strongest mage in the world, just like the founder. In that moment, he made a silent promise to himself to work tirelessly towards his goal.

As they made their way back to The Mystic Monorail train, Fuchi couldn't help but feel inspired and amazed. He wanted to be like the founder, and he repeated this to himself with unyielding determination. As they walked, Fuchi noticed people entering and exiting the tower, just like him.

He heard his father calling for him to hurry up, but something caught his attention.

He stopped in his tracks, transfixed by an intense shiver that ran down his spine. Was it natural instinct, or magic? As he looked around, time seemed to slow down for him. He saw his family laughing and talking, waving for him to catch up, but everything else around him froze.

The magic, the sci-fi powered vehicles, the towering buildings – all of it stopped working. Then, in an instant, chaos erupted. The ground shook violently, and everything collapsed. People screamed and cried, desperately searching for safety. Massive towers fell, crushing everything in their path. Dust and debris filled the air, making it hard to see.

Fuchi felt himself being launched through the air with tremendous force, hurtling towards a concrete wall. The force of the impact knocked him out cold. As Fuchi slowly regained consciousness, he became aware of the excruciating pain radiating from his head wound, and his body felt battered and bruised. He tried to rise, but his twisted ankles nearly gave way, causing him to stumble back down to the ground.

Looking around, Fuchi was overwhelmed by the utter devastation that surrounded him. The acrid scent of smoke and the sickeningly sweet smell of burning metal filled the air, making it difficult for him to breathe. He desperately gasped for air, coughing and wheezing. In the distance, he could hear the piercing cries of people in distress and the panicked screams of children searching for their loved ones amidst the rubble.

Despite the chaos, Fuchi tried to focus on finding his family, but it was difficult to see through the thick smoke and flames. The Mystic Monorail train, which they were supposed to board, loomed in the distance, engulfed in flames. Trembling with fear, Fuchi approached it with trepidation, his heart pounding in his chest. As he drew closer, he saw his mother's hand crushed beneath the wreckage, surrounded by a pool of blood.

The agony of loss consumed Fuchi, the pain so intense that it left him gasping for air. His heart shattered into a million pieces, the weight of the tragedy too heavy to bear. Tears flowed freely down his face, his body trembling with grief. Falling to his knees beside his mother, Fuchi's mind struggled to process the horrific scene before him.

The stench of gas and burning filled his nostrils, making it difficult to breathe. His mother's hand was crushed, the blood pooling around her like a gruesome reminder of the violence that had taken place. As Fuchi clutched her hand tightly, he could feel the emptiness that was left behind. The once vibrant and warm hand was now cold and lifeless. He was filled with a sense of hopelessness, as if he had lost a part of himself in the chaos.

Surveying the destruction around him, Fuchi was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the devastation. Flames danced and roared, licking at the debris and rubble of what was once a bustling train station. The world he had known and loved had crumbled before his eyes, leaving him alone to face the aftermath. Looking up at the sky, Fuchi let out a gut-wrenching scream, a primal cry of pain and anguish. He hoped that someone would hear him, that someone would come to his aid, but there was only silence.