
Parallel World:killing myself

A God,who is crazy about destroying the parallel worlds where the other him are living,controlled innumerable other him to help satisfy his dream: To make his world a holy and unique world. While the other him vanished under the God's destruction,there's a him gradually freeing himself out of control...

wmj6 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The God's Mission

'I,I...' The girl standing in front of him fidgeting her purely white dress,whispers with face blushed,'I'm in love for you,Lixiao!'

Lixiao's eyes glittered, mouth opening with a few words about the say, yet suddenly a wave of pain grabbed him tightly, turning his words into scream!At the same moment, the whole world clattered to pieces, and his girl, his lovely girl, was torn into obscure debris,gradually unseen...

'No, no, no!'

To his own increasingly sharp shout,he wakes, and unconsciously put his hand on his chest, feeling heart pumping violently.He gets up slowly, eyes half open. Looking straight ahead blankly.

What under the sky adorned with nothing at all, a thousands of pyramids made of soil ,and every ten meters high protrudes a terrace out of every pyramid,on which rows of beds are put and one after another with a plunk the size of a door behind each bed and a person on bed.Some of them is waking up and looking around just the same as him.

His eyes moved down, staring at the void between pyramids. The same color --completely black Shared by the sky and the ground (or void) sometimes makes him a delusionn that they are seemed to be trapped in a cage,a cage covered by inky black blinding.

Far away comes a dim bell when he lolls against the plank on his back, his mind momentarily appears to hallucinate with an obscure figure, who stepped forward to him, a hand put on his head, bowing down and whispering,

'My boy, my loyal warrior...'The figure runs his hand smoothly on his dense hair,continuing,'There's a holy mission for you--To wipe out the other you, thus to wipe out the worlds the other you live in, only so the holy world where we are now will be forever and you will live forever here, happily. '

The figure is dimming out ,with Its last words sticking his mind, making him giddy for a long time.

'Turn around, get into the portal and fight-- for our future. 'Finally,all returned quiet.

Just after an eyewink, the figure disappears as though nothing happened before and behind him some strange but familiar sound cracks, simultaneously, a strong wind howling, making his hair a mess.

He gets to his feet, following the order of the figure tamely to step into the portal, which is usually just a common plunk but now becomes a door ajar, exposing what is behind it. He jerked the door full open ,stronger and stronger wind nearly blowing him over with a sharp and harrowing howl rushing into his ears like a block of ghosts yelling something faint surrounding him.

Inhale and exhale a breath of air,then you'll lull down. He thinks to himself and strides through the door,as the voice of the figure sounds again.

'Come on, Lixiao, fight for our better future!'

He blocks out.