
Parallel cupid

so, what happens when a girl becomes independent break all the cruel rule of this man dominance and live her life normally as others living in this world. where every girl wants to fall in love once and spend their lives doing chores, but some really care for their life, so this a story about adventures and trifles crossed by our FL-Diksha to achieve the goal's in her life by going through many difficulties... this photo is not mine the credit goes the maker I just edit it a bit...

Shalo · ファンタジー
9 Chs

chapter 5 the interview

Diksha slept till 10:30 because her interview will be in the afternoon, she woke up and found out that shristy already left for her work leaving a note on the centre table

Dear Diku…

I had an important meeting this morning, so I am going but I will drop you to dad's company on time until I stay like a good girl, okay and you must be ready by 12. I had already made ur food in the fridge to make sure you heat it well.

Ps: wash the dishes and clean the house well

Love you,


Big sis… {0o0}

She shovelled off the paper in the dustbin and went straight to the washroom. where is waxed her painful hair (*^*)? She said to herself, "it is not good to go with all this hair to an interview" then she took a bath after all this, she did all the things her big told her to do. There Is still an hour left to the interview. She dried her hairs and wear the dress her sis give her, Diksha is not into fashion so it was hard for her to wear a dress like this by herself which have cuts in all place, chain at the back and had a deep cut in front with a choker and white skirt which have a little slit on left. Diksha looked at herself in the mirror. She felt uncomfortable in it, she never wore a dress like that. She tied her hair in a high pony and wore black long socks on the black shoes. She was ready but still, she felt nervous for the interview. she checked all her documents and yesterday she searched boogle for some reference questions. She was prepared. She prayed to god for the best.

15 minutes were left at 12 o'clock, so she sat patiently waiting for her sister to arrive. She got bored waiting and waiting for her to arrive…

At the same time :

," can't you do it fast," Shristy said in frustration to the mechanic, Shristy broke down her car on the way to the apartment

The mechanic said, " ma'am its battery has broken down. We need its replacement so he has to tow the car or bring the battery here, either way, it will take time at least an hour". The mechanic said without showing any concern.

, "an hour can't you mend it fast," Shristy said in an anxious voice.

Mechanic shakes his head left to right. Shristy in anger hits the car with her legs, " ouch! Damn this car, I will definitely change you, ouch my foot"

It got 15 past 12 but, there was no sign of her sister, "damn she is late" Diksha said in worry. Her interview will be on 12:45 and company is 30 min away if her sister didn't come on in the next 5 min she will be going to late on her first interview. As expected from Diksha luck is as bad as ever but, god pitied her this time. She heard a horn from the alley, she ran and looked out of the window, it was her sister sitting in front of the taxi and shouting at her to hurry. Diksha grabbed her things and went down the stairs and jumped into the back seat of the taxi. The taxi roared down the alley and come into an open main road straight to the dad's office Shristy said sorry to Diksha and explained her everything

It took them exactly 30min to reach the building.

The company was the biggest company in Texas, it ranked number one in exporting and importing and had many branches in the whole USA but its headquarter was in texas. Its CEO is Mr D.K Roy and his eldest sons join in with the company and he is one of the youngest people in Texas to become a president and he is 22 years old, Mr Rudra Roy.

Diksha enters the huge building alone. Look for a receptionist and go there to ask about the interview.

The receptionist sent her into a sitting area for waiting, she was surprised that no one was there except her. She felt like she was really late but, in actual, she was no more than just 5 min late.


The receptionist gives the information to the president that some girl is here for the interview "for the position of your P.A". Rudra tells her that he already has finalised his P. a and doesn't want anyone more he also tells her that in an angry voice, " tell that girl, that she is late for the interview tell her to leave immediately" then suddenly secretary of CEO cames in the office

, "she comes here on a special request, sir I sure you, that, this girl is capable please take this last interview and then decide who will be your P.A

, "I already have decided who will be mine P.a and don't need to concern anybody, now get out," said Rudra in arrogance.

, " but u know sir, your father owns her father please considered it, he wants to pay back off to his loyal employee"

, " It was my father's mistake to wrong him, now he is regretting like this and wants to take responsibility like this," Rudra said by making faces of disapproval. , " fine bring her in, again what is her name," Rudra said showing no concern

, "Diksha Kaushik, sir", at the secretary then he left his cabinet.

After ten min of long wait Diksha enters the cabinet:

She said good morning to the president but he showed no response. Diksha was standing in front of him and he was busy doing his work. Diksha stayed quiet. Hope all this happens fast

After 2 min he was still busy doing his work and Diksha was looking at him blankly, Diksha was thinking "how cold-blooded this man is, is I am really here to given an interview", her leg was starting to hear it still she does not say anything

In Rudra's mind "good her tolerance is great", finally the cold-blooded man said something, "ohh sorry I was busy doing something, ohh please have a seat" Diksha took the chair which was near her, she sat straight and upright. , "ohh as you know you are late for an interview, can ask u what is your excuse for it?" said Rudra, looking for the first time at Diksha who was wearing a little revealing top and skirt. Diksha started to mumble as she was nervous but she gathers the strength to speak, " mm, sorry I am a bit nervous, as it's my first interview" she said in a calm voice, she continued, "I don't make any excuse for it, I wholeheartedly believe I had made the mistake and I am sorry for it and to take responsibility, for now, if I got selected I will never be late in the future" she said with confidence, Rudra got surprised by the way of speaking and word choice. , "good very good, I look forward to it, now can I ask why you came wearing such a dress in an office interview, this types clothing are worn in pubs and clubs or u have another motive you wanna seduce me and want to take his job," Rudra asked her rudely, he asked this question because she was the third person to came here like this, other two girls which obviously came and seduce him for the job ut, he dumped both of them out of the company. see the Diksha like this make him more in anger so now he is taking all out on Diksha.

Diksha was shocked to hear that she never thought of a question like this will be put on what it has to do with the clothing, "pardon" she said as she didn't hear it clearly.

, "so, you really are here to seduce me huh playing all this innocent and pure" saying while getting up from the chair. Diksha was still in a delusion that 'what the hell is he speaking?' "lets me show you how it's done," said Rudra while coming face to face with Diksha and lifting her chin harshly. Diksha came back to her sense she pushed him and slapped him hard on his cheeks, Rudra was shocked what the hell just happened. Diksha said in an angry loud voice and teary eyes, " do HELL with your job, I am not a bit interested in this piece of sh*t" she turned and started to walk towards the door. He stops her from doing that he said almost shouting, " stop I said" Diksha halted for a second he continued "sorry for the rude behaviour I just overreacted you know people came here, mostly girls doing that to me so I just busted out on u" Rudra explained being considered. She turned around tear falling down her cheeks she said in crying voice and wipe her tears, "it okay, I can understand, now can you understand my position, theses cloths_ _" Rudra stop her in between, "no need to explain I can see it just the fashion nowadays, "

, "but"

, " no but now, listen I have already selected a p. A but now you are a candidate too as my father wants you to be my P.a so I have decided for both of you to have a training period who will do the best will be my P.a. `` Rudra said he was still cold.

, "how long the training period will be, how will I be paid and I have one condition," Diksha said it all bluntly and tears get dried. Rudra was surprised to see a change of events. He said, "one month and a half for the training you will be paid $15000\month and what is your condition ms. Kaushik"

, "I am still undergraduate so I want to do this job in while doing my graduations, can I do that"

, " it's tough to say, it will be hard on you for continuing both things together and the timing will be lost, ok fine let's continue this topic when you complete your training"

, "mm ok, so can u make training in the evening," she said this because her university lecture will be finished n evening"

, "you got some luck, our other member request us to keep training in the evening so its, final meet u in the evening tomorrow"

Diksha thanked him and went out. Rudra again got busy with his files thinking about what just happened.

Preview: in her front, there was a beautiful girl but seems very cunning...