
Parallel Cosmos

Fujiwara Taki is an ex-bully high school boy who was an outcast in his school rejected by everyone. The summer came and it was time for a school trip. Hopping along the school's bus, him and his classmates are headed to another city for a touring trip. But almost as if time itself has skipped forward, he suddenly finds himself in an ambulance, blinded and unable to speak.... He didn't know what happened to him and was dumbfounded when he heard the paramedics besides him saying that all his classmates had died and he is about to as well. Finally succumbing to his injuries, he fell unconscious once again. When he wakes up again, he mysteriously finds himself in the body of a baby girl called "Kyrielle Buffet," with a new set of parents and in an entirely different country... He was japanese, but now he is european, and he is also no longer a boy. But that is not all... He was reincarnated into a world with people that has superhuman feats, monsters that are inherently part of nature just like animals, and sentient monsters called "demons" which are mysterious and unknown to even the humans of this world. Furthermore, he finds out that there is a primordial dragon hidden inside of his body.... Regaining a chance to live out his life again, he who is now a she will try her best shot at having a fulfilling life, doing the utmost she can in everything from magic to studying. How will her life proceeds onwards? How will she deal with the stress of having her gender be swapped? How will she get over the past trauma on earth and how will her knowledge on Earth affect her in this world? Only fate can answer these questions.... _______________ Author's note : This novel is a slow burn, seinen, isekai fantasy that technically fits into these genre : Gender Bender, Coming of Age, Action and Weak to Strong. I don't expect my readers to be underaged, but most of my story is safe enough for every audience. It's targeted for people aged 16 to 30, but it is fine for all age to read so don't be discouraged if you are young. Also, this novel will be FREE, I am writing this project as a hobby, not for income. Expect 2 or 3 chapters a week, I'll try to be as consistent as possible. However I'm a student with a hectic schedule, so please be understanding when I can't keep up with the uploads. YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@ttchme9816?si=sNRSgOKZt_ZM8-VN Twitter : https://x.com/TATchMeKit?t=BvbkPZbdOS3VmuN3c5GBbQ&s=09

TATchMe · ファンタジー
130 Chs

A New Lord

(16 years and 4 months after reincarnation)

[Takina's POV]

(Outer Castle, Dining Hall)

(7:21 p.m.)

A month has passed since I joined the Blade Dancers and became the substitute lead dancer of the team.

I am now in the backstage, dressed in a white and red kimono.

"Are you ready, Takina?" Said Suzuki-san to me.

"I'm nervous...."

This will be the first time I am performing on stage. Truth to be told, I am extremely nervous....

"It's alright, if you remembered your practises then you'll be fine. Everyone will do their best to support you as well Takina-chan, so give it your best shot!"

"Right..." I gulped down my saliva and then headed out of the backstage towards the main stage of the hall.

"Wait, take this."


Suzuki handed a white colored fox mask to me. "Use it, it'll help you relax if your face isn't shown. This was how I calmed myself down during my first performance as well."

"...Alright." I took the mask and put it on my face. Now, it's time to do my job.

All five of us walked out from the backstage and got up on the place. As we got up on the stage, the spotlights blaring like the sun itself, and gossips could be heard from below discussing about my sudden appearance instead of the usual Suzuki-san.

"A new comer?"

"She looks like that westerner that Kenshin-sama got...."

"It seems that she'll be the lead dancer."

Even hiding behind this fox mask, I am still extremely nervous. With everyone's everyone's focused on me, I grew even more restless.

Well great... any mistakes I make will be much more apparent since they are so dead set on staring at me. Messing up will have an even greater problem-

"Takina-chan!" One of the performers besides me called out as she pulled on my arm.


"Don't worry about the crowd, we are here to assist you."

"...Right. I'm ready."

No matter how much I practiced this dance, mistakes are bound to happen. The least I can do right now is to just get started.


Of course, the performance went just as expected.

The first part of the dance itself involves a lot of stepping around as I twirled the umbrella in my hand. It's not an extremely difficult move, but it's not too easy either as one misstep or slip could cause you to fall.

I missed a few steps here and there, and sometimes even failed to sync up my movements with my team. However, no one below the stage judged me for it.

Hiding behind the mask, I stopped feeling the stares from the audience as I performed and focused more and more into the dance itself rather than the performance. Half way into it, I lost myself completely as if my brain shut down from concentrating so hard....

And then before I know it, the performance finished, with me kneeling on the stage in the last move of the dance. It's all over.


"Hah... Hah...."

I... I blanked out...?

During the second half of the dance it was like I had completely lost control of my body and I started to move on my own.

"You did it, Takina-chan!"

"That second half was amazing!"

As my team started to cheer me on, I slowly rises up from the ground feeling satisfied. "Haha... Thanks."

Hearing all of the cheers, I got a bit excited and decided to remove my mask, which made the cheer intensify even more. I guess seeing my face made some of the guests excited huh?


(The next morning....)

(8:31 a.m.)

"Zzz.... Urgh...."

I woke up from my usual futon with a terrible headache, still dressed in my dancer outfit.

"My head...."

That's right... Last night I successfully performed on stage for the first time and to celebrate it the entire dance team had a drinking party together.

I drank a lot of sake with the dancers and a few questionable old men who were touching me maliciously.... and stoned out like an idiot. It was the first time I've gotten drunk.

I remember punching one of these lusty old men in the face and knocking them out with my unusual strength from my Mana Shield. Some of the staffs had to stop the fight that ensured but it was funny as hell.

After that, one of the dancers took me to the inner castle where a maid helped escorted me to my room.

Luckily, it isn't a pervy man who's escorting me to their room and sleeping with me.... I'd hate to lose my chastity like that.

"Urgh..." I got up from my bedding and headed out for the castle's bathroom.

After doing my morning preparations, tying my hair and changing into my casual yukata, I headed out of my room towards Kenshin's room.

I carried on my hand a sheathed katana without a tsuba (guard). Normally I'd strap it to my clothes but when I don't have to use it, it's more convenient to be carried by hand.

It's the weekend and I don't have any training to do.... Otherwise I might've been in deep trouble with this terrible hangover I'm feeling now.

Entering the hallway to Kenshin's room, I dropped by at the medicine room besides.

"Enna-san... I need pain killers..."

"Takina-san, how much did you drink last night...?" Said Enna as she puts away the medicines that she was making on the desk.

"I had too much fun yesterday...."

"I see... You should've invited me as well." She said as she went over to one of the shelfs, packing powders into a small pocket made out of paper.

(AN : Traditional herbs and medicines is packed in small disposable paper bags.)

"Sorry.... Maybe next time it'll be just us two?"

"Now that sounds better, here. Water?" She asked while handing me a the packet.

"Thank you...." I opened the packet and ate the powdered medicine. It's bitter and it leaves a really weird after-taste.

I took 20 coppers from my handbag and then handed it to her.

"I'll be at Kenshin-sama's then, see you."

"Make sure to knock before you enter. Oji-sama has guests today."

"Oh? That's rare."

"It's someone from the Takeda Clan, I don't know the details so you better go see for yourself."

"Alright, I'll be going then."

I headed out of her room and proceeded to Kenshin's room right besides. Voices of people talking could be heard inside of his room, making it a bit awkward to enter.

'Knock knock.'

"Excuse me for intruding, Kenshin-sama."

I opened the sliding door and bowed my head down before entering.

Kenshin was sipping tea with a middle aged man and a child... It seems that they are having a morning tea chat?

"Oh, it's Takina. Come on in, we have guests today."

"Yes my Lord." I said as I bowed head and entered the room. I sat down at a corner, right besides Kenshin.

"Who is she? Your new mistress?"

"Hahaha, don't be ridiculous! She's just my bodyguard."

"I see.... Wait, don't tell me you plan to hand Sora-sama to her?"

"Obviously. She's a capable swordswoman, you'll be impressed."

Hmm? What is this about handing the child to me?

"Is that so...? I wonder what happens if I...." The man said as he gently grabbed his katana that was sheathed to his waist.

I reached my left arm and gripped my sheathed katana.


"....Shadow Draw." In an instant, my blade launches out of it's sheath and stopped just centimeters away from his face.


"Haha, see? I told you. She's a user of the Shadow Style just like you, and a very capable swordswoman. You'd have been dead had she not stopped her blade there."

"....Excuse my behavior, I shouldn't have questioned your skills like that." He lowered his head in a bow.

"It's fine if you want to test me but please behave in front of Kenshin-sama, we never know who may be an assassin after all."

'Chink...!' After spinning my katana around back to the saya, I sheathed my blade.

"She is more than capable enough to protect Sora-sama. She's a perfect candidate for taking care of a child."

"Then it's settled. Takina, do you want to be a mother?"


"....I have no interest in bearing children or sleeping with another man."

"That's not what I meant...."

"What...? Kenshin-sama, have you been drinking too much sake recently?" Is this old man drunk?

"Takina.... From now on, you are to work as this young boy's bodyguard. Protect him with your life and take care of him like you would to your child. He will be your new Lord."

I don't like the idea of having to take care of a literal child but it seems that I can't refuse this.

"Yes, Kenshin-sama...."

"Go on boy, introduce yourself." Said Kenshin as he looks at the boy next to him.

The black haired child looked up to me with a shy expression.

"H-hello... I-I am Matsumae Sora..." He's nervous. An eight year old kid, a little boy that's half my age.

"My name is Fujiwara Takina. I will be your personal bodyguard from now on, Matsumae-sama." I said as I lowered my head and bowed to him.

"T-thank you, Fujiwara...."

The man next to him pats the young boy on his shoulder. "My lord, it is in good manners to order your servants to raise their heads."

"Y-You may raise your head now, Fujiwara.... Take a seat as well."

"Yes, my lord."

The middle aged man looked at me as I sat down next to the Matsumae boy.

"Fujiwara-dono, my lord has a complicated background and requires your protection. You may not understand what is going on for now, but that's not important. Just make sure he is safe and taken care of.

"I will do my best to protect Matsumae-sama."

"Good.... I'll be leaving him in your hands then."

"Well then, now that you're all acquainted how about you lead the little boy to his room?"

"Alright, I'll get a maid to-"

"Oh, he'll be sleeping in your room, Takina."

"....But Kenshin-sama, a lady needs her privacy."

"He's just a boy, it should be fine right? Besides, it'd be easier to protect him when he's close to you at all times."

He... he has a point.

"....Yes my lord."

Great... Even I needs my private time to do my 'lady's businesses' but I guess I'll have to throw it out the window for now.

"Hahaha.... Excuse my lord for troubling you then, Fujiwara-dono."

"Grr... It's alright...."

"Take the young lord to his room. We'll be chatting for a while longer."

"Yes, Kenshin-sama. Matsumae-sama, please follow me." I said as I got up and headed out of Kenshin's room with an annoyed mood.

The boy's personal care taker pats him on the head, and then said to him "Take care my Lord.... Behave and stay here until it is safe to go home, okay?"

"Mmm, I'll be waiting for you. Let us go, Fujiwara-san." He said as he picked up his luggage and headed out of the room as well.

"Let me carry those for you."


"Follow me, I'll lead us to our room."

It certainly feels weird to call a kid my lord but I guess I've seen weirder things.

"....." We quietly walked in the castle all the way to my room.

'Goo....' I opened the door, revealing a clean and organized quarter. Luckily even when I live alone I always make sure to keep my room tidy so there's not much to clean up.

"This is the place."

"So this is the place of a foreigner lady... It looks very normal I guess?"

"Did you expected something else?"

"No... Not really."

"Well, I guess I'm a little too clean sometimes... Set your things there, I'll tidy the room up a bit to make space."


I walked into the sleeping area, and started to put my things into a drawer in the walls.

"What's this...?" Said the young boy as he pointed at a metal barrel inside one of the bags.

It's the metal barrel that I found back in the Tengu Village, the one that spilled out flames like a flamethrower.

"I guess I should take this to a smithy huh... Please don't touch it my lord, it is extremely dangerous."

"Oh... Are you a warrior?"

"Something like that. What about you, Matsumae-sama?"


"Who are you? And why is Kenshin-sama putting so much importance on you?"

"I... I am a noble of the Takeda Clan, but my father sent me here to protect me...."

"All alone?"

"All alone."


"That I cannot say...."

"I see..."

"I don't even know if I'll be able to actually return home...."

Even though it is for his good, isn't it negligence to send a child so far away from home without someone he knows to take care of him?

But it's not in my place to question them... I should keep quiet.

"...But it's not like staying home is any better than staying here anyway. They'll just force me to learn magic all over again if I'm back...."

"Can you use magic?"

"Mmm! I specialize in enchanting magic!"

"Enchanting? Why such a specific school of magic?"

"....That I cannot say as well."

Just how much secrets does this kid has?

"Sigh... Besides studying back at home, don't you have any friends to play with?"

"Not anymore.... Father and mother wants me to focus, playing with the other kids will distract me instead. Well I'm not that good with people anyway so it's alright."

"I see."

"...I am your Lord now, does this mean I can give you any orders?'

"So long as it's reasonable."

"I see.... Can you call me by my given name then?"


"Yes, that's it!"

"What's wrong with calling you by your family name?"

"It feels distant.... I don't want that."

"So that's why your caretaker just now called you 'Sora-sama' as well... To make things fair, you can call me by my given name as well." I said as I finally finished putting all my things away.

"Takina... san?"

"Mm hmm. Sora-sama, you can put your things here in the drawer but make sure that you don't touch my things. It's a bit dangerous...."


"For now we have nothing else to do, let us return to Kenshin-sama's room. You'd want to bid farewell to your servant as well right?"

"Mmm. Let's go!"



(5:28 p.m.)

The young boy's servant left afterwards, leaving a lonely kid at the castle. He spent his time exploring the castle while I followed him around, but soon it was almost the evening.

"My lord, I have urgent matters to take care of, our tour in the castle will have to wait."

"What is it?"

"I have to do my make ups."



Inside my room, I took out my make up tools and started to pretty up my face in front of the mirror.

"What are you doing?"

"Doing my make ups, what else?"

"But why so random? Do you have a date or something?"

"Don't be silly, I said I have no intention to date didn't I? I work as a dancer at the dining hall, this is for my job. And I'm still kind of nervous about it...."

It's my second time performing so it should be easy right? Fortunately I only perform in the weekends so all is good.

"But what about me? Are you going to just leave me all alone here?"

"Yep. Tough luck, buddy." I said as I continued to do my make up.



"It's your first day as my bodyguard but you're already going to just ignore me?! How are you so carefree...."

"Come on it's safe in here, no baddies from the Takeda Clan would even dare to approach the castle."

"Yeah but... I'd be lonely..."

"...Pfft haha, what are you some lonely boy who had just lost his mom?"

"Don't laugh...!"

"Sorry sorry... But I'm not your mother, Sora-sama."

"I know but... you are the only one I am comfortable with around here!"

"Sora-sama... How about a lesson?"


"Out in the world no matter where you are.... If you are lonely,-" I said as I crouched down in front of him.

"-you have to find friends yourself. No one can hear you unless you directly talk with them, and I can reassure you that people will at least hear you out if you need assistance."

"...Mmm... But it's easier said than done...."

"...Alright, there's this group of kids who frequently plays around the castle. If you want to, I can introduce you to them."

"Do you know those kids?"

"I am always around Kenshin-sama, and he likes to wander the castle a lot, that's why I frequently see these children.... They're annoying, so I shut them up with sweets."

"How nice of you.... But is it really fine for me to just do this? Normally I'm supposed to be studying right now as well...."

"You are still a kid, why would you worry about that? At your age, I'm constantly messing around with my friends all day."

"Is that so...?"

"Play with them, and when it's time for dinner just go along with them since these kids eat together."

"But I have no money...."

"So much for being a noble.... Here." I took out some money and gave it to the boy.

"Come with me."


(A few minutes later....)

(Inner Castle, Castle's garden.)

"Hello everyone!" I said in a fake, high pitched cheerful voice.... like those stupid anime girl voice.

"Red Onee-chan!" (6x) The group of kids responded to me as well.

"I'd like to introduce you all to a new friend today... It's Sora-kun!"

I stepped to the sides and revealed an embarrassed, shy boy behind me.

"H-hello... M-my name is Ma-Matsumae Sora...."

"Onee-chan has to perform her dance and can't take care of Sora-kun, can you all play with him and keep him entertained for me until then?"

"Okay!" (6x)

"Thank you to everyone! Here, each of you have some sweet rice balls."

One sure way to win any kid's favour is to bribe them with food and sweets... Which is what I'm doing right now.

"Yay!" (6x)

"Sora-sama, have one yourself. Don't get too carried away with your games, I'll be at the dining hall now."

"Right.... Thank you, Takina Onee-chan." Sora said as he tilted his head to the sides and smiled at me.

"Urgh...!" It's too cute....

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Anyway, I'll have to get going so see you...."

I frantically left the garden and headed back towards the castle.

"Phew.... That was embarrassing..."

In the end, I still dislike kids. Talking in a cutesy way with them, acting all cheerful and such is a pain, and also embarrassing. This is why I don't want to have kids in the future....

As I walked towards the entrance to the castle, I stumbled across a young man with black shoulder length hair, dressed in a blue kimono. It's Genji.


"Genji-sama, it's nice to see you again."

During my stay here, I got a whole lot closer to Enna and Kenshin because I frequently talked with them. However, I've never really talked much with Genji besides exchanging a few greetings here and there.

"Its nice to see you as well. We haven't really been talking with each other a lot, it's rare for us to just stumble across each other like this."

"Indeed.... We almost never see each other for longer than a minute after all, since you are always so busy with polical affairs from other places."

"Well that is true.... As the retainer, I have to do this much in order to prove myself to Oji-sama. Anyway, would you like to-"

"Onee-chan likes Genji-sama!" (6x)

The fuck...?

I turned around and looked at the kids... They all blurted out their tongue at me, mocking me. Sora did the same thing as well, despite me helping him so much just now.

"That little...."

"Hahaha, kids these days...."

"Pay them no mind, Genji-sama. So what were you talking about?"

"I noticed that you've joined the blade dancers and had your first performance on stage last night...."

"That's right. Were you there yesterday?"

"I am. I found you to be extremely impressive, being able to fit in with the dancers and around the castle as if you weren't an outsider in the first place."

"It's just thanks to everyone's kindness and patience that I was able to adapt to my situation so well.... Thanks for the praises though."

"I see. If you want to, I'd like to share a few drinks with you and get to know you better as well. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

"Flirting to me are you? How aggressive...."

"I guess I can come off like that as well huh? But seriously, I just wanted to learn more about you."

"I was just joking, I'll accept your offer. But you'll have to wait until I'm finished with my dance.... is that alright for you?"

"It's fine, I can wait. See you tonight then, I'll be waiting at the Dining Hall."

"Mmm. See you as well."

I walked away back to my room to finish preparing my makeups.

"Well.... I guess he's a rather handsome guy, so it couldn't hurt."

(Chapter end)

This chapter may seem like a filler chapter, but it helps establish Kyrielle's new life in Japan.

TATchMecreators' thoughts