
PARADOX: Better-Sweet Relationship.

[FYI: unbalanced relationships, age gap, a slight dark family background and #*⚠️strongly mature content like explicit to some extent.#*.] #fastpace #obessive #bettersweet dynamic. [Monday to Friday upload: @10:00am to 6:00pm EST] add to your collections, recommend, and support me. I’m currently a participant in viral book call in urban romance. ——————————————————— Twenty-four years ago, Midiana was swapped at birth and now lives under the Thorne family's roof as their fourth daughter. Constantly bullied and mistreated, she falls short of the Thorne family's expectations of a perfect daughter. Naive and unsuspecting, Midiana becomes entangled with Christopher Langford, the youngest Duke in line for his father’s title, A man who took the place of his older twin, Evelyn Langford. However, things take a dark turn when she discovers that Christopher isn’t just a Duke’s son in line for succession—he's also secretly involved in dealings with her father, Walker Thorne. This revelation sheds light on why she was married off to Christopher. But is that so? Or perhaps is there something more than just her father’s connection with Christopher ? And what Midiana’s real relationship with her family? Twenty-four years later, Midiana has successfully divorced Christopher and escaped his grasp. Now, she stands as the owner of the Thorne family's multiple businesses and is the proud mother of two adorable twins, Bryan and Brinson, who bear an uncanny resemblance to Christopher Langford in every way. Despite everything he put her through, Christopher is now relentlessly pursuing her. Will she give in to him? what’s exactly did he do to her? how is Midiana now the owner of Thorne businesses? And who exactly is Midiana real family? And will Christopher take his heir away from her? And will she even let that happen? Excerpt: “I actually plan on killing you once I finally find you.” Christopher’s cold, sinister voice cuts through the darkness of the office, his pistol aimed directly at her. “But I didn't expect you to surprise me with two sons.” Christopher smirks, his ethereal face illuminated by the moonlight and city glow, which only enhances his already striking appearance. "Mister Christopher, or rather, Duke Christopher Langford." Midiana’s voice cuts through the tension, sharp and unyielding. "May I remind you that I'm a married woman now, and those two heir are his," she says, maintaining an icy demeanor, her smirk masking the fear she feels as she stares at the man before her, his dangerous pistol aimed at her heart. "Well then, tell me, Midiana," Christopher whispers, his voice soft but menacing as he leans in closer. "Will you change your mind if I place his head on your desk?" Midiana’s eyes widen at his chilling statement, and the proximity of his presence stirs something deep within her—an old flame she thought had long been extinguished. "This man... he hasn’t changed in the slightest," she thinks, hating the thought of him reentering her life after all he’s done. but what unsettles her most is the undeniable stir of old feelings bubbling up inside her. Note: ———————————————- What exactly did he do to her? Well Let go back to past. shall we? Where their story begins to better understand this two individuals and unanswered questions around them. Enjoy your ride while also leaving comments and support. thanks.

Eniolaminnika · 都市
53 Chs

Chapter 29: Paid off for Christopher⚠️

The night between the two intensified, as Midiana's senses were overwhelmed and she felt waves of pleasure from his thrusts and kisses.

Her moans of pleasure filled the room, mingling with their shared breaths of desire. Each touch, each kiss, created a tumultuous blend of emotions within her, leaving her conflicted about her true feelings toward him.

Their bodies moved in sync until they reached their climax, leaving Midiana exhausted and still in pain from her injured ankle.

As they lay entwined, Midiana noticed something unusual. Christopher's fingers were now gently, yet firmly, holding her ankles. Shocked, she turned to him, her voice filled with confusion.

"What are you doing?"

Christopher's cold smile took on a hint of mischief.

"Just taking a look," he said, his tone light but his gaze serious. "Perhaps you need to stay bedridden beside me for a while."

Midiana raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of skepticism and defiance. Christopher's behavior was out of character, and she wasn't buying into it.

"Beside you? Yeah, right..." she replied with a hint of sass.

"I'd rather be bedridden beside my granny if anything," she added, her tone dripping with bitterness as she turned her gaze away from him.

Christopher's smile widened at her feisty response, finding her defiance oddly endearing yet satisfactorily as usual. He stood up and moved towards her, his intentions clear.

"Midiana," he called softly, his voice a seductive whisper as he closed the distance between them. 

"Pretty is an understatement for your beauty."

Thought, as He kissed her deeply, his lips capturing hers with a fervor that matched his desire.

He sought to elicit that melodic moan from her that had become so gratifying.

As he thrust into her, Midiana felt waves of pleasure ripple through her. His movements were initially slow, deliberately attuned to her responses.

However, his thrusts gradually quickened, driven by a growing urgency that reflected his escalating desire.

Midiana's mind swirled in a haze of sensation as she clung to him, her body responding eagerly to his intensified rhythm.

Midiana's moans grew louder, her grip on him tightening as she sought more from him, her needs perfectly mirrored by his actions.

Christopher, savoring each moment, reveled in the pleasure he was providing. His smile deepened as he observed her reactions, his satisfaction evident.

He had carefully tested the boundaries of their relationship, taking her out, buying her gifts, and lowering his initial intensity, gradually building up to this moment.

His efforts seemed to have paid off, as Midiana's body responded to his style with increasing enthusiasm.

Christopher's pleasure was palpable, and he felt a sense of accomplishment as he saw his strategic approach paying off.

Their connection, forged through his calculated manipulation and her responsive desire, was now deeply ingrained, with Midiana fully immersed in his world.

As the intimate moments between them escalated, Christopher's movements grew more fervent and primal.

His thrusts became rough and aggressive, a raw embodiment of his beastly desires. Midiana was overwhelmed by the intensity, her pleasure rising with each forceful movement.

Her body responded eagerly, every thrust sending shivers through her. She attempted to kiss Christopher, her lips meeting his in a desperate dance, but her actions were increasingly erratic as her pleasure mounted.

Her eyes widened in sudden realization, and she turned her face away, struggling to keep pace with the relentless rhythm. The contrast between her desire and the harshness of his style created a tension she could barely manage.

Christopher, sensing her disorientation, captured her face with his hands, guiding her back to him.

He kissed her deeply, pulling her into the intensity of the moment just as she tried to turn her head away.

The clash of their actions heightened the pleasure they were both experiencing.

As their passion subsided, Christopher lay beside Midiana, watching her with a thoughtful expression.

She was drifting off to sleep, a faint smile playing on her lips. Christopher studied her, sensing that her emotions went beyond mere physical pleasure. There was something deeper, something more significant in her response to him.

His thoughts drifted to the truck driver—the one the police had claimed suffered from a mental illness.

The man had mysteriously escaped from prison.

In the dimly lit basement of his private villa, Christopher stood before the kidnapper, who was shackled and cowering in chains.

The cold, stark light from a single overhead bulb cast long shadows, accentuating the grim atmosphere of the room.

Christopher's gaze was icy, his expression hardening as he addressed the driver.

His voice dropped to a sinister tone, every word dripping with menace. "Go on. Who tasked you to kill her?"

One of Christopher's four trusted men handed him a long, black rod that glowed red-hot from the furnace.

The metal rod shimmered ominously in the low light, its heat radiating toward the driver, who flinched as its warmth reached his face.

"Speak," Christopher commanded, his eyes narrowing as he aimed the rod toward the driver.

He knew the truck's continued movement of his truck after Midiana's escape had been suspicious, given the truck's impeccable condition and the driver's relentless pursuit.

Meanwhile, The driver's eyes widened in horror, sweat beading on his forehead as he stammered, "I…I…"

Christopher's patience was thin. With a cold, unfeeling motion, he swung the rod toward the driver's chest, but the man's trembling confession halted him. The name "Lynch" came out in a panicked whisper.

Christopher stopped, he faintly smiled. Lynch was a notorious criminal and gang leader, a client of his father, and now, apparently, a concern of his own.

Lynch was known for his ruthless methods and was poised to ascend to his father's former position, adding a layer of complexity to Christopher's world.

His thoughts snapped back to the present. He glanced toward Midiana, asleep in the villa, her presence now even more fraught with danger.

A smirk played at the corners of his lips as he considered the threat Lynch posed to his hidden possession.

The irony of the situation struck him—Midiana was entangled in a web far beyond her understanding, and Lynch's audacity to target her was a direct challenge.

"What's your excuse, Lynch?" Christopher's thoughts were firm, his resolve unshaken.

If the driver's answers did not meet his expectations, Christopher knew the outcome from him would be swift and severe. But still, he had his men dispose of him.