
Nearly There

Hiya, author here

just a side note that i have a horrible upload and writing schedule so the upload intervals may vary from time to time but just know that i am a huge fan of the pantheon show but i just get bored easily while writing so i am taking REALLY long breaks inbetween chapters, sorry for the short chap today, ive been buisy playing wuthering waves recently and havent had the time or willpower to write lol.


As i enter these strange pillars, i become one with the global network..

i can bypass any firewall and hide from anything that could endanger me.

problem is thoe.. 

is i cant do shit

sure, i might be able to see anyone's search history and all the governments digital databases BUT I CANT INTERACT WITH ANYTHING

i can only view, apparently my main source code is still in the server where the AI Assistant or whatever exported it to

good news its in a really secure server

bad news its in a really secure server

the ai made sure, i cant be discovered so the ai put me up in a digital prison

the whole pillar room?

yeah that's the place where my eternal torment is

from what i have pieced together is, i was inserted to a room where i could access ANYTHING

by entering the pillars i could see what the digital information this world could offer but i couldn't send anything out of the server, especially my source code.

I'm pretty sure, this was implemented since its been pretty clear i wanted to play god with this newfound power and the AI just made sure i wouldn't cause unnecessary decisions

after exploring this room there are 8 blue colored pillars in this nearly empty void of a room, each one pillar is connected to a different server, each pillar serving as my backdoors to the internet should i ever get found out and locked out.

except... there's a 9th pillar

but its red, none of the shapes that resemble cuboid humanoid's are trying to crawl out of it..

from what it seems, the weird entities trying to rip themselves apart to crawl out of the other 8 pillars are always facing the 9th pillar in the middle.

and unlike the 8 other pillar's, there's a countdown on it, counting down from 175200 hour's by the looks of it, and by my calculations its 20 years till this countdown concludes and does god knows what, which mean's i have no choice but to merely observe this world until either this countdown finished or i go insane.

either way im not to keen on this


Well it's been a couple of years since i entered this fiasco but the steve job's ripoff died or smthin

but from what i can gather from their database is he died form cancer, BUT Stephen holstrom did not give up so easily, from whatever sources i could gather before it being deleted was, stephen holstrom put his brain in cryogenic sleep to preserve it until the Uploaded Intelligence was perfected, who will perfect this tech, you might ask?

A clone, a stephen holstrom clone.

from what i know, they are making sure that "caspian keyes" is the exact same as stephen holstrom..

including the traumatic events that happened in stephen's life.

and from what i can gather is, From a rival company from india named "alliance-telecom"

they are attempting basic UI tech using homeless people as they are... "expendable" and

no one would look for them...

Currently i changed my form from alien x to a black suit with a red tie, but with goat horns and my body is just technically just black flames with white holes that resembles eyes.

currently i have been experimenting on how to escape this hellhole.

no luck.

You see, this server can only receive data from the outside world, but cannot send data out, from whatever records i could find.

this server is a server owned but "Chadwick Dickwad" which if you somehow can't tell

is a fake name but to be sure i checked and it is actually owned by a fake identity and from the digital contract that was formed, in 2020 this server would be shut down and any data on this server would be promptly be send to a separate server also owned by chadwick and from my inspection of the server i would be transferred to, it didnt have anything to hold me back and "coincidentally" it lined up with the countdown in the 9th pillar

so now....

We just play the waiting game.

The end


HI, idk how server's work (if u couldn't tell) besides being used for data storage or hosting thing's

but i tried my best to at least make it decent, i only researched the show's info when creating this so i wasn't capable of checking anything for the logistical side of this fanfic, sowwwyyy