
Understanding the Homomalia Gene

I needed to eliminate again. What came out was mostly liquid. Once I was done, Robert took me inside. He gently bathed what was left of my body. He dressed me in a warm pajama top with a Depends to wear for the night.

"You said you wanted to ask me about my research," I said as he covered me with the blanket.

"Yes, I did. But I'm a little unsure as to how to phrase what I want to talk to you about. I know of a few children that have the gene you are researching and to put it bluntly they are afraid of what you'll discover."

"I understand," I said. "So far the gene remains inactive. No matter what we've tried, the gene will not activate."

"What all have you tried?"

"Bottom dresser drawer. Whatever the journals don't answer, I will try to."


"Why do you ask these things now, Robert?"

"Because my nephew, Brandon, has the gene," he replied softly. "He's only twelve, and most of his peers don't know, but my sister tells me he goes to bed each night to nightmares."

"Can you tell me about these nightmares?" I was curious since this is the first time I had heard of a child with the gene having nightmares.

"His friends abandon him and before he knows what's happened, he's been put in a cage for others to look at like a zoo animal."

"Is he feeling different in these dreams?" I asked.

"Different how?"

"Changed in some capacity to make that happen?"

Robert rested his hands against his mouth as he thought. Then his knuckles tapped against his lips before he spoke. "He has mentioned feeling knots in his stomach when his friends leave him and he's subconsciously aware that the gene he has is responsible for that, but nothing else."

"Okay." I closed my eyes.

"Tansy?" Robert asked.

I didn't reply as my guts tightened. It wasn't sharply painful like I had experienced, but it was greatly uncomfortable.

Robert lifted my hand from the bed.

"I need to sleep," I told him.

"Okay. I'm right here if you need anything."

"I know. Hope you sleep okay, Robert."

"You also, Tansy."

When I woke the next morning, I shifted. A little bell rang, waking Robert. I shifted my right arm. The bell rang again. Robert picked me up and took me outside into the cool air to eliminate. More solid masses landed in the bucket. Robert closed his eyes.

"That's what it sounded like, isn't it?" he asked.


He nodded, closing his eyes a little tighter. "How long before the loss of your organs kills you?"

"A month. Maybe longer. It depends on how my body continues to break down."

He nodded and blew out his breath. He sniffled and wiped his tears away before carrying me back into the cabin. He tried to feed me, but I was still full from the night before. He ate. Then he bathed me. He weighed me. He measured my girth in several places. He made his notes in my chart. Since leaving the hospital, I was a half pound lighter and a few centimeters thinner.

"You're weight seems to be stabilizing," he said.

"For now," I replied.

He nodded. "Anything more I can do for you?"

"Read the journals aloud."


Robert dug out my parent's journals and the journals I had written regarding their journals. He held them up for me to see so I could tell him which journals corresponded with each other. He read in my parent's journal first.

We went to the zoo this morning as a break from work. Just was we entered, we were greeted by an eagle handler. For a few minutes we listened to the young woman's explanation. She was holding a Golden Eagle. The eagle's attention turned to me before shifting and leaning forward as they often do when waiting for their mate to mount. I felt a stirring in my sacral chakra and a shift in my spirit before we started to turn away. The Eagle became agitated and my wife turned back. When their eyes met the Eagle calmed immediately. Then she turned back to me and took my hand.

"Are you alright?" I asked, feeling concerned for my mate wife.

"I think so. It was different…."


"When I turned back to the Eagle, I felt myself being drawn in."

"I felt it too. Eagles are known for their guardianship, perhaps we're being called to be guardians."

She nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist.

We enjoyed seeing the other animals, but for some reason were drawn back to the cages holding the Eagles. Their strong spirits seemed to hold us there. By early afternoon, we found a shady spot to eat and take a nap. I felt different and by how close my wife held me, I knew she felt it too. Maybe it was the heat? But the feeling would never leave.

Robert paused then. "Did The One Sided Battle activate for your parent's that day?" he asked me.

"Their activation didn't start until I started my teenage years."

He nodded. Then he looked in the journal that I had written. I recorded the date. The word Eagle was all capitalized and had several questions marks behind it. There was a connection there I felt I was missing. I had yet to figure it out. And why had my father referred to Mother as his mate? I know he had left the word readable on purpose instead of boxing the whole thing out. Then he turned back to my parent's journal. He read several entries before he recorded that my mother was pregnant with me. In my journal I had noted the day I was conceived. I recorded the exact amount of months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds from what Dad had recorded for my conception.

"Do the numbers mean anything, Tansy?" Robert asked, pausing again.

"Thought it would be fascinating to know how long I was incubating. Nothing more."

He nodded.

Robert didn't return to reading right away. Instead, he dug out a notebook of his own to write his questions in. He'd ask them later in case he found the answers further in the journals. He made me drink water to remain hydrated then continued to read, telling me to let him know when I was ready to eat again. Robert only read for a couple more hours before I groaned.

Sharp pain filled my body again. The nails inside pressing for release once more. My guts expanded some and I felt my legs jerk and twitch, causing my abdomen look like it had a tick. The expansion in my gut relaxed and my legs and feet stopped moving. It took another moment for the pain from the pressing needles to fade. The cabin grew warm and I fell asleep.

I woke slightly to a loud click. I roll onto my stomach, my head resting on the edge of the bed. Everything hurt and I felt sick. The room was still hot and my bed felt wet beneath me. I shivered. A blanket was lain over me. I cried in pain, trying to shift out from under it. The blanket was taken off, and something much lighter placed over me. I stilled. My internal organs shifted. I had to eliminate, but it hurt to move. My muscles moved in protest and I felt the skin of my anus stretch to its capacity as I tried to get rid of whatever this was.

I cried out as the pressure built and the skin stretched a little further. An almost sucking sound accompanied the release in pressure. I whined as more fecal material followed. I was wet. I was dirty, but I couldn't move. The light covering was removed and someone tried to move my body. But I screamed and tried to keep them from moving me off my stomach, My back and head hurt and lying still on my stomach was the only position that kept me in the least amount of pain. Finally, the hands stopped touching me. But they did clean up my hips and backside from whatever I had pooped out.

I remained only semi-conscious for a period of time I could not name. I was aware of hands trying to feed me. I was aware of eliminating large masses. I felt the oscillating intensity of my pain as my ribs and guts continued to get broken down or shift places. At one point I pushed the blanket off me, just to have it cover me again. I remember water and small pieces of something nasty.

"Tansy?" I heard. "Tansy, can you hear me?"

Finger tips brushed my face and tried lifting my eyelids. I moved from those fingers, they made the heat worse.

"Tansy, can you hear me?"

"Robert?" I asked groggily.

"Yes. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Too hot." I shifted marginally and fell into a deep sleep.