
Bountiful Valley

It wasn't long before Nicolas fell asleep, but he woke a few hours later, not quite sure what had woken him up.

"Nicolas," the trees whispered, "desere. Quercus Folium venit." (Leave. Oak Leaf comes)

"Picea Spinulosa Radix," Nicolas said.

"Quid?" she asked, waking. (What?)

"Veni nunc." (Come now)

She was up without question. The death wraps were put back on and they left. Her steps were quicker now and Nicolas barely kept up. They continued for some time before she stopped and they climbed into the tree's branches. Climbing was a little harder for Nicolas since he didn't have a good angle to pull himself up quickly. Sikkim Root sat on the branches across from him. They stayed there and a short time later they could hear horse's hooves approaching. The horses passed only a few feet from the tree in which they sat. Once the horse passed, Nicolas started to climb down, but Sikkim Root grabbed his death wrap.

"Quid?" he asked, softly. (what?)

In the moonlight, he saw her signal for silence as a few men passed on foot. Several of them looked into the trees, but they didn't see them. Just as they moved from sight, the horses were back. One of the riders, they could see, was Oak Leaf.

"Sikkim Root, you are here. Courage can feel your spirit. Please, let me see you."

She remained silent and didn't move.

Courage, the horse, stepped closer to the tree where they sat and Nicolas saw the moonlight reflect off Oak Leaf's eyes. He was sure Oak Leaf could see them.

"Sikkim Root. Come down, please."

Courage shifted under Oak Leaf and stamped the ground.

"What was that Courage?… Wrong tree?… Wrong.… Let's keep looking then, she couldn't have gotten far."

They disappeared into the night and Sikkim Root climbed out of the tree. When she reached the ground, she knelt and wept. Nicolas climbed down as well and pulled her close to him.

"Cur, Picea Spinulosa radix? Cur tace remanes?" (Why, Sikkim Root? Why do you remain silent?)

"Promissi," she cried, her fingers bunching up his death wrap. "Promissi tecum remanere." (I promised. I promised to stay with you)

"Multa amo te." (I love you so much)

"Scio. Tibi gratias ago." (I know. Thank you)

Nicolas moved her death wrap and kissed her tenderly. She returned the kiss and rested her head on his shoulder. He held her in silence for a while before he asked, "Picea Spinulosa Radix, Quid Fortitudo dixit?" (What did Courage say?)

"Substantiam pugnat erat falsus, sed cur nescio." (That the essence he felt was false, but I don't know why)

"Abora nos praesentias abderint?" (Did the trees mask our presence?)

Her head moved slightly in the negative.

"Salvabis?" (Will you be well?)

"Enim spero." (I hope so)

"Dormires?" (Will you sleep?)

"Dormio." (I will sleep)

Nicolas leaned against the tree with Sikkim Root in his arms. He fell asleep, but Sikkim Root remained awake. Why would Courage say the essence he felt for her was wrong? Even Lilly had acted differently. Yes, she was dead to her people, but her essence shouldn't change.

Sikkim Root was still lying next to the tree when Courage returned without Oak Leaf. His nose nudged her shoulder and she moved, waking Nicolas slightly, but he continued to sleep.

Courage watched the bundle of cloth move as a hand reached out towards him. He knew it was Sikkim Root though, through her touch, her essence felt like one of the trees.

"Cur subatantiam falsus?" she asked. (Why is the essence false?)

'The essence I feel is like you, but not like you. Another being has joined you, but it does not encompass your whole body.'

"Quis est spiritus pugnas?" (Where is the spirit you feel?)

Courage's nose brushed against her lower abdomen then pulled away. 'It is as if your spirit is in the body of a city dweller.'

"Sum gravida." (I'm pregnant)

'Is this why you were killed?'

"Nescitur ceteri ration. Nicolas me habet." (I was killed for another reason. Nicolas has me)


"Arbora me iubent." (The trees commanded me)

'Yet you are unhappy.'

"Non felices quoniam meis pater non felices." (I am not happy because my father is not happy)

'Your father will be happy to know these things from you since your mother could talk to the trees as well. Be at peace, Sikkim Root.'

"Tibi gratias ago, Fortitudo." (Thank you, Courage)

Courage dipped his head in respect and left. Then Sikkim Root was able to sleep in Nicolas' arms. When she woke again, Nicolas was nowhere in sight. The food and water bags were on the ground next to her. Sitting up, Sikkim Root leaned up against the tree.

"Is that you, Sikkim Root?" Oak Leaf asked, stepping out from behind a tree. "Why have you left Dead Man's Valley?"

Sikkim root stood and picked up the packs.

"Will you not answer me?"

"Uxore, quis hic?" Nicolas asked, coming up behind her. (Wife, who's here?)

"Salve, me vir," Sikkim Root said, turning into Nicolas' arms. (Be well, my husband)

"No! This can't be!" Oak Leaf yelled. "You were promised to me!"

Nicolas pulled her closer to him and glared at Oak Leaf. He took the packs from her and they turned to leave.

"Who are you?" Oak Leaf asked, as they turned to leave.

His request to go to city to see if Nicolas was still there had been denied. But he had seen foot prints leaving Dead Man's Valley and hoped it meant that Sikkim Root was still alive. It was because of this that he asked for his friends help in searching on horseback. Even after a fruitless effort, Oak Leaf had been up late next to a fire when Courage had returned to speak with the Chief. That morning, the Chief had come out of his hut cleaned up from his mourning. For himself, he had not mourned since he vowed to join Sikkim Root in death once he saw her.

"Nemo," Nicolas replied, as they kept walking. (No one)

"Sikkim Root, wait."

She kept walking with Nicolas, tears filling her eyes now that she had seen him. He still wore the thick clothing of the more well off families, though his voice was full of sorrow. His outward appearance didn't reflect the mourning of his heart. If he had truly loved her, he would be dressed in mourning like her father.

"I said, wait!" Oak Leaf yelled.

"Corre," Nicolas said to Sikkim Root, turning to deal with Nicolas. (Run)

Sikkim Root stayed by his side. "Est auctoris uxoris adiuvare suum virum." (It is the duty of the wife to help her husband)

"Corre, mea uxore. Nolo perdere te et infans." (Run, my wife. I do not wish to lose you and the child)

"Sikkim Root, why have you betrayed me?!"

Oak Leaf heard a sharp whistle that turned low and soft. Fear filled his heart. He had heard that whistle once before on a hunting trip. Sikkim Root had come along, unknown to the adults. They had been hunting for wild rabbits, but had not been quick enough. Sikkim Root had whistled like that and within minutes a great big golden eagle came and rested on her arm. Because her hair had been pulled up, no one knew it was her. After a moment, the eagle flew off and we could hear several rabbits scream as they died. The eagle returned and dropped the dead rabbits at their feet—still intact and edible. The beak was bloody from the kill as well as the talons before they dug into Sikkim Root's arm. It wasn't until they had returned to the village, they discovered it was Sikkim Root and she was forbidden to call the golden eagle or accompany the men on hunting trips, since her duties were at home.

Oak Leaf waited for the eagle to come and it did. Perching on Sikkim Root's arm, he watched her stroke the birds' feathers before it flew off. She stood knowingly and Oak Leaf turned to the trees to try and find the eagle. While he was distracted Nicolas and Sikkim Root moved out of sight.

"Picea Spinulosa Radix, prommissiste!" Nicolas said, once they were several feet away. (You promised)

"Feci et habeo." (I did and I have)

"Quercus Folium..." (Oak Leaf...)

"Quis?" she asked. "Nicolas, es solum virum in mea vita." (Who? Nicolas is the only man in my life)

"Sed Quercus Folium..." (But Oak Leaf)

"Est mortuus mihi. Est sola tu et me." She kissed him and he returned her kiss, pulling her closer. (Is dead to me. It is only you and me)

"Te amo," he said. (I love you)

"Te amo, enim, Nicolas." (I love you, also)

"Inhibebitne talis nos?" (Will it keep him from following us?)

"Quercus Folium non inhibebit." (It will not inhibit Oak Leaf)

"Moventos habeamus." (We have to keep going)

Sikkim Root nodded.

They headed deeper into the trees, further and further from Oak Leaf. Nicolas set a slower pace and hoped by doing so that they would be able to travel farther and Sikkim Root would require less sleep. It was a nice thought anyway. They didn't have to stop often, but when they stopped for the last time, Sikkim Root fell asleep and got up later than Nicolas had wanted her to. It was quite some time before they came upon another valley. The valley looked just as bounteous as Plentiful Valley. Here, Nicolas decided to stay. More animals roamed this valley and it was a welcome change to the deathly silence of Plentiful Valley.

Sikkim Root lay down at the base of one of the trees and slept. Nicolas removed part of her deathwrap so he could run his fingers through her short hair. He was sad it was so short, but glad that she was his wife.

This novel will be posted in its entirety, so I hope you look forward to the chapters ahead.

RedPandaChickcreators' thoughts