
"Counseling" with Nuzet [Part 2]

"Where do you feel that Hanna?" Nuzet asked.

I kept my eyes closed as I turned my attention to where it hurt. I could feel his energy pull my forehead bone forward as I tried to figure out what I needed to do to get the blood red, dry, brain matter, at the back of my skull, to not hurt so much. The energy started to shift and his energy stopped pulling on my forehead. Instead, it moved to the top of my head and pulled there. I whimpered. That created pressure where I already had a lot of pressure. But instead of softening, his energy pulled more intensely. I was able to get my energy to shift again, despite the pressure, but my headache only lessened slightly.

The different placements of his fingers continued. The longer he worked, the more I felt exactly what was going on with my energy. Tendrils of pain would wiggle away from the painful tangle at the back of my head and fade. Sometimes a tendril would return to the painful tangle and cause me to whimper. This wasn't counseling; this was torture. I don't know how long he worked to make my headache worse, but it didn't change when he got my rhythms to pause again.

"Say, 'I feel odd'," Nuzet prompted gently.

"I feel odd," I repeated.

"Conception stress…. Present stress."

My headache increased with the next emotion and the rest of what we worked through was lost in the throbbing. I was only coherent enough to repeat the phrases Nuzet wanted me to say. The painful tendrils started to spread out, but they weren't leaving at all. Then he slid his left hand under my sacrum and set his right hand over my belly button to ground the energy before negotiating the removal of his energy. My energy closed to him the moment his hands no longer touched me.

"How are you feeling, Hanna?" he asked.

"Like the back of my head's been smacked against a brick wall several times."

His hand slid under my head and I turned it away.

"Don't," I groaned.

"Okay. You'll need to let it process." He left my side and filled a cup with water before handing it to me. "Don't hold your emotions back; let them out. If you need to speak to the younger you to help them understand what's happening then do so. Also, drink plenty of water. It will help immensely with your headache."

"Okay," I replied.

I rolled to my side to drink the water as he opened the door to let my parents in. Mom was the first to stand. Waves of worry flowed through her energy field, but I didn't respond to it. My head hurt too much. Nuzet talked with them a little bit about what he worked on and what things they might see as I processed the work he did. Then Dad helped me roll off the table and shuffle my way out to the car. I slept on the way home.

When we got home, I was only awake enough to go to my room to sleep some more. My dream was weird. I was frantically trying to divert a water flow through pipes I hadn't opened for a long time. While I tried to get the old ones opened, I was also trying to divert the water from channels that were a roundabout way for the water to get to the same place.

Mom woke me the next morning to tell me that breakfast was ready. I didn't taste what I ate then returned to my room. With a water bottle in my lap and push stick in hand, I rocked slightly in my hammock chair. The rocking made opening and closing the pipes a little easier. Then my headache started getting worse, despite drinking a lot of water. In my mind, another problem was brought to my attention. I had to open a few of the release valves because the holding tanks were screaming from all the pressure building up from the diversion of water flow.

I don't know how often my parents checked on me that day to ask how I was doing. Each time I heard them ask, it took me a little while to respond because of the work I was doing to make sure the water was still being diverted okay. I didn't need to have something blow up on me. Mom came in sometime that evening speaking rapidly and waving her hand around.

I closed my eyes for a moment exhausted from all the work I had done with the piping. Then I felt my dad's arms lift me from the hammock chair and carry me out to the car. He was careful as he lay me down on the back seat before he drove. The motion of the car wasn't as helpful as the rocking in my hammock had been. But as I got more pipes changed over, my headache was finally starting to lighten up.

I opened my eyes slightly as my father carried me inside then lay me on the couch in Nuzet's waiting room. I rolled off and knelt on the floor,unaware of the very slight shift of tissues between my legs.. I rested my arm and head on the cushion before I felt hands over the back of my head and forehead. The presence of the hands brought many energetic hands to help. There were too many.

"Too much. Back off," I whined.

"What are you experiencing?" Nuzet asked, letting go, but keeping a hand near my forehead.

I motioned for him to move further away. The further he moved the less extra hands I had helping me with the pipes. When I only had a few hands I was able to more effectively finish getting the piping switched. Only a dull ache remained now and my thoughts cleared considerably. Then I shoved all the hands out of my energy and locked them out. Nuzet let his hands drop and he watched me for a moment. I looked around the room to get my bearings. Why was I still in Nuzet's office? I thought we had gone home already.

"Hanna?" Mom asked, as I felt my penis shift between my legs again.

"I told you I didn't want this!" I yelled. Then I ran out to the car, just so I wouldn't have to feel aroused again.

My parents remained inside for several minutes before they came out.

On the way home, Mom mentioned what Nuzet had said about getting me a good midwife. She quite liked the idea because then the baby could be born at home and 'we can make sure it's not hermaphrodite.' Then she started listing off names of people she knew to call. Women she could trust to do exactly as she wanted.

"I already found the one I want," I interrupted as her list continued.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"I have her card at home."

Mom stared at me through the rear view mirror. I could feel her anxiety. But once we got home, and I gave Mom the card, she relaxed only a little. Mom called her.

"Hi, is this Michaiah Relner? …Yes, I'm Julie Mlept. You gave my daughter one of your business cards …We were recommended to you by her counselor. …Nuzet Vollie. …Would tomorrow work to come see you? …Three months. …None. …I understand. What's the address?"

Mom grabbed a pen and scribbled an address on the back of the card. "Alright, we'll see you in half an hour."

She hung up.

"Mom?" I asked.

"If she doesn't feel 100% right, Hanna, we're finding someone else."

"She already feels right to me."

Mom nodded a little stiffly.

The two of us drove out to Michaiah's house. Many of the roads were the exact same ones we used to get to Nuzet's office. But her house was in the neighborhood just before the turn off for Nuzet's office. We drove down several neighborhood streets before mom stopped in front of a house halfway down the street.

Michaiah Relner stood in the doorway as my mom parked. She was a robust woman, but not fat. She left the house and opened my door as I was taking my seat belt off. She helped me out of the car and I suddenly felt like I had come home. I didn't feel the need to hide anything from Michaiah, just as I had felt I could be energetically open with Nuzet just seeing him for the first time. It explained why I could accept her attention and card at the park. She offered the couch to Mom and me, but I remained standing. The less I had to sit the better.

"Do I have your permission to scan, Honey Child?" she asked me softly.

I nodded before she sat in a chair across from the couch. I could feel her energy move slowly across mine as she scanned. Her eyes didn't stay focused on me, but on Mom while they talked. When she seemed to feel something off, she would glance at me. Her energy shifted slightly with each glance.

"How old is she?" Michaiah asked.

"Fifteen," Mom said.

"What's her diet like?"

"We eat well. Rarely does she skip a meal."

"Good." The Michaiah turned to me. "Have you noticed any spotting or cramping in all this time?"

"Nothing," I replied.

"That's good."

I felt her energy go over my abdomen and hip area. As her scanning energy started down below my pubic bone, her energy shifted again. An increase of acceptance flooded her energy. She knew I was hermaphrodite.

"How long have you been seeing Nuzet?" she asked Mom.

"Friday was the first," she replied a little hurriedly. Likely hoping I wouldn't say anything.

"How often do you have scheduled sessions with him?"

"Once a week."

"I would suggest increasing it to twice a week. It will be helpful in carrying the child to term."

"We'll consider it." Then she turned to me. "What do you think, Hanna?"

"I'd like to use your services," I said to Michaiah.

"You have them, Honey Child. Would you care to step into my office?"

I nodded and the two of us started to enter the bedroom so she could do her examination. Mom stopped me and told me to make sure that Michaiah didn't do a genital examination. I looked at her funny.

"Just let her know everything is fine," she whispered.

I said nothing then joined Michaiah in the room.

Hope you've enjoyed time with Hana. You can find her full novel on my Pat reon: Pa treon.com/RedPandaChick

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