
Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife#

She, breathtaking and indifferently gentle, soft and adorably clueless. She was a Divine Doctor who could bring the dying back to life, and also a poison expert who killed without trace! She possessed a pair of clairvoyant eyes, and also a body filled with mysterious vital energy! People said: Even Yama Raja had to give way to those An Yiqing wished to save! He, cold and aloof, stunningly handsome like a deity. He was the most outstanding descendant of the Ancient Martial Arts Families and also the youngest general of Xuanjin Country! He was an emperor who emerged from darkness and blood, holding great power and deciding over life and death! When the gently indifferent her and the cold and proud him met, what kind of sparks would they ignite? Affection chapter: An Yiqing asked, "Hm, I heard you like me?" Gu Yelin stiffened, "Yes!" An Yiqing's eyes fell, her voice flat, "But I can't be with you." "Reason." Gu Yelin's voice was dark and heavy; his heart clenched in pain—he had been poisoned, and only this little white rabbit in front of him was the cure! "Master said I have an incurable disease." "If you live, I live; if you die, I die!" Gu Yelin's voice was low and resolute. An Yiqing's downcast eyes gradually reddened, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, "Every time I see you, my heart races, I struggle to breathe, and my cheeks turn red. Master said that's the incurable disease, and only you can heal me." Gu Yelin's dark eyes surged with waves of joy and excitement, like a surging undercurrent. ...Only she could cure his poison, and only he was the medicine for her. Underdog chapter: At the banquet Qin Jia: "Who do you think you are? Just an orphan with no parents, what right do you have to cling to Young Master Gu's side?" An Yiqing's eyes swept over coldly, a mocking smile on her lips, "Relying on you who would be nothing without the Qin Family, relying on me who could pinch you to death with one hand!” “You slut!"— Qin Jia, furious, raised her hand to slap An Yiqing. "Sick of living!" Suddenly, a pair of iron-like hands gripped Qin Jia's arm tightly; he had only left for a moment. Who was this blind person daring to bully his treasure? Qin Jia roared resentfully, "Young Master Gu, why are you doing this to me? She's just a wild child with no parents!" "Who dares to say that the An Family's only jewel is a wild child?!" A furious rebuke erupted like a thunderclap, shaking the entire banquet. Baby chapter: The plump Little Bun wriggled his little bottom, his glutinous voice carrying a complaint, "Daddy, why won't you let me sleep with Mommy?" Gu Yelin's mouth twitched, "You are a man, you cannot cling to my wife." "Hmph! Jealous men are so annoying!" Little Bun mumbled, "The Uncle Duan who came to see Mommy yesterday is nice, so is the Uncle Bai who I met last week, and there's Uncle Li who gave me a big red envelope during the New Year and that pretty auntie, they are all nicer to me than Daddy!" Third Young Master Gu's temples throbbed. Why, even though his adorable little white rabbit was married, did those wolves with greed in their eyes still not give up? Men were one thing, but even women were trying to get involved! Third Young Master Gu felt aggrieved; the road to being a henpecked husband is long and arduous~ ************************************ The author says: This story slightly incorporates special abilities with fantasy elements. Every place name, medical term, and jargon used within the context of gambling-stone craft is all fictional. Industry insiders, please do not criticize, thank you!~

Master An · 都市
562 Chs

Chapter 11 Rescue

An Yiqing took a few steps to the old man's side and squatted down to feel his pulse when suddenly a strong hand grasped her arm, "What are you doing?!"

An Yiqing looked up at the man who asked coldly. He was around forty-five years old, with a square face, dressed in a black suit, his eyes bright and spirited, his presence robust, clearly an Ancient Martial Arts Expert!

An Yiqing's heart trembled slightly, but her expression did not show it. It seemed the elder's status was not ordinary. However, no matter what the man's status was, her goal was to heal and save people.

"I want to take his pulse," An Yiqing said calmly.

The man in the black suit visibly paused; he looked closely at the young girl in front of him. She was very young, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and apart from her exceptional appearance and temperament, he really couldn't tell that she was skilled in the Medical Arts.

An Yiqing saw that the man in the black suit obviously didn't plan to trust her. At the same time, a school doctor also spoke up, "Student, it's good that you want to save a life, but you can't be blindly arrogant." The school doctor really didn't believe a student could treat a patient; even he, a top graduate of the medical department, wouldn't dare to make a rash guess about the elderly man's condition and insisted he must be taken to the hospital for treatment.

An Yiqing glanced at the school doctor and the man in the black suit, her cherry lips barely opening, "This elder has HP myocardial infarction, and it looks like he has been sick for five or six years. Although he has controlled it with medication, it treats only the symptoms, not the cause. I think he must have had a recurrence in the past two months, right? His current condition is very dangerous, and it's too late even if the ambulance arrives now. You have no choice but to let me try."

The man in the black suit's expression slowly changed from calm to surprised, then to horrified. Who exactly was this girl? She was able to diagnose the old man's illness without even taking his pulse! As he listened to An Yiqing's explanation, his face showed difficulty. What should he do? Should he really put the old master in the hands of this girl?

His thoughts flashed in an instant, and the man in black made up his mind. Clenching his teeth, he said word by word, "If you cure the old master, I will surely reward you handsomely. But if something goes wrong with the old master, I will not let you off!"

An Yiqing paid no mind to the man's threats. Her gaze was clear and unclouded, her cherry lips parted lightly.

"Don't worry. If I fail, you can have my life!"

The man in the black suit looked at An Yiqing, shocked, as if amazed by the young girl's confidence.

"Xiao Qing..." Tang Lin, who had been following An Yiqing, was a bit worried.

"Trust me," An Yiqing reassured with a comforting smile, her eyes brimming with captivating confidence.

Her fingers lightly rested on the old man's pulse for a moment, then she turned to the school doctor and asked, "Do you have a Silver Needle?" Since she was out for a morning run, she was dressed in simple casual clothes, and she had not brought her own Silver Needles with her.

The school doctor had been stunned when An Yiqing made her bold statement, and upon hearing the girl's question, he took out a Silver Needle from his carried medicine box with a complex look in his eyes and handed it to An Yiqing.

An Yiqing unfolded the needle pack, pulled out a Silver Needle of moderate length to examine it- well, it wasn't as good as her own, but it would do.

The man in the black suit narrowed his eyes when he saw An Yiqing take out the Silver Needle. He opened his mouth but said nothing.


As time passed by, second by second, the expressions of those surrounding, including the man in black and the school doctor, shifted from disbelief to amazement. Before their eyes, the ordinary silver needles in An Yiqing's delicate hands seemed divinely guided, and the precision of her acupoints insertion left both the school doctor and the students of the Ancient Medicine department in awe. They watched the young girl, her expression serious and concentrated, her lips slightly pursed, her whole demeanor shifting from casual to increasingly sacred.

The school doctor at Xuan University was particularly astounded. Teachers at Xuan University had true expertise, and this included him as the school doctor. He was more aware than anyone present of the depth of Ancient Medicine, and upon seeing the silver needles that An Yiqing had inserted moving without wind, his face looked as if he had seen a monster. After all, modern acupuncture always used electrical stimulation, and he had never seen this kind of needle movement without any external force like this girl had done!

Everyone present held their breath, afraid of disturbing the girl's needlework.

Tang Lin's expression was complex as he watched An Yiqing. He always knew she loved medical studies, but he never thought her Medical Arts could be so exquisite. Even though he was a layman, just by looking at the school doctor's expression, he could tell how advanced her skills were. She was even more exceptional than he had imagined. He used to think he was quite a match for her, but now, it seemed he was not worthy.

As time slowly ticked away, the elderly man's originally cyanotic face and lips gradually regained their rosy color, and his breathing became more and more normal. An Yiqing removed the last silver needle and, unseen by the others, transmitted some special Vital energy to the elder, scrutinizing his meridians and consolidating his bodily functions.

This was a special ability An Yiqing was born with. As a child, she often used this Vital energy to scrutinize the meridians of injured animals, and it wasn't until Ye Chenghong discovered her that she realized not everyone had this ability. By channeling the Vital energy through herself, An Yiqing could see many illnesses that were not apparent on the surface and could also fortify bodily functions. Ye Chenghong was shocked when he learned of An Yiqing's ability; his apprentice possessed such a formidable talent that combined with her understanding and dedication to the Medical Arts, would make her a force to be reckoned with in time. However, after the shock, Ye Chenghong warned her not to disclose this power to anyone—despite the protection of the Medicine Sect, it could still attract the malicious intent of others. Fortunately, An Yiqing was not one to boast. She was pleased to have another special ability but did not become arrogant because of it.

After a long while, An Yiqing withdrew her Vital energy and slowly stood up.

"How is the old gentleman doing now?" the man in black asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, he will wake up in a moment."

As An Yiqing spoke, the man in black noticed the old man's eyelids twitch a few times before slowly opening his eyes. He immediately rejoiced, gently asking, "Old master, how do you feel?"

The old man lying on the ground opened his eyes, his tiger-like gaze still commanding respect even when sick. After reflecting for a moment, he knew he must have had another attack. However, why did his chest feel so clear now when it usually felt so stuffy? This was a significant improvement.

"Ah Cheng, help me up," the old man said with a steady voice, although still weak.

The man named Ah Cheng carefully helped the elder up, his expression excited.

"What happened?"

The old man knew the severity of his condition well; in the past, every relapse meant he had to be rushed to the operating room. He was sure he couldn't have woken up on his own without external assistance.

"Old master, this young lady saved you," Ah Cheng turned to introduce An Yiqing but found she had already disappeared from view. An Yiqing had quietly slipped away while everyone's attention was elsewhere.

Ah Cheng had no choice but to recount everything to the elder. After pondering for a moment, the elder's resonant voice commanded, "Find her! We must find this young lady!"