
Chapter One

Society often times warps our point of views. It's unfair to agree completely with the norms and regulations of society. It's like a shackle, a prison. I don't want to be contained by such a force. At school, some kids say that parents shouldn't hit their kids. I disagree. I think kids, that I, deserve it once in a while. How are we going to learn to be better if they never teach us?

Most people say I was doomed to be a bad kid. After my mom died they assumed I'd start acting out. Maybe I did. If I did, however, my dad stopped me. He taught me how to act properly. Yes, sometimes he'd strike me but he had to. I didn't want to be what everyone said I would.

Not that anyone likes me more because of it. I was too sarcastic for them. I was too odd or standoffish. Society does that to you. It'll always find a reason to dislike you.

I was just walking home, just a little slower than usual. Thinking about things soon forgotten. I didn't really have any friends. I did prefer to be alone. I loved my dad, though. Every bruise he made was for my future. Every mark he left with a purpose.

It had been a while since he's had to hit me. I was glad too. That meant I was being good. That was my goal.

I opened the creaky door to my house, to find my dad sitting on the chair with his arms folded.

"Hello, Dad."

"Hello, Charlotte."

I froze. Dad never called me Charlotte. Unless...

The time.

"I'm late aren't I?"


The way he popped the "p" made me know he was mad.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I should've paid attention and-"

He cracked his knuckles.

"This is the third time this week. I told you last time what would happen if you were late again."

I hung my head. He was right. Just when I thought I was doing good.

His hand cracked like a whip over my cheek. I didn't even react. It would take more than one hit to get a reaction. Usually, he wasn't looking for a reaction.

I gave him a scan. His teeth were bared and his eyes were dripping with anger. This time he was looking for a reaction. He was hand flew to my face once more, this time landing on my eye. A few hits later and the pain was barely starting to blossom. I tried to give him some sort of reaction so that he could be satisfied, but no sort of thing happened.

He stepped back. I could feel blood from a small cut trickle slowly down my face. I shivered. Dad was clearly still not satisfied. He struck with such a force that I fell. He's never done that before. I didn't even try to get up. Dad towered over me, his eyes being taken over by a malicious glint.


He picked me up by the neck and threw me harshly back to the floor. My head hit the wood and the world went dark.

I flinched awake and tried to sit up. My head hit some unseen surface. It was still black. Did I go blind? Pain hit the back of my skull like a hammer. I gasped.

"Ow ow ow ow."

I blindly felt around me. A hard surface completely surrounded me.

"Hey? Hello. Is someone there?"

I wanted to scream, but my head was pounding. I started to feel like I was rocking. My stomach started doing summersaults. I wanted to curl up into a ball, but there wasn't enough room too.

"Dad? Are you there at least?"

No answer only what sounded like... lapping water? I tenderly felt my face. I was bruised with a semi-healed split lip. Everything hurt.

sorry I rewrote the entire story

lumie12creators' thoughts