
Paid to love him

Ca_ms · ファンタジー
7 Chs

chapter 1

Danielle pov

August 3rd 2023

Xander:NOW YOU BELONG TO ME(smerks)


7months ago

hey I'm Danielle Trent ,24yrs old,I live in New York City,my dad died 8years ago ever since then I had to be taking care of myself and mom , she's all I have now,I'm currently working in a 5 star restaurant (sunview restaurant),this has to be my highest paying job.i recently started working here all thanks to my Best friend jade, she works here too.

Xander's pov

Xander Cage,28years old,A millionaire who owns one of the best companies in New York Mexcom company, has no love interest but he's parents want him to get married as soon as possible.

~in his company~

James:sir here is the list of possible matches of the girl your looking for.

Xander:I asked you to find her(yells) not to give me a stupid list

James: sorry sir but it's impossible to find someone whom you don't even know how she looks or what her name is

Xander:get out

James:yes sir but your mom told me to remind you that you have to meet miss prince later by 5:30pm

Xander:get out

James:yes sir(leaves)

Xander : I have to find this girl,I need to know if she's still alive or not ..to finally have peace of mind.

*later that day*

~in sunview restaurant~

Kate pov

Kate prince,25yrs old, popular actress, she believes Xander is hers and no one's else

Kate:(waiting for Xander to arrive)


James:sir your mom also wants you to be on your best behavior

Xander:(glares at him)do you work for my mom or me

James: of course I work for you sir

Xander :(goes to meet Kate)

Kate : your here (smiles) have a seat

Xander:(sits down)

Kate:(looks at James)why is he here (rolls her eyes)

Xander:if you have a problem with him then we could both leave


Kate: whatever he can stay (picks up the menu) let's order

Danielle: good evening and welcome to sunview restaurant I'll be your waitress today

Kate:they let someone like you work here

Danielle:is something wrong with that

Xander:(coldly) here's what I want to order (points the meal he wants)

Danielle: okay sir, and you ma'am

Kate:I would have whatever he has

Danielle: okay I'll be back soon

Danielle pov

working here can be really annoying because of the costumers most of them are always rich, spoilt brats who feel they are better than anyone else.

Danielle: annoying brats

jade:(smiles) what's wrong with you

Danielle:I don't know why the costumers here have so much ego

jade:(laughs) you mean the people sitting down at table 12 ,I think the Guy's cute

Danielle: doesn't matter

jade:you better go serve them now

Danielle: your right

xander's pov

Xander:I have to make something clear to you, there's nothing between us and they would never be,I hope you know that

James:(jaw dropped)sir..... sorry ma'am he's just joking(still standing)

Kate: keep quiet, Xander I know you don't like me but I'm sure very soon you would , it's just a matter of time

Danielle:(brings their meal for them)here your food (waiting for them to say thank you) your welcome

Kate:no one thanked you

Danielle:ohh your right I forgot only people with manners say thank you, I'll leave now if you need me please don't hesitate (leaves)

Kate: how dare she say such a thing about us

Xander:you talk too much, James don't you think

James: what...no sir...I mean yes sir.

the workers here seem to have no respect for their costumers, she's quite bold to talk to Kate that way , I like that.

Danielle pov

at home

Danielle:mommmmm I'm home

Mrs Trent:I'm in the kitchen

Danielle:(goes to meet her)

Mrs Trent:how was work

Danielle:as usual it was awesome, how are you, did you miss me

Mrs Trent: of course I did

Danielle:I got you something for you (brings out a dress)

Mrs Trent: you shouldn't had done so

Danielle: of course I had to

Xander pov

in his parents house

at the dinning table

Mrs cage:son how was the date you had today

Xander: could you please stop fixing dates for me

Mrs cage: I can't do that and you know it

Xander:all this just so I could get married

Mrs cage:trust me the day you bring a girl to me as your bride then I would stop

Xander:you would get tired and I'm sure

in his bedroom

sleeping... having a dream

car crash sound,a man rushes to save him , the man managed to get him out of the car but got stuck by mistake the car exploded

scene changed both of them were rushed to the hospital and treated,hours later both of them have been treated,Xander is out of danger but not the man

he goes to meet the man in his dying bed

the man: promise me promise me, you would take care of my daughter if anything happens, she's just 16 she's needs care promise me

xander: nothing is going to happen to you sir

the man: promise me

Xander : I promise you

the man (smiles then kicks the bucket)

Xander:no no no no

back to reality

Xander:nooo (wakes up)it was just another dream