
Packmule of the Dungeon

For generations, Monster filled dungeons have plagued the world. Ozel Kasper, the 'pack mule' of the Black Lotus Guild, was left to die. Unwilling to easy into that sweet night, she fights back. After falling to another world, crippled and broken; she given a choice. Become a Saint and save not only her world but all worlds cursed by the Dungeon Plague; or die like a lowly dog. Ever the Opportunist and driven by a burning desire for revenge, Ozel agrees.

Zealnote · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Chapter 40 : Greed infests us all

The return trip to the Capital was far more efficient with a smaller group. Only the siblings and Oz passed through the soft light of the glowing crystal, leaving the rest of the traveling party in safety. Passing through the eagle-eyed guards still made her heart ache, but they were passed through with a small handful of coins.

Despite being only the second time, she felt far more comfortable in the dark slate walls of the city. Back in a disguise, she could walk comfortably between the siblings and take in more of the sights. Busy crowds and the loud market did little to bother her. Her eyes drifted to the familiar wall where the fortune teller sat, now empty.

Had they moved on? Or had met with some kind of misfortune? She would never know. But she would never forget the fortune teller's kindness. She absently rubbed her chest, feeling the flood of warmth from her magical boost within her blood. 

"Any clue yet?" Nahern asked gently, watching as Selene chatted with a group further down the market square. She flipped up the eye patch, allowing Source's magic to fully render over the world. Glowing lines and highlights lit up the market, but no one stood out. Just as she was about to replace the eye patch suddenly in the distance something flickered to life. 

[Party members available. Marking point on map] 

Oz gasped in surprise, her eye slightly aching from the appearance of the faint glow of light. She gave a faint point deeper into the market, "That way. Something just appeared."

Nahern sucked in a breath, tugging down his hood. "Just my luck."

"Is that bad?" She asked as he tugged her in the direction of the glowing light. They kept to the far edge of the crowd, careful to blend in to the onlookers and the wall. Selene quickly noticed his signal to her way over.

"It's the wet market." He growled in distaste.

"The what?" She hissed back, the crowds heavier in this direction.

"Slave auctions, saint." Selene whispered, falling into step. "Perfectly legal but …a cruel part of society. Criminals, unwanted, orphans of war. Other species found within the border. A new practice under," She paused to suck in a breath. "…the new king's order"

A surge of anger flushed through Oz's blood. There were few things in the world that could cause such a feeling. Given the last few years of her life, the idea of any sort of legal slavery lit a fire in her stomach. Forced as a pack mule she experienced years of pain and suffering, the idea of others being forced into such misery enraged her. 

Nahern led them up the stairs that allowed them to overlook the current auction going on. Over the bridge to the supermarkets, there were plenty of tarps draped over tall poles. Shadows blended with the much needed shade breaks, allowing the three of them to disappear into the already busy crowds. Oz felt her nails dig into the stones at the sight before her.

Elves and other creatures were standing atop egg crates with chains linking their necks to their hands and feet, hobbling them. Everyone wore shapeless brown tunics, filthy and speckled with innumerable stains that did little to cover their bruises and beatings. She-elves, male elves, children, even a few dark skinned strangers with hoofed feet. A human man in surprisingly familiar camos stood between two red tufted spearmen, calling out prices for the spoils of their latest raid. 

"10 silver pieces for this young elf! Fresh stock! Farmhand!" Called out the auctioneer.

The stone crumbled under Oz's hand, "How can they allow this?" She hissed. Behind the eyepatch, her eye flashed in raw rage. Her hand flew up to muffle the light.

Nahern looked ashamed as he looked away from the sight, "My Uncle has started the trade. Before then, my father would never allow any sort of slavery. When it did, it was usually to replay blood debts. Uncle agreed to work with the travelers and tighten his control on the military."

Selene frowned, "The guards there are high ranking soldiers, the auctions give money back to Uncle for protection so it only makes the rich richer."

Oz growled, "We have to stop this." She snarled. "Slavery is wrong no matter what. Death is preferable to a life as a slave."

Nahern gave a slow pained nod, "But what can be done? There are hundreds, if not thousands of traders. You kill one, another will pop up. The only thing that stopped their infestation was my father's rule. Now with my uncle…" He trailed off, clearly embarrassed by his own weakness. 

Oz glared down at the human, eyes dark with greed as he hawked living sentient creatures like one would a used car. Her teeth gnashed together as she fumed. Even in her world, there was so little that could be done to stop slavery of any sort. 

"We have to do something." Her fist was so tight she swore she would pop a knuckle. Nahern walked over to rub her hand, trying to calm her down.

"And we will, but to do it we have to have power. The royal family rules everything, Uncle has…changed so much." His eyes drifted back to the slaves, a young she-elf called out to the center. Forced into slavery after she spoke out against the king.

"This pretty little missy was a royal lady, this prissy bitch decided she knew better than your king. So she has been stripped of all rank and tossed down here." The auctioneer laughed cruelly as the elf shook uncontrollably, barely able to keep the filthy rags from exposing her body. 

"5 copper!" Called out a goat headed creature, laughing evilly as the she-elf sobbed.

Nahern's fist tightened at the sight, his eyes wide with rage. Selene peered over, her eyes wide in shock, "Nanillina. She was…one of our nannies. Nahern we can't just let her be taken into slavery. Look at her.."

"But if we let her see us…" He breathed, hands tight on his hidden sword.