
Pay to Win Uchiha in Konoha (Completed)

Uchiha Yoru will do anything to get money! Selling Konoha's intelligence to enemy villages? Scamming the clan? Scamming little girls out of their pocket money *cough*...? He will do it all! After all, his system is Pay to Win! = Support me in Patreon: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · Anime & Comics
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356 Chs

Chapter 90: Women

The early morning sunlight bathes the earth, and the warming spring sunshine causes the snowflakes on the ground to gently melt away, symbolizing the arrival of the season of rebirth.

Beneath the brilliant sunlight, during this time of day, most of the ninjas are either engaged in training or on missions. The streets are bustling with the activity of ordinary people and women venturing out to purchase groceries.

As Yugao Uzuki steps out of the Uchiha clan area, she crosses paths with Nakata Yoshiko. In this moment, an air of awkwardness lingers. It's apparent that the young girl feels somewhat flustered in the presence of Yoshiko for the first time, her head lowered and her demeanor uncertain.

"Yugao, let's walk together," Nakata Yoshiko says with an air of familiarity. She approaches Yugao with a light chuckle and places a basket in her hands, while offering a reassuring murmur, "The soldier pills produced in the Uchiha clan area are no less impressive than those of the Akimichi clan."

It's clear that Nakata Yoshiko has performed this act on multiple occasions, almost silencing everyone with such gestures. Despite this, Nakata Yoshiko leads the head-lowered Yugao Uzuki onward.

"Yugao, this is from Captain Yoru," Nakata Yoshiko adds, her meaningful gaze indicating the stack of banknotes in the basket that Yugao holds. As Yugao notices the contents, her surprise becomes evident.

"Sis Yoshiko, didn't we agree that you would help me solve the problem? Why is there money?"

At this moment, Yugao Usuki's inexperience is clear, her puzzled expression in the presence of Nakata Yoshiko causing a chuckle from the latter. "Yugao, you truly are an innocent girl. You cannot fathom the life of a prestigious clan, especially the Uchiha, the foremost family in the Land of Fire."

"The stature of Captain Yoru alone in the Uchiha clan ensures a certain monthly dividend from the family's industrial earnings, not to mention the compensations for his duties. The Uchiha hold a prominent position and are notably generous in supporting their own, especially their women."

As Nakata Yoshiko concludes her sentence, a subtle meaningfulness colors her expression. This prompts Yugao Usuki's cheeks to flush slightly at the implications.

"Take it, for it is rightfully yours," Nakata Yoshiko's words leave Yugao Usuki momentarily flustered. She senses a faint warmth emanating from the stack of banknotes within her grasp.

"Yugao, since you have embarked on this path, there is no turning back. Sometimes, rumors can cause harm. Therefore, claim what is due to you now. Even if you later feel regret, this money can provide stability in your life."

As Yugao Usuki gazes at Nakata Yoshiko's seasoned demeanor, she remains unsure about handling the money. Her concerns find a voice.

"No, Sister Yoshiko, we agreed upon three years and three million. I'm worried that accepting this money..."

Listening to Yugao Usuki's concerns, Nakata Yoshiko shakes her head reassuringly. "Fear not. The Uchiha's pride is deeply ingrained. You might question their might, but you should never doubt their honor. As long as you conduct yourself for these three years and adhere to their commands, even if you choose to leave in the future, they won't hinder you."

When a substantial amount of money is handed to you, even if you don't physically see it as payment for your debt, it can still feel abstract. However, with these crisp banknotes before her eyes, the visual impact is undeniable. For the inexperienced Yugao Usuki, who has not faced many such situations, the experience is overwhelming.


Exhausted upon her return home, Yugao Usuki's expression shifts abruptly as a figure appears in her bedroom.


The person is none other than the head of the ANBU, also the granddaughter-in-law of the Third Hokage, and her immediate superior.

"Yugao, did the plan succeed last night?"

Under the unabashed gaze of this granddaughter-in-law of the Third Hokage, Yugao Usuki senses a palpable ambition. In this moment, Yugao feels unusually sensitive.

After all, it is jarring to have her first time dedicated to a mission, only to have her superior inquire about the mission afterward.

Suppressing the pain in her heart, Yugao Usuki lowers her head and speaks softly, "The mission was accomplished, but the target is very cautious. I'm afraid their current intent is to have me only as a lover."

As Yugao Usuki opens the basket she holds, revealing the crisp banknotes within, the granddaughter-in-law of the Third Hokage displays a disdainful expression.

"The Uchiha clan is indeed generous. You need not surrender this money. You can use it as you wish."

For her, money holds little importance. Her current aspiration is to advance further, relying on her husband's position. Once Sarutobi Shinzo assumes the role of Hokage, she will become the Hokage's wife.

The daughter-in-law of the Third Hokage lowered her voice and said with a solemn tone, "Yugao, I will remember everything you've done. In the future, you will be integrated into the Uchiha's spy network. The catastrophe of the Nine-Tails must not be allowed to happen again. Uchiha Yoru's identity and strength position him as a strong contender for the Uchiha clan's higher ranks, possibly even as an elder."

"As for that old Uchiha Setsuna, his health is deteriorating day by day, and he won't last for many more years. Uchiha Yoru is the most fitting candidate to succeed him. While intelligence is of the utmost importance, there's no need to rush. Ascend the ranks gradually, and eventually, Uchiha Yoru will be willing to take you as his concubine."

It must be acknowledged that this daughter-in-law of the Third Hokage, despite her ambitious nature, is also highly skilled. At this point, she's already setting the stage for future plans.

After assuming the role of Hokage, she must provide support for her husband's position. With the current opportunity, she naturally aims to utilize her position to embed spies within the Uchiha clan.

"Yugao, all of these actions are for the sake of the village. I hope you can understand."

After detailing the mission, the granddaughter-in-law of the Third Hokage showcases her adeptness in rallying people. Yet, her fervor for personal gain is notably strong. Yugao Uzuki, meanwhile, is in a particularly sensitive state. Though a hint of resistance lingers within her, the notion of working for the village resonates, prompting her solemn agreement.

"For the village, Yugao is prepared to sacrifice her life."

Observing Yugao Uzuki's response, the granddaughter-in-law of the Third Hokage smiles with satisfaction. "Yugao, fret not. You are executing a classified ANBU mission. I can assure you that once the mission concludes, your past will remain unknown. You can embark on a fresh start in Konoha and learn advanced ninja techniques, including A-rank jutsu."

A-rank jutsu are considered advanced techniques accessible only to high-level ninjas. The rewards can certainly be deemed substantial.

Upon hearing this, Yugao Uzuki forces a smile and nods, saying, "Thank you, Head."

At this juncture, solace and reassurance might hold greater value for a woman than mere rewards. It's possible that Yugao Uzuki, being inherently altruistic, is not greatly concerned with material gains.

From the original story, it's apparent that following Gekko Hayate's demise, Konoha established an alliance with Sunagakure. Yugao Usuki grappled with war trauma and ultimately relinquished her ANBU identity to join the logistical support unit. She wasn't driven by a potent sense of ambition.

In the office of the 7th Division of the Police Department, a somewhat embarrassed smile graced Uchiha Shisui's face.

"Yoru-niisan, regarding last night's incident, you're aware of Nakata Yoshiko's situation. It's highly unlikely that her presence escaped the watchful eyes of the patrol teams."

Observing Shisui's hesitant demeanor, Uchiha Yoru shook his head with a touch of helplessness. "Alright, I'll forgive you this time. But please, next time, do inform me in advance."

It was implausible for a stranger entering the Uchiha clan's territory to go unnoticed, especially if it involved someone like Yugao Uzuki, a mere Chunin.

This was, after all, the Uchiha clan's territory, and the covert patrol guards were keeping a close watch. Naturally, they would need to be informed of any developments. Soon enough, this information reached the higher echelons, although, in line with the spirit of ninja secrecy, such matters weren't openly discussed.

However, it was highly likely that the clan head and the elders were already privy to the details; otherwise, how would Shisui be aware?

"Yoru-niisan, the clan has sent a message through me. They're open to considering suitable candidates from within the clan."

Dealing with affairs like keeping a lover a secret was something Shisui had grown accustomed to over the past year of involvement in high-level politics. He didn't find it unusual. In fact, he believed that if this relationship could lead to the birth of the Uchiha's noble bloodline, it would be an honor.

"Alright, Shisui, Orochimaru-sensei's matter takes precedence for now." Uchiha Yoru rubbed his forehead, casting a glance at Shisui's expression. He shook his head with an amused smile.

Hailing from a prestigious lineage, as you step into the heart of power and revel in a certain degree of distinguished treatment, you must also shoulder corresponding responsibilities.

For instance, clans like the Uchiha, while not entirely opposed to cross-marriages, hold certain noble bloodlines that bear the Sharingan, a unique eye. These clans usually provide guidance to their members, suggesting that they wed within the clan. Naturally, it's just advice, given the Uchiha's pride; even a few words of counsel from them are seen as quite magnanimous.

However, for someone like him, who has already assumed a position of authority within the Uchiha clan, if he were to marry an outsider, it would be acceptable if the person were a civilian. Ideally, though, the individual should be at a Jōnin level, to avert any undue gossip.

While nurturing their chakra-infused constitution, parents who both possess such a constitution will undoubtedly pass down this ability to their children. Similarly, if the parents are high-level ninja, most of their child's talents will surpass those of ordinary ninja.

As for these minor matters within the clan, Uchiha Yoru chuckled and shook his head. Technically, as a team leader, his role could be considered one of authority, but when you consider his identity as a disciple of Orochimaru, he has almost become a presence in the clan second only to the clan head and the elders.

"Yoru-niisan, the clan has sent me an advanced bonus."

Looking at the bankbook Shisui handed him, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but display a wry smile. Seriously, just because he got involved with a woman, now the clan was showing interest. They even released the bonus a week early.

However, Yoru didn't decline the money. After all, he had worked diligently for the Uchiha. Taking a small portion of what was rightfully his was only fair.

"Yoru-niisan, I've already instructed the security team within the clan grounds. They'll ensure Miss Uzuki's safety whenever they encounter her in the future," Shisui said with a confident smile. Uchiha Yoru responded by shaking his head silently. "That's sufficient. If anyone dares to cause trouble within the clan grounds, let the guards observe without intervening."

Amid their shared chuckles, Shisui discreetly gestured, as if asking whether there were any concerns about Yugao Uzuki's identity and if they needed to keep a vigilant eye on her.

Uchiha Yoru, however, smiled and subtly shook his head, using gestures to convey that it wasn't necessary.

"Shisui, we need to allocate some additional personnel to the prison lately. Keep a close watch on that."

Uchiha Yoru assumed the façade of discussing clan matters with Shisui, but in secret, he used a cup of tea to pen a clear message on the table.

'What's exposed to the eye isn't terrifying; what's truly fearsome is what hides in the shadows.'

The meaning was unmistakable: known spies aren't as alarming, as they can be surveilled right under one's nose. However, the genuine peril lies with those concealed in the darkness. You have no inkling of their identities or when they might strike unexpectedly.

With a smile lighting up his face, Shisui accepted the intelligence and nodded. He glanced at the wiped-off water stain on the table and assured, "Yoru-niisan, rest assured, I'll personally keep a vigilant eye on the prison. Nothing will transpire."

The prison area concealed some unsavory dealings, and Shisui naturally needed to keep an eye on it. Even though they had the support of Hyuga monitoring it, they couldn't afford to lower their guard, especially since the higher-ups in the Konoha were making moves.

Shisui's face brimmed with smiles, seemingly masking his emotions, but underneath, a mix of anger, sadness, and even a hint of helplessness swirled. Third Hokage's actions—did he truly distrust the Uchiha clan?

First, they planted a spy, and now they were sending a female spy to infiltrate. While he could understand the surveillance aspect before, especially since Uchiha's involvement in the Nine-Tails incident couldn't be easily dismissed, employing a female spy in this manner indicated mistrust. Such tactics were typically employed against enemies' high-ranking officials.

The village was treating the Uchiha like enemies. It filled Shisui with a blend of anger and desolation. The sense of injustice was palpable. The situation made him believe that corruption had seeped into the upper echelons of Konoha.

"Shisui." Seeing Shisui tidying the secret messages, Uchiha Yoru shook his head gently, indicating they could hold off for now.

At that moment, Shisui understood. He nodded slightly and chose not to reveal to the clan head and elders that Yugao Uzuki was an undercover agent. No, now he should call her a spy. He didn't inform them because he feared it might clash with their plan. However, this burden rested solely on his shoulders.

"Shisui, I recall Itachi is preparing for the graduation exam. When you have the time, could you help tutor him?"

Uchiha Yoru's face expressed an embarrassed smile, mingled with a touch of apology. He seemed to be saying that he was too occupied. Shisui understood and nodded sincerely. "You can count on me, Yoru-niisan."

By now, Shisui had bottled up a lot of dissatisfaction towards Konoha's corrupt higher-ups. Naturally, these emotions and thoughts had also influenced Uchiha Itachi. Just like in the original story, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were not just teacher and student, but also friends who influenced each other. This time around, it was no different.

As Uchiha Yoru mulled over this, a cold chuckle escaped his thoughts. "Well played, Third Hokage," he mused, "this truly is relentless. Blow after blow, denying me a moment's respite. But this time, I'm resolved to ensure their schemes fall flat."

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, the forthcoming shadow-level powerhouses, stand beside your faction. Regrettably, their chance to intervene may have slipped away.

Yugao Uzuki?

A civilian possessing Jounin-level potential, she had such a pristine family background. Thinking about this, Uchiha Yoru let out a cold laugh. He planned to personally teach Third Hokage a lesson.

Women! They're not to be used in such a manner. After all, this wasn't a matter of national vengeance. Once they saw the ugly side of Konoha's politics, a wounded heart needed solace. He always remembered the wisdom of the past: "If she is inexperienced, show her the world's splendor."



— 50 Advance Chapters!

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