
Oxton Stakudz GAME

This story begins when a sorceress woman was killed by the citizens of the Deak kingdom, this woman left a son named Oxton Stakudz o protected from the dark magic, no one ever imagined that Oxton Stakudz the sorceress's son would cause so much damage and his magic would be considered a threat, but before all that Oxton Stakudz had his reasons for his hatred of humanity

Uuquth · ファンタジー
131 Chs


The interior of the palace is nearly as crowded as the streets outside, so it takes longer to reach the staircase to Princess Despina's quarters than you remember.

"The news from Pasema's been…odd," Letha says as you're waiting for a particularly large group of very obviously eavesdropping young aristocrats to pass by. "Did you really leave the demon alive?" That was one of your own kind you spared, in a sense, if Min can be believed. Does that make anything different?

Can't be helped, I suppose," Letha says with a sympathetic shrug. "This sounds like it was worse than…than last time." The passing aristocrats have understanding expressions.

At last, the way forward clears and you proceed up the stairs to Princess Despina's private quarters. "You haven't by any chance heard anything about that man I mentioned, have you?" Letha asks as you ascend, Alvis and Min bickering behind you. "Galen Burke? There's so much going on here that I've hardly had time to look myself, but now would be an excellent time for him to stop spreading his rumors. And to find out what he knows about Stephan."

"I'd be obliged." Letha runs a hand over her hair. "He's a mage, if I didn't mention. The haughty type. I know that doesn't narrow it down much." As you reach the princess's office, Letha holds the door and gestures for the three of you to enter.

Princess Despina raises her head from the letter she's been writing at her desk. "I gather you spent some time with Mardas when you were at the Academy," she says. "I trust you found it productive."

Her tone is neutral enough that you can't quite tell if she knows about the letter you had Evander discard or not. The princess hurries the conversation along before you can respond, shuffling whatever papers she's been working on to the side of her desk. "We understand you had some trouble in Pasema," she says. "There will be more of the creatures in Elith—do you expect to handle them?"

"If you'll pardon my cutting in, Your Highness—it's lovely to see you again, to begin with," Alvis says, sweeping into a bow. Min darts into the room behind you as Letha shuts the door, and Princess Despina's eyes slide over to them. "There are a few things we ought to discuss," Alvis continues.


When you and Alvis finish your explanation of Meredith's revelations, Princess Despina is still staring at Min. "Would Sienha reopen diplomatic relations if we opened the portal?" she asks. "Is that what it would take?"

Min blinks. "Well, I'm not a politician, Your Highness, but I imagine it would help."

"But we aren't…doing that, are we?" Letha asks, frowning, a hand on Princess Despina's shoulder. "Just because a demon asked us to?"

"Of course we aren't," Alvis says. "But I don't think that's the first question right now. We have to figure out what we're doing about Cadafel. Telling the truth about the prophecy and weakening Cadafel, or continuing to lie and strengthening ourselves. Naturally, I know which one I favor."

"I believe you all know which way I'm inclined as well," Min says.

"You can't start telling the truth, not just before the wedding," Princess Despina says, waving a dismissive hand. She looks back at Min. "Do you know any politicians? I've been trying to open trade with Sienha for most of the last decade."

Letha hesitates, stroking Princess Despina's shoulder. "I never liked lying," she says, "but…we can't, can we? Not before the wedding. And not with things with Stephan the way they are." She passes her free hand over her face. "What do you think, Jun?"