
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Going away

Caleb's day at the office was filled with meetings, phone calls, and the usual demands of his role as a high-powered executive. Despite the busy schedule, his mind kept drifting back to the important conversation he needed to have with Lilian about Cole leaving with Amber. He couldn't put it off any longer; they needed to address it and prepare their son for the upcoming change.

As the day wore on, Caleb worked efficiently, ensuring that everything was in order for his impending absence. He knew he needed to be home early, so he wrapped up his work as quickly as possible, leaving his office before the sun had even set.

The drive back home was a blur of thoughts and plans. He rehearsed what he would say to Lilian, trying to find the right words to comfort her and explain the situation to their son. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for leaving Lilian to handle the emotional conversation with Amber earlier.

When he finally arrived home, the atmosphere was tense. Lilian had been waiting, her expression a mixture of worry and anticipation. They exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the difficult task ahead.

Amber and Lilian had spent the day discussing the logistics of the move. They decided that Amber would leave in a week to allow enough time for the admission process and to help her settle comfortably in her new environment abroad. It was a difficult decision, but they knew it was the best course of action for everyone's safety.

Caleb took a deep breath, and together, they began the conversation they had been avoiding, hoping that their love and understanding would guide them through the challenging times ahead.


The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the living room of the Lane family mansion. Lilian sat on the couch, her heart heavy with the conversation that was about to take place. Caleb stood nearby, a concerned expression on his face. Cole, their young son, played with his toys on the carpet, unaware of the impending discussion.

Lilian took a deep breath and exchanged a worried glance with Caleb. It was time to talk to Cole about the difficult decision they had made.

"Hey, buddy," Caleb began gently, kneeling to Cole's level. "We need to talk to you about something important."

Cole looked up, his big innocent eyes fixed on Caleb. "What is it, Daddy?"

Lilian joined them on the floor, sitting down beside Cole. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well, you know how much we love you, right?"

Cole nodded, his small face breaking into a smile. "I love you too, Mommy and Daddy."

"We love you more than anything in the world," Caleb added, his voice filled with warmth. "And we want what's best for you."

Cole looked puzzled now, his brows furrowing slightly. "What's going on?"

Lilian took a deep breath. "Cole, we've been talking about something, and we think it's best for you."

Cole's eyes darted between his parents, his curiosity growing. "What is it?"

Caleb spoke gently but firmly. "You're going to be leaving with Aunt Amber for a little while."

The words hung in the air, and Cole's eyes widened with surprise. "Leaving? Why?"

Lilian hugged him tightly. "It's because we want you to be safe and happy, sweetheart."

Caleb continued, "Some things are happening that could be dangerous, and we need to make sure you're protected. Aunt Amber is going to take care of you."

Cole's lower lip quivered, and he looked up at Caleb with teary eyes. "But I want to stay with you and Mommy."

Lilian wiped away a tear that escaped from her eye. "We know you do, Cole, and we'll miss you so much. But this is the best way to keep you safe while we handle everything else."

Caleb added, "Aunt Amber loves you very much, and she'll make sure you have a great time. You'll still see us and talk to us every day."

Cole sniffled and hugged his parents tightly. "Okay, Daddy. Okay, Mommy. If it's to keep me safe, then I'll go with Aunt Amber."

Lilian and Caleb exchanged a relieved look, proud of their son's understanding and courage.

"Thank you, Cole," Lilian said, her voice filled with emotion. "We promise we'll come get you as soon as it's safe, and we'll be counting the days until you're back with us."

With those words, the family shared a group hug, clinging to one another as they faced the difficult separation ahead.


Caleb excused himself from the heartfelt family moment, quietly stepping out onto the balcony to answer his phone. The caller ID indicated it was a significant call, and he needed to take it.

"Hello," Caleb greeted as he answered the call, the evening breeze rustling through the leaves around him.

On the other end of the line, the voice of the president was firm yet reassuring. "Caleb, I wanted to inform you that we've discussed your condition, and we accept your terms. It was a tough decision, but it's clear you're determined to protect your family."

Caleb couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Mr. President. I appreciate your understanding."

The president continued, "We've scheduled another meeting for tomorrow to finalize the details. Be prepared for some negotiation, but we believe we can work this out in a way that satisfies both parties."

Caleb nodded, even though the president couldn't see him. "I'll be ready. Thank you again for your cooperation."

With that, they exchanged a few more pleasantries before ending the call. Caleb took a moment to gather his thoughts, grateful that the difficult part of their plan seemed to be progressing. He rejoined his family inside, wearing a faint smile, ready to share the news and continue their conversation about the upcoming changes in their lives.


In the dimly lit room of the Lane ancestral mansion, Mrs. Aurora's once graceful demeanor had deteriorated into a disturbing state of derangement. She sat hunched over, muttering incomprehensible words to herself, her appearance a stark contrast to her usual elegance.

Micheal entered the room, his expression revealing no sympathy for his mother's condition. He studied her for a moment, noting the rapid decline in her mental state. It had only been a few days since they had administered the drug, but its effects had taken hold with alarming speed.

Turning to his trusted assistant and second in command, Micheal inquired, "It has only been a few days, and the drugs have had such a profound effect on her so quickly?"

The assistant nodded solemnly, sharing the concern. "Yes, Mr. Lane. Even though we reduced the dosage as you instructed, Mrs. Aurora's condition has deteriorated rapidly. It seems the drug is exceptionally potent."

Micheal's cold gaze remained fixed on his mother. He had no remorse about using her as a test subject for this potent drug. She, too, had played a role in his downfall, and this was his way of exacting revenge.

He gave his assistant a final order, his tone unwavering. "Keep a close eye on her. If her condition worsens significantly, dispose of her. My revenge against her is complete."

The assistant nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the ruthless determination in Micheal's eyes. With a heavy heart, he knew he had to follow his superior's orders, even if it meant facing the consequences of such a cold-blooded decision.