
Overwatch Titanfall

A guy die after playing in a Overwatch tournament with is team "The titans" and get reincarnated in the world of Overwatch with powers and a titan from the Titanfall games [English is not my main language so if there is some grammatical error just tell me and i will try to correct them.] [i don't own Overwatch or Titanfall these are property of Blizzard and Respawn entertainment i only own this story and my characters]

Dark_encheanced01 · ゲーム
4 Chs

Going through Hell part 1

I observed the rest of the room i was in and there was also a parkour but to access it i need to do a score of at least 5000 points at the shooting range with every weapon and 1 kill gives 1 point "Oh lord... it's gonna take forever ! I the only weapon i used in my life were compressed air gun !" I sighed.

So i took the pilot combinaison that was in the only locker.

I also realized that i was naked after looking at the mirror in the door of the locker .

I have black short hair with violet eyes and i look to be in my early twenties, i have a six pack and broad shoulders like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in his prime.

I took the pilot combinaison and started training at the shooting range with my favorite weapon from the games, the G2 (G7 for those who play Apex legends).

After a few days of trying to pass the score of the shooting range i learned that i don't need to eat or sleep in this place so that make everything easier and it take less time than it normaly would.

I also accidentally shoot myself in the arm when i was not paying attention and i realised that i can't die either.

That mean that even if i wanted to i couldn't kill myself, the only way out is to pass every test.

But even with that i can't go past 3800 points at the shooting range and i tried every weapon.

[Unknow amount of time later]

"Finally....I did it !" I was exausted.

Now let's test the parkour.

When i got in front of the parkour i saw a jump kit and took it.

After wearing the the jump kit i trained with it to learn how exacty it work since it's logic that it's not the same as in the games.

After training my movement with the jump kit at the start of the parkour with the different walls and platforms i finally mastered it...i think....

What an idiot am i to think i mastered it !

The parkour is at least 3 times longer than in the game and it needed me to finish it in less than 2 minutes but i only do when i only concentrate on the parkour and not the shooting but if i add the shooting it take me 2 minutes and 30 seconds to finish it so i started thinking.....Thinking....and thinking but nothing came. "Rhaaaa...seriously why does it have to be that difficult ??? And i can't even use my power here fuck !!!" Yes Enma gave me knowlege on how to use my power but it doesn't work here for whatever reason !

So i tried and tried and tried until i barely passed 2 minutes (1 minute and 57 seconds)

I was so happy i cried but before i could rest i got teleported to another room with part of Titan everywhere and other equipments and a technical sheet that showed me how to build my own titan.

"Oh not again..." I sighed and started learning how every part worked.

[After 20 years]

Finally i built my Titan... it's look even better than a Ion prime, it's more resistant than a Legion and it as the fire power of a Northstar while shooting at the same cadence than a Monarch and it also has a sword in the right arm just in case the only thing this Titan don't have is the heat wave of a Scorch and the flying ability of the Northstar but it can use every weapon and even mini missile on it's shoulders.

I call it Behemoth class Titan.

His name is FS-1041 in tribute to Titanfall 2.

[Titan look (for now i'm still drawing it but i used an AI to do one that look like mine so i will edit it later when i finish it)] —>

Anyway now i know almost everything there is to know about a Titan the only thing i don't really know about is the AI in it. I only know how to configure it but that's it.

"Let's activate this baby now !" I said as i put the 5 batteries into its battery slot.

It's eyes glowed a bright blue and it said in a feminine voice {Hello pilot}

"Yess it work !!!" I said happily.

[That's the end of this chapter hope you liked it.

there is a problem (it's not that serious but it's still a problem) the history of Overwatch is an impossible mess! The whole story of the Overwatch world is simple but when you add the story of the characters it becomes impossible to follow! I will do my best to fill in the gaps in the story but it will be complicated so please be patient and understanding because just knowing the original story is fucking almost impossible but write something else with it is even more difficult! Now i know why there is almost no fic of overwatch apart from porn 😅 anyway i will try my best to make a good story]