
Overture of Destiny (BL)

After the tragic extermination of the White Lotus sect, Li Qin is the only surviving descendant of the group of musical healers. Taken in by the general of the imperial guard, Li Qin grows up alongside Zhang Jun Feng, the general's only son and heir to his coveted position. On a journey to avenge his sect, Li Qin catches the attention of crown prince Yan Xian and enters the imperial palace as a court musician. As the Zhang family faces crisis, the three are brought together in the heart of the imperial palace. Will Li Qin choose his heart or follow his destiny?

MaoYuMaoYan · LGBT+
6 Chs


For the second time in his life, Li Qin lost his home. The Zhang Manor's servants lined up in the main hall, making their final farewells to Zhang Jun Feng, now the head of the household, an empty title. Li Qin glanced at Zhang Jun Feng discreetly, concerned at what lay below his unrevealing facade as he expressed his gratitude to the departing servants.

Zhang Jun Feng had lost his own life along with his father's. When the Zhang family's title was stripped away, Zhang Jun Feng became nobody for the first time. The position he had been raised to achieve — that he had been so close to achieving that he could taste its name on his lips — was pulled out of reach.

After the servants left, a carriage arrived in front of the Zhang Manor. As news of General Zhang's death spread like wildfire through the empire, the noble family of Qingyun sent for the widowed Lady Zhang to return home. Lady Zhang boarded the carriage but her hand still clutched her son's.

"Return with me to Qingyun with me, Feng'er." She squeezed his hand as if she was afraid he would turn away. "The capital is no place for us anymore."

But, Zhang Jun Feng still pulled his hand from her tight grip, bowing to his mother for what he hoped would not be the last time. "I must stay, Mother. Father should not die in vain."

Li Qin huffed as he bound up the stairs to the Court of Musicians. Attempting to quiet his heaving breath, he snuck into the rehearsal hall and slid into the seat beside Qiang Long Wei. Flipping through the sheets of music, Li Qin joined with his pipa on Madame Ruan's cue, and his frantic heart finally settled with ease.

"Where were you?" Qiang Long Wei whispered under his breath.

"An urgent matter came up at the Zhang household that I had to attend to," Li Qin explained.

Qiang Long Wei nodded in understanding. "You better not leave me alone again. Without you here, I have been scolded by Madame Ruan for three days in a row," he joked, trying to cheer up Li Qin.

"Okay, okay, I apologize. It will not happen again," Li Qin reassured him with an amused smile.

"At least I got to eat your extra meal portions," Qiang Long Wei grumbled.

As the rehearsal ended, the musicians shifted in their seats, ready to retire to their quarters. Madame Ruan held up her erhu bow and stood before the Court. "In two weeks time is His Majesty's birthday banquet. A single musician will be given the honor to perform in front of His Majesty's esteemed guests. The selection will be held in a week's time. Prepare an appropriate piece for the grand celebration."

Li Qin held his breath. The Court Musician chosen for the Emperor's birthday banquet is given the unofficial title as the empire's most talented musician. More importantly, the chosen one would be invited to sit with the noble leaders of the empire's sects, an honor not even bestowed to the general of the Imperial Army. This rare opportunity could allow Li Qin to uncover which sects were hostile toward the White Lotus sect and who was responsible for its extermination. He needed to be selected.

Qiang Long Wei stretched beside him. "What do we even need a selection for?" He yawned. "Everyone knows that Madame Ruan will be chosen anyway."

Li Qin's eyes found the woman. The lines beginning to show around her painted lips were a sign of her years of experience. The delicate erhu in her hands almost seemed to be a part of her elegant body. She was the greatest challenge Li Qin had ever faced in his life.

Hua Zhen sprawled on the floor of Li Qin's bedchamber, staring blankly at the ceiling. Flipping over to where Li Qin was seated, her eyes glazed over the sheets of music spread in front of him. Her eyes widened at the familiar melody. "Young master, you cannot play the White Lotus sect's music here! Do you want to be found out?"

Li Qin did not even look up, his busy hands leafing through the carefully preserved records. "This is the only way I can overcome Madame Ruan." He paused. "And the only way I can determine who killed my parents."

As Li Qin continued to study the dozens of books, Hua Zhen eventually grew bored, smacking her lips after a wide yawn. "Alright, young master. I am off to bed in the servant's quarters. Rest soon."

Li Qin nodded and wished her goodnight. As the night grew old, Li Qin felt exhaustion creep up on his bent figure and decided to retire to bed. Collecting the music, he hid the sheets beneath a loose floorboard under his bed frame. The lanterns extinguished as he held them against the night breeze. He collapsed onto the mattress, closing his eyes for what felt like the first time in days.

A rattling sound startled him, and Li Qin's eyes darted open, searching for its source. Again it came, and Li Qin watched a shadow bolt behind his window.

He cautiously rose out of bed, tiptoeing to the window. Pushing it open, a hand covered Li Qin's mouth, and a nimble Zhang Jun Feng jumped into his room, a finger held against his pursed lips.

"What are you doing here?" he nearly shouted. He winced as the musician in the neighboring room toss in his bed before his soft snoring continued.

Zhang Jun Feng toured the room leisurely before settling in a seat at Li Qin's desk. "I am trying to collect clues about my father's sentencing. Someone must have set him up."

"By illegally entering the Imperial Palace at night?" Li Qin questioned incredulously. "I am already in the palace. If you need anything, you can send me a secret message through Hua Zhen."

"This is something I must investigate on my own," Zhang Jun Feng spoke while rummaging through Li Qin's neatly stacked music books.

"At least find a way to enter the palace legally. Xian-ge is very kind and even helped me with General Zhang's case. I am sure he will find you a position if you inquire."

"Xian-ge," Zhang Jun Feng repeated flatly, raising an eyebrow.

Li Qin's face flushed. The name had come without thought. "The crown prince requested I speak informally with him as a way to thank him for his help with the case. I call him this way to humor him. But, he is truly very kind and holds great power in the Imperial Court," Li Qin rambled.

Zhang Jun Feng opened his mouth to tease the bashful Li Qin, but the footsteps of the night patrol approached, and Li Qin held a hand to cover his mouth. The sudden motion caused him to fall forward, knocking Zhang Jun Feng to the ground with a hard thud. The sound must have alerted the night guard, as his marching stopped by Li Qin's open window.

Trying to hide himself, Li Qin pressed his body against Zhang Jun Feng's, his face so close he could feel the warmth radiating from Zhang Jun Feng's cheek, though he wondered if it was really his own. When the guard's footsteps diminished, Li Qin propped himself up and could not help but stare down at Zhang Jun Feng below him.

His usually stern face held a look of surprise. His knit eyebrows relaxed, and his hair was disheveled across his forehead. Under the gossamer light of the waxing moon, Li Qin thought it hard to imagine Zhang Jun Feng as a battle-worn hero.

A loose strand of Li Qin's sable hair fell in front of his eyes, tickling Zhang Jun Feng's cheek. Li Qin froze as Zhang Jun Feng's phantom hand rose millimeters away from his face.

A sudden knock at the door caused Li Qin to push Zhang Jun Feng's arm down, hiding him behind his desk. Li Qin scurried to the door, pressing a hand to cool his hot face. Swinging the door open, he was met with Prince Yan Xian smirking down at him.

The prince scanned down Li Qin's face, his gaze finding his exposed collarbones beneath his thin nightclothes. Li Qin immediately held a hand against his chest, heat flushing his cheeks once again.

"What brings you here so late at night, Xian-ge?" he asked, shaking away his flustered feelings.

"I could not sleep and was hoping my favorite musician could help me."

Prince Yan Xian began to enter Li Qin's bedchambers, but Li Qin blocked him frantically. "I will bring my pipa and play for you in your quarters."

As the door shut behind the two, Zhang Jun Feng rose from his position on Li Qin's floor. He ran a rough hand through his messy hair and could only stare at the empty space Li Qin left behind.