
Overthrowing The Heavens

In a realm known as the Ninth Heavens, there existed the Twenty-Eight Mansions and four Sacred Lands, each named after the mythic creatures: Azure Dragon of the East, Black Tortoise of the North, White Tiger of the West, and Vermillion Bird of the South. The Sacred Lands were governed by Seven Mansions each, responsible for their guardianship. Long ago, an ancient war erupted due to envy among the lower Heavens. This catastrophic conflict claimed the lives of the Dao proven, Masters at the Peak, and nearly all Transcendence beings, leaving thousands of Realms in turmoil for millennia. After the war, the Twenty-Eight Mansions reached an agreement to prevent inter-Mansion warfare and thwart the ambitions of the lower Heavens. Recovery from the war required immense time, and the Mansions needed Centamillennium to heal. To prevent the rise of a new Dao proven, many Mansions designated chosen ones to receive resources, aiming to reach a level close to Dao proven. The Ninth Heaven awaited the birth of a new Dao proven, but it never occurred. Some claimed the Ninth Heaven had lost its vitality, rendering Dao proven births impossible. However, a Dao proven's birth was said to trigger a harmonious melody heard across the Heavens, initiating an immense earthquake representing Heaven's dance. In the Bi Mansion, a prediction foretold the birth of a son with great potential, but also great danger. The child, named Bi Fang When Bi Fang was born, the predicted events unfolded. The Elderly Man who had foreseen this gave instructions to the Bi family. The infant Bi Fang was given a protective necklace and was saved from danger by his protector. To ensure his safety, he would be sent to the lower Worlds alongside his protector. The story unfolds as Bi Fang begins his life in a new realm, unknowingly carrying great potential and danger, and as those who watched over him navigate their own challenges and mysteries.

Lemngoe · 東方
13 Chs

Chapter 11

A Courtyard in a big city could be seen, at the center of it, there was a reflective pond, the water was crystal clear, and the koi fish that swam beneath the surface added a lively colorful touch with lotus flowers sitting on it. The big pond was surrounded by smooth, curved stones at the edges. Two Bridges could be seen connecting the small pavilion in its center to the ground. The Garden has various plants and trees creating a harmonious atmosphere, as you stroll through the garden, a gentle sound of flowing water from the waterfalls enhances the ambience.

The garden was designed to calm one's mind, it evoked a sense of balance, harmony and tranquility, making it the perfect place to meditate.

A young man about 18 years old, was sitting in the pavilion drinking tea and enjoying the view. He wore similar red clothes as Bi Fang had dark short hair, and gave off an Aura that would calm everyone near him.

A Bird with a letter knotted at his legs flew towards the young man. As the young man saw the bird flying towards him, he stuck out his arm to let the bird land on him.

The young man took the letter out and opened it.

"hmm, thank you, you may go back now."

After the young man opened the letter, he sent the bird on its way.

"looks like we have a new junior brother. But Bi Fang? Where have I heard of him before?"

After a bit of thinking the young man suddenly remembered

"Ohh, the child that Elder Kong took in, but i thought when he took him in he was still an infant, and that was about five years ago, how would he already be a Core Discipline."

The young man couldn't believe it at first, however after reading until the end he was shocked suddenly.

"What?! He just reached the Golden Core Realm at the age of 5, not even Elder Xuan achieved something like that, how is that possible. haha, who would've thought that Elder Kong picked up a Dragon among men."

The young man was really excited to hear such new, however it quickly fated away, his face darkened and he asked himself

"But why do I need to train him? They should know that I hate practicing with others, sigh, I guess I can't do anything, but it shouldn't be that bad to train him, right?

Back in the Sect, you could see Bi Fang still pondering about what happened yesterday.

"so, I am a Core Discipline, but what should I do? Can I just go back into my Cave and seclude myself, or do I need to go to the Sect Master and complete missions? ahhh what should I do?

As Bi Fang said this, he looked helpless and scratched his head relentlessly.

"Bi Fang come to the Main Hall, I have a mission for you." the voice of the Sect Master was being transmitted to Bi Fang.

Bi Fang thought "great timing, I can now ask him what a Core Discipline should do."

While Bi Fang made his way towards the Main Hall, the unusual quietness scared him.

No Seniors anymore that are chasing him like before. Just himself and the silence.

After arriving at the Main Hall, Bi Fang asked curiously "Sect Master, you called me?"

This time Bi Fang remembered the words that the Sect Master said "...there is no need for the formality."

The Sect Master smiled, after hearing Bi Fang informally speaking with him

"Yes, we will soon send you to your Senior Brother Zhong Lo, he is currently residing in the Bangshen City in the north, one of the three Big Cities on this Continent. He is also a Core Discipline of the Sect and he will train you and prepare you for the incoming event. Your Senior Brother is a very calm and kind person, however if he's training others, it feels like he is a different person, so make sure you listen to his instructions.

The Sect Master remembered what happened last time, when that man was training others, they would arrive back in the Sect, like lifeless puppets, however their training paid off, so there was no need to be worried, The Sect Master thought.

"Okay, but when should i depart, after all I have nothing to do here anyways, before I would spend my days running away, after they all changed, it is a bit boring" Bi Fang said.

Who would've thought that he misses the Beasts hordes, which would chase him until the sun sets.

"You should depart tomorrow morning, because it might take a while before arriving in the City, and before you depart come here again, i still need to give you a weapon to protect yourself." The Sect Master said worriedly.

After all, who would send a five years old child alone to the Big City Bangshen, what kind of person would do this.

However he knew that if something happens, he could probably protect himself and run away, because not many people would reach the Golden Core Realm, so who would be his enemy.

Bi Fang bowed a bit and said with a happy voice "Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Maybe Bi Fang was happy to go out again, and to see the world.

Bi Fang quickly left the Main Hall and ran towards the Cave.

After his breakthrough, he felt that the cave was different than before, as he quickly made his way, he arrived fast.

He entered the Cave and went deep in, he arrived at his place now, to see that behind the Skeleton, the walls seemed to move.

"did the walls always move like this?" This surprised him a bit, because he hadn't seen it before.

Bi Fang slowly began moving his hand against the wall, and his palm was now completely against it.

He could feel that something was behind this wall, however he wasn't sure. He began hitting against the wall with full power, but he didn't even leave a scratch.

"What, not even a scratch, how come?"

Bi Fang ignored the wall for now, he began to sit down in a lotus-like position and started meditating.

While he was meditating, he realized that the Qi inside the cave was even stronger than before.

"What, why is it stronger again?" Bi Fang looked really surprised to see the Cave´s Qi getting stronger again.

He thought about something and began lightly smiling

"But it's not a bad thing right, I can cultivate in peace with no one disturbing me, and it's now my Cave after all."

Morning arrived quicker than expected, for Bi Fang it felt like an incense stick of time.

He stood up and began walking towards the Cave exit, before he went out he looked back at the Wall, which he is quite curious about.

"When I come back, I will properly examine you, got it?" he told the wall in an annoyed tone.

Maybe he was annoyed, because he couldn´t find out the reason for such happenings.

As he made his way towards the Main Hall where he should meet the Sect Master, a small lion cub wandering aimlessly could be seen.

The small lion cub looked exhausted and tired.

This made Bi Fang heartache "Aww, why is such a cute lion cub doing alone here without its mother"

Then a question popped into his mind

"Hmm? His mother? Where is she? I didn't hear of Beasts living on this Mountain."

Bi Fang wanted to take the lion cub with him, however it would probably be a nuisance, if he needed to take care of the lion.

"Then I should take him to the Sect Master, he probably knows what to do with him."

Bi Fang rushed to the lion cub, who was currently hiding between bushes and picked him up at his neck.

"Hey, little one I take you to the sect master okay? Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

As Bi Fang held him up, the lion cub shedded a tear, maybe he thought that he would get eaten.

Bi Fang rushed with the lion cub in his arm towards his main goal, the Main Hall.

"Hey Sect Master, look what I found." Bi Fang said this with a proud tone, as he had found a grave of a master.

The Sect Master looked at him, questingly and asked

"Why do you have a lion cub in your arm? Don't tell me you picked him up."

"You´re right, I picked him up, I saw him walking in the forest without his mother. And I didn't hear of Beasts on this Mountain, since when do we have Beasts wandering around?" Bi Fang wanted to calm his curiosity

"That's not important right now, you should depart, you're already late." The Sect Master said

"But what about the lion cub, can you keep it?" Bi Fang said with eyes like a dog.

The Sect Maser knew, he couldn't say no or he would make Bi Fang sad

"Sigh, okay I'll keep him safe for you, and don't forget your sword, it is lying on the table."

Bi Fang walked to the table, picked up his sword and started leaving

"Then I'll go now, see you"

"Train hard with Senior Brother Zhong and arrive safely." The Sect Master said with a worried tone.

As Bi Fang made his way out of the Sect, he looked back once and stared at the gate for a breaths time, before departing to the Bangshen City.