
Overthrowing The Heavens

In a realm known as the Ninth Heavens, there existed the Twenty-Eight Mansions and four Sacred Lands, each named after the mythic creatures: Azure Dragon of the East, Black Tortoise of the North, White Tiger of the West, and Vermillion Bird of the South. The Sacred Lands were governed by Seven Mansions each, responsible for their guardianship. Long ago, an ancient war erupted due to envy among the lower Heavens. This catastrophic conflict claimed the lives of the Dao proven, Masters at the Peak, and nearly all Transcendence beings, leaving thousands of Realms in turmoil for millennia. After the war, the Twenty-Eight Mansions reached an agreement to prevent inter-Mansion warfare and thwart the ambitions of the lower Heavens. Recovery from the war required immense time, and the Mansions needed Centamillennium to heal. To prevent the rise of a new Dao proven, many Mansions designated chosen ones to receive resources, aiming to reach a level close to Dao proven. The Ninth Heaven awaited the birth of a new Dao proven, but it never occurred. Some claimed the Ninth Heaven had lost its vitality, rendering Dao proven births impossible. However, a Dao proven's birth was said to trigger a harmonious melody heard across the Heavens, initiating an immense earthquake representing Heaven's dance. In the Bi Mansion, a prediction foretold the birth of a son with great potential, but also great danger. The child, named Bi Fang When Bi Fang was born, the predicted events unfolded. The Elderly Man who had foreseen this gave instructions to the Bi family. The infant Bi Fang was given a protective necklace and was saved from danger by his protector. To ensure his safety, he would be sent to the lower Worlds alongside his protector. The story unfolds as Bi Fang begins his life in a new realm, unknowingly carrying great potential and danger, and as those who watched over him navigate their own challenges and mysteries.

Lemngoe · 東方
13 Chs

Chapter 10

"I order every Elder to meet me at the Main Hall." a sound was transmitted by the Sect Master.

After the Elders heard this message, they made their way towards the Main Hall.

As they all arrived at the same time, they entered the Main Hall simultaneously, each wondering why the Sect Master ordered them to come. They went into the Main Hall, to see a round wooden table, with the Sect Master already sitting at it, there were chairs for every Elder, after they sat down the Sect Master said

"You might be wondering, why did I tell you to come right?"

"Yes, since it was spontaneous, we thought something happened, however to see you so calm, these thoughts disappeared in an instant. Elder Kong said.

"The reason for calling you all here is because, I would like to let Bi Fang advance to a Core discipline" The Sect Master seriously said, without an ounce of foolishness.

Elders Xuan Ya quickly tensed up and asked shocked

"What, you want to promote Bi Fang, who is currently 5 years old to a Core discipline?!"

Elder Xuan Ya, the youngest Sect Elder of the Sun Sect, is an elegant and wise cultivator in her early thirties. Her striking appearance, with long black hair and an aura, which captives everyone. As the "Crimson Flame Lotus," she possesses unparalleled mastery over fire-based martial arts techniques and serves as a mentor to younger disciples, guiding them with compassion and fairness.

Elder Xuan Ya, was promoted as a Core Discipline at the age of 14, which was already a great feat that no one has achieved before.

But hearing, that Bi Fang should be a Core Discipline shocked her

"Sigh, I know about your worries but Bi Fang is special. He recently brokethrough to the Golden Core Realm, however he has something that no one else has. He is different from any other Golder Core Cultivator. He achieved a alterated Core, and one that has never been seen before." the Sect Master needed to say everything to calm Elder Xuan down, because he knew that she has a hot temper, if it's about the safety of the Disciplines.

"But that's just ridiculous, I know that he's different from anyone else, however being a Core Discipline at 5!?" Elder Xuan couldn´t understand why the Sect Master wanted to promote him.

"I totally agree with Elder Xuan." Another Elder rejected the suggestion from the Sect master. This Elder was Fan Rong, she was already in her forties, however no one would think this way. She had some similarities like Elder Xuan, long silky black hair. However, her eyes were different, the piercing azure glimmer, showed her wisdom of years of cultivation. She is renowned in defensive martial arts, earning the title of the "Sapphire Shield". She also is very protective towards the disciplines of the Sect, which is also the reason she objected.

"Sect Master, you should know that he's still immature and frail, compared to the others. Other Core Disciplines are at the Age of 18 and he, who is just 5 years old, is competing with others almost four times his age. It's just absurd, he might have great cultivation talent, but the difference between the strength of a child and Adults is immense." Elder Fan said with a worried tone.

"but the rules state that after one reaches the Golden Core Realm, one is able to advance to a Core Discipline. Bi Fang might still be a child, however he is allowed to be a Core Discipline. Bi Fang might not progress if he´s competing with people below him, how will he be able to improve himself, if not by competing against stronger ones." The Sect Master seriously said, while looking both of the Elders deep into the eyes.

For them it felt like he looked straight into their Souls.

"Okay, you're right, then we accept your suggestion." Elder Fan looked disappointed while saying this, maybe because it will be even harder for him to keep up against others.

The other three Elder didn't say anything and just accepted this, because they knew it would happen sooner or later.

"Now that everyone has accepted my suggestion, I would also like to let Bi Fang participate in the Sect competition of the Shining Fields Continent in one year's time." The Sect master said with a smile.

This again shocked two elders, no, this time all the Elders.

Elder Kong said while still being in shock "You want what? You want to let Bi Fang participate in this competition, he doesn't have any fighting experiences or any techniques that would help him. Why would you want to let him participate? I thought you wanted to hide him from the World, what happened to that?"

"Sigh, sooner or later he would need to show himself, so why not at the competition, he then can prove his strength. It will also be a great experience to see the other top people from the Sects in action." The smile on the Sect Master didn´t fade as he was saying this.

It looked like the Sect Master had planned everything beforehand.

Elder Kong was now worried, really worried about Bi Fang, "He can go there, but under no circumstances should he fight against others. Maybe against the Inner Disciplines but not against the Core ones, most of them are really arrogant and would think that we want to humiliate them."

"Hoho, it's good to be willing to protect him, but how would he survive outside of the Sect, where the Stronger fist has to say. We can't always protect him from others, he needs to meet them head on to gain knowledge."

Their Faces were now lifeless, such a Sect Master wants to send a six years old against mature Adults.

The Sect Master dismissed everyone and starts to prepare the ceremony

"Now that this matter is completed, we will start the ceremony in one day. You may all go now."

Morning arrived, the birds started singing and the sun shone through the window into Bi Fang's room.

"Ughhh, morning again?"

Bi Fang was still sleepy, however he heard a sound being transmitted to him.

"Bi Fang, get ready and come to the Main Hall" The Sect master transmitted the sound to him and told him to go to the Main Hall.

Bi Fang was worried, because he didn't expect the Sect Master to call him again after being there yesterday. A thought suddenly came into his mind "What, if it's about my Core, Ahhh!!! I need to go quickly."

After that Bi Fang quickly changed his clothes and rushed out the door.

On his way towards the Main Hall, something felt different than usual, the Seniors who would chase him didn't do anything except they started greeting him, this surprised Bi Fang.

"huh? Did something happen, why are they so different"

As Bi Fang stood before the Main Hall, the door suddenly opened.

On his way inside another thought went through his mind

"Did the Main Hall always look like this?"

Maybe it was because Bi Fang didn't pay any mind to the Main Hall or it really changed, however Bi Fang didn´t know the answer and just ignored this.

The Main Hall, was a breathtaking architectural masterpiece, it has walls of a golden like material with carved suns, stars and celestial creatures. The door was a massive bronze door, with an embossed pattern. As Bi Fang steps into the Main Hall, the hall seems grander than usual, the ceilings were painted with celestial scenes of a fight, which seems to stretch infinitely. Rows of golden pillars lined until the end of the hall, at the end a grand chair could be seen, with the sect master sitting in it, standing next to the Sect Master were the five Elders, behind him is a massive window, in which sunlight is filtered through, the sunlight hits the floor and casted a kaleidoscope of colors.

A long rug was laid down from the entrance until the foot of the sect master.

before him lays red clothes and a token.

The Sect Master gestures Bi Fang to take a seat with his hands.

As Bi Fang began to kneel down, and started to greet the Sect Master and the Elders with his hands cupped "Bi Fang greets the Sect Master and the Elders"

The Sect Master looked at him with his head slightly bent and told him in an annoyed tone "didn´t i tell you, that there is no need for the formality, sigh, doesn´t matter. We shall now begin with the ceremony."

The Disciplines of the Sun Sect started to gather on the left and the right, they looked all very excited, as they awaited the promotion of their youngest junior brother.

The Ceremony begins with the resounding sound of gongs, echoing through the hall. As the disciplines started to get into formation, the Sect Master stood up and picks up the Clothes and the Token, with a commanding presence, the Sect Master then held a small speech, "Junior Discipline Bi Fang, reached the Golden Core Realm at the age of five years old, which no one has ever achieved, he once stood up for his Senior Brother and defeated an enemy of another sect, we have decided to promote Bi Fang into a Core Discipline, however as a Core Discipline more responsibility awaits him. While he is somehow still new to the sect, and lacks the matureness, I hope that you will keep looking after your Junior Brother Bi Fang and help him if he's in need."

As the Sect Master ended his speech, the Disciplines erupted into applause, to celebrate the achievement.

The Sect Master handed the red Clothes and the token over to Bi Fang and whispered to him "I hope that you will keep on improving and protect your brothers and sister like usual. And if you go out of the mountain, you need to think before you act, because you are now a main representative of our Sun Sect."

Bi Fang was still in shock, "what, I am a Core Discipline now, but why, i didn't do anything special."

"Now that we have sealed his newfound status, we need to hold a banquet to celebrate this occasion. Hey you, bring everything out. Wine, Meat, Soup everything" The Sect Master said with a happy expression

While Bi Fang was still standing there like a statue, everyone around him started to drink and eat.

Bi Fang thought that they were just using him as an excuse to hold a banquet, "ughh, why again a banquet, i don't want to see this again, the drunk brother and sisters, the Elder and exceptionally Elder Xuan." As Bi Fang said this he felt a cold chill running down his spine, thinking about Elder Xuan, who would hold on to him tightly and not let go for the next few hours.

this was by far the second hardest chapter to write, but why?


Lemngoecreators' thoughts