
Overpowered Hero In Search Of Battle!

Sedah is an overpowered typical fantasy hero whose gone through trials and tribulations and has saved humanity, but after centuries of peace across the world, he has become bored and empty, hoping to find someone strong to kill him in battle.

PlipPop · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Talent and Hardwork!

"Arthur! Listen to me, I'm happy you can hunt a C - class monster all by yourself now, but you have to let me know before you go running off on your own!" Sedah with mixed feelings of anxiousness and pride tells off Arthur.

"Anyways how long did it take for you to hunt down this berauin?"

"Just a few minutes" Arthur says ecstatically and full of smugness on his face.

"Well at least your trainings paying off! Remember just because your a natural born talent doesnt mean you get off easy, now lets work on your sword - Arthur get inside the cave theres something.... no .. someone dangerous is out there... quickly!"

"But - "

"No buts! Now!"

Arthur runs hurriedly inside the cave with a thought of concern ; "What could make master so on edge?"

Sedah. Undoubtedly is the strongest. However, there is another person. One man, who has rivaled and at one point had bested him in terms of swordsmanship. A tenacious aura had overwhelmed Arthur and made him fall to his knees as he went in the cave.

"I can't move...I can't speak" Fear had utterly and completely overwhelmed Arthur. Trying to turn his eyes towards Sedah and this unknown man. But his body just wouldnt allow it! Sweat had dripped from his face! Arthur fell to his knees in dread.

Arthur was frustrated at his own cowardness.

Sedah's face lit up with ecstasy once the dark-robed man came into sight! Long, crimson hair and an eye patch on his right. A bag under his other eye. His left eye was white, as if it were blank, but he was nothing if not focused.

"Sedah...so this is where you've been hiding for all these years."

"Hiding? Hah! From what? You? This world, including you had bored me! Your not even worthy to put up a decent challenge!"

Aura exuded the man with an even greater intensity than before. Stretching outward with his right arm, out of nothing a katana had formed, he clenched with a tight grip.

"A katana, huh? Great! It'll be a good toothpick for me!"

A clash of spirit shook the very land beneath! No monster dared to be anywhere near, monsters had spread, running away from their habitat ; they all fled from their great big forest.

Arthur was gasping for air, breathing in and out continuosly as if he was going to suffocate. Arthur with clenched teeth managed to muster the strength to turn towards the direction of his master and this unknown enemy. It took all his might and willpower to do so. This was Arthurs first sight of what it truly means to be strong!

Swiftly the man charged at Sedah with his katana, Arthur had seen 8 different slashes with one swing from the man. However, just as swifly Sedah had dodged all seemingly 8 fast slashes.

"Hold on a second!" Sedah raised his hands, a playful smirk forming. "Time out, alright? I don't even have my sword! We can't call this a fair fight, can we?" In an instant, Sedah vanished, reappearing by Arthur's side. The tension dissolved slightly, but the air still expressed a sense of seriousness.

"Arthur." Sedah's voice softened as he glanced down at him, still pinned by the overwhelming aura. "Just now, how many slashes did you count?"

The swordsman looked annoyed.

"e- eight!" Arthur replied still trying to catch his breath. Both Sedah and the man looked surprised.

"Sedah, you found yourself a real talent, how interesting. Boy! How old are you?"

"I'm six..i think?" replied Arthur confused. The intense atmosphere and pressure had completely disappeared and Arthur stood back up.

"Your six years old and could percieve 8 of my slashes..hah!....You truly are impressive, I can see why you decided to keep him Sedah."

"Enough you damm swordsman, just who the hell are you?! And what business do you have fighting with my master!"

"Spirit too! What a great kid! You have potential to become a strong warrior. Your eyes have great perception. However! You did not percieve all my slashes. I had actually swung 15 different kinds of slashes. Quite impressive, no?"

"That just means I had dodged 15 swings unscathed, which is even more impressive!" Sedah replied with a competitive spirit.

"Anyways! I did not come to fight you Sedah. That past is behind us, there's something else I'd like to discuss with you."

"Oh? What's this, you came to me to ta -"

"- Another celestial contract is being formed as we speak."

"...this is quite a talk."

Another Chapter! Another Character! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, be sure to leave a comment and like if you did! :D

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