
Overpowered Hero In Search Of Battle!

Sedah is an overpowered typical fantasy hero whose gone through trials and tribulations and has saved humanity, but after centuries of peace across the world, he has become bored and empty, hoping to find someone strong to kill him in battle.

PlipPop · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Magic and Dungeon!

"What's a chant?" Arthur asked innocently.

"Well, a chant is...you know a spell which allows you to use magic. This is kind of basic knowledge..you know."

"I see! But can't you just use magic without a chant?" Arthur was bewildered at the concept.

"..I mean you can, but then your magic is very weak and you can't use specific spells. You won't even be able to harm a D-Class monster without speaking out chants."

"I've hunted an A-Class without incantation, but if I learn spells will it make my magic that stronger and be able to shine light?"

"Your kidding right? Ahem! Anyways there's many different types of spells Arthur. Not just to brighten up a cave, that's quite a simple one."

"Can you teach me? Using spells and stuff like that."

"Sure! But it requires a lot of dedication, time and memory. We can start of easy with a simple fire spell." She pointed her staff to the sky.


Fire had shot out to the sky quickly, and then dissipating as it got further. "Now you try!"

"But I can just do that without saying anything though.." Arthur then opened his palm up and stretched it towards the sky, effortlessly mimicing what Rosianne just did then but with his flame being a bit bigger and lasting a bit longer.

Rosianne was again in shock. "How did you just do that without a chant?"

"What do you mean? Isn't that normal?"

"People can use magic without chants to a very small scale, but it seems you can do spells without chants." Rosianne explained. She wanted to further test the extent of Arthur's capability. Copy what I do without any chant or spell of any sort.

"..Sure, not like I know any spells anyways."

Rosianne pointed her staff to the ground.

「земляная стена」

A wall of earth had grown, a good defensive spell. Arthur then mimicked it easily, with a wave of his hand.

"..Like this?"

"Arthur. Your quite impressive, aren't you? I have heard stories about people being able to use magic to such an extent without using incantations. Famously, Sedah the hero could as well. Of course, he's just a legend. You said you didn't have a teacher, right?"

"M-me of course not! Even if I did have a master, it wouldn't be S-Sedah, but I definitely do not have a teacher!" Arthur replied stuttering and anxious.

"..yeah, your reall-"

Craft had run up to both of them."Arthur! Rosianne!" Craft had called out. "Follow me!" he said with excitement. "Check out what me and Baro found!"

They both followed Craft, venturing deeper inside the cave. They were met with Baro.

All of them then looked up seeing two giant stone doors shut tightly. Both doors had engraved markings on them.

"It looks like an entrance, but to what?" Rosianne looked confused.

"It's definitely a dungeon!! Let's go in!!" Both Craft and Baro exclaimed with joy in unison.

"Wait! You two! There's no telling what's behind those doors. It could be a trap! Arthur tell them both to calm down, gosh!" She turned to Arthur.

"Arthur?" she said.

Arthur looked down at the floor, his body was shaking.

"Arthur, you ok?" she asked, nervously.

Arthur smirked. He then put both his arms out in the air. He was bursting with energy!

"Let's go! There could be treasure! Let's go inside!" Arthur said excitedly, joining the other two.

"Not you too! All of you enough already! Stop being so excited, remember what were here for! A Direwolf, ok? We are not going inside! We could get hurt or injured!" She crossed her arms, having an angry expression.

"Please, Rosianne."

"Pretty please, Rosianne!"

"There could be treasure! Maybe even a cool, new staff and ancient spells all for you."

All three of them had stared at her with sad puppy eyes, trying to convince Rosianne through cuteness, pity and persuasion.

"Tch. Fine! Ok! You convinced me! Let's go already!" She now joined the other three in their excitement.

"Yes!" All three of them said in unison, high fiving one another in celebration.

"So...how do we actually open this door?" Baro asked.

"Let me take a look at those markings." Rosianne had inspected the markings.

It read as followed:

「Тем, кто ищет вызов, скажи эти слова:

pазбуди бегемота и брось нам вызов.」

"What does it say, Rosianne?" Craft asked.

"It means 'To those that seek challenge speak these words : awaken behemoth and bring us challenge.' If I say those words, it should open."

"Please, Rosianne!" Baro had pleaded.

"I already said that I'm convinced, have some patience will you. Ahem!" Rosianne had then spoken the words.

「Разбуди бегемота и брось нам вызов」

Just then the doors had slowly opened up. The cave had shook a little. Torches along the walls on either side were lit up, with stairs leading deep down. All of them descended to the depths of this dungeon. In hopes of finding treasure as they explore. In hopes of getting stronger. In hopes of an exciting journey.






They would later come to realise their naïevity and foolishness.

Hope you enjoyed another chapter! :D

This is as I've said before my first LN and as I keep on writing the faster time flies. Thank you for reading!

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