
Overpowered Hero In Search Of Battle!

Sedah is an overpowered typical fantasy hero whose gone through trials and tribulations and has saved humanity, but after centuries of peace across the world, he has become bored and empty, hoping to find someone strong to kill him in battle.

PlipPop · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Love and Laughter!

"Wake up damm tiny horns! It's time for work!"

Sedah had gotten out of bed and went downstairs.

"Yes sir! Ready for work!" He said to Lyanna's father.

"Wait jus' a second honey, Sedah. Come and eat breakfast!" Lyanna's mother spoke in a soft, and quiet voice.

"Good! Today you'll be plowing the rice fields and then working at our inn afte-"

"-I SAID COME AND EAT BREAKFAST YOU TWO!" Lyanna's mother spoke with a harsh tone. Both of them sat down, and stuffed their faces with bread and eggs. A nice and warm meal. Lyanna came down a little later.

"Ah! Food!" Lyanna immediately ran over, scoffing her food down in a hurry but still half-asleep and her hair all messy.

"-wa-wat-water!!!" She grabbed her glass of water and then drunk it all it one gulp, almost losing her life to a hefty meal. Sedah looked at Lyanna. Lyanna forgot about Sedah starting to live with them. Sedah couldn't help but laugh...

"PFTTT!!" unable to hold his laughter he covered his hand with his mouth. Lyanna had forgotten about Sedah starting to live with them and quickly went red in the face.

"AW- AWAWA -AWAWAWAW! Y-Y -YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" embarassed she got up and out her chair.

Pointing her finger at Sedah, "Understand?" she said with murderous intention, quickly running upstairs.

"Ahem! Lyanna's father putting his clenched fist to his mouth" "Continuing on from where we left off, you'll then be learning how to use a sword. Be grateful, your learning from the very best of the best! Me. After trainings done and over with, your free to do whatever else, like getting lost forever."

"Dear!" Lyanna's mother had slapped him at the back of his head and then let out a huge sigh.

"..stupid old man..." Sedah muttered quietly under his breath.

"Haaaaaaaah!? Did I hear that right - an old man, did you say?" clenching his fist, Sedah ran out quickly, "I'm going to plow the fields now, byee!"

"Damm brat!"

Sedah continued to work hard at everything he did, getting used to the labor rapidly. His swordsmanship had grew quick and even Lyanna's father knew he would easily surpass himself.

8 years had passed...just like that..

Every second he had free time, Sedah was with Lyanna and Lyanna was with Sedah, they both laughed and argued with each other through the years. Time had passed by quickly and peacefully and as soon as they knew it they were both young adults. Sedah had turned 19 and Lyanna had turned 20.

After training, like he usually did, he took a bath and then ran to Lyanna. They both always met on a hill someplace a bit further away from the village, the sun went down faster than usual and the moon had gone up quicker.

Sedah saw Lyanna ontop of the hill sitting, looking up at the moon, Sedah from the first time seeing her until now had always been captivated. Lyanna's eyes caught Sedah's stare and gestured for him to come sit next to her, patting the ground. Sedah went over and sat.

"You've never told me why you were deep in the forest in the first place. From when we first met. Why were you?"

"Well, as strange as it sounds, I was hearing a voice calling out to me, and naturally I just followed it. Then I met you, like it was fate." Lyanna said with a great big smile.


"Ah! You don't believe me do you?" Lyanna had questioned with pressure of a great big pout.

"No... I believe you, honest! Well, it is a little far-fetched..."

"Hmph!...Sedah, you've grown, y'know. Your taller than me now and your not so scrawny anymore...guess I can't call you shorty anymore!"

"...I think I was right when I first met you."

"Oh ~ what about?"

"Your eyes...they've had me hypnotized for a really long time now." Sedah declared, staring at Lyanna's eyes.

Lyanna had her knees tucked to her chest and her face full of embarassment, looking down she quietly said, "..d-do you e-even know w-w-what your saying?" Sedah immediately grabbed both of Lyanna's hand, interlocking her thin, long fingers with his rough ones.

"Yes I do know." Sedah stared at Lyanna's eyes. His gaze was so serious and so full of love. Lyanna also couldn't help but be intoxicated.


"...Y-Y-Yesh" Lyanna had bit her tongue with eager restlessness.

"Lyanna. I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?" Sedah had resoloutely avowed his love and Lyanna's heart in response beated faster and faster. Her breathing heavier and heavier. "I wuv you too!" panting, with hearts in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately after she had pulled Sedah forward. Passionately kissing him, both wishing this moment could last forever.

I was so embarassed writing this chapter, but this was my favourite to write so far! So cute!! Hope you all enjoyed! :D

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