
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · 書籍·文学
36 Chs

Aureole relocated?

Momonga kept his word and it didn't take to long before another group of guildmembers came with the next Npc for the new 9th Floor.

They seem to make a tradition out of first introducing their new Npc to him before bringing them to their designated area.

The first of them all, was the Kitsune called "Shiro Kurama". She was a beauty beyond everything he expected, dressed in a black Yukata, which only accentuated her beautiful and volouptuos figure.

Shiro wore her long white hair in a wide braid which hung over her shoulder to the front and still reached easily beyond her waist.

To say she was a goddess, wouldn't be an understatement, at least in terms of looks, to his utter suprise, they told him that she would be one of his fiance's before bringing her to her designated area.

Now at first there seems nothing wrong with such a set up, as this was just a game, but he knew that would change one day and then he would need to take responsibility for their actions...

His head already started to hurt just imagining this, his only hope being that they wouldn't give her a personality like the one of Albedo or Shaltear from the novel.

But he still didn't realize in how much of a deep bucket full of shit he had stumped with his reincarnation as an Npc.

This realization only came when the next group of Guildmembers came with another beauty on par with Shiro, to introduce to him as his other fiance.

If he would be able show emotion or do anything, he would have probably destroyed his own home in annoyance at the ideas of his Creators.

Though the girl was a very much appreciated beauty in his eyes, her name was "Yoru Kuro", she was taller in height than Shiro but with a similar volouptuos figure.

Yoru had long and open worn black hair, and two black feathered wings spread out on her back, the beauty wore an outfit which he could only assume to be that of a shrine Maiden.

They continued over time to introduce 7 more Npc's to him, some of which would be under him directly and living in the 9-layered Imperial Pagoda.

The others would be under each of his fiance's, 2 Npc's under each of the two, while 3 would stay with himself inside the Imperial Pagoda and the Cherry Blossom Forest outside of his Pagoda.

Among the ones directly under him was another beauty, but he had to say, she wasn't only a beauty but also especially cute, which lay in the fact that she had dog ears and a dog tail.

She had a two Katanas as weapons and long wild black hair, with an athletic and muscular body, which at the same time retained its feminine aspects.

Among the women Npc's he had seen, this was the one he was most interested in according to his own preferences and he overheard the guildmembers who made them, talk about her having a crush on him.

Something they had put into her program, as well as the fact that she, much like another Npc he knew of, was a pure Warrior and Swordsman.

Not only in spirit, but also in clothes, as she wore a Samurai armor when fighting, while in regular times a black Kimono with a black haori.

Time passed by afterwards and Shuten had already lost all Sense of time in this place, even when there was a night and day circle on the 9th Floor, it did nothing to help him truly have a sense of time.

He couldn't know if it was set to switch according to the time in the real world or if it was changed by the players, so there was no reason in trying to count the time.

That was until one day Momonga and Tabula came to visit him again, 'Nice, finally someone came to visit me again...I was feeling a bit lost over time...'

Lost was probably the wrong word, rather lonely would be more fitting. The reason of which was that he was designed in a way, were he didn't have a certain movement pattern in which he moved over the 9th Floor, different from other Npc's.

There were two Npc's which were programmed to come to his room once every 7 days, of course those were his fiance's Yoru and Shiro.

But they couldn't talk, they would just sit opposit him for a while before leaving again. This didn't help his loneliness whatsoever, so he was very glad in his heart and soul when Momonga and Tabula came to visit him.

"Hey Shuten Dōji, we came to give you new information, because we decided to put another area on this floor, which was originally planned to be a floor above yours."

Shuten didn't know why, but Momonga always seemed to treat him like a real living being and this made him very happy and appreciative, 'As expected of someone who took every Npc his guildmates mate as their children and decided to protect them...'

It was something he found really strange when he had lived and read the light novel of this story, but now in this strange situation, he was really really glad about it.

"We are going to place the "Cherry Blossom Sanctuary" and it's Area Guardian "Aureole Omega" on your floor, because it makes sense to have them here on the floor with the strongest Npc besides Rubedo." Momonga continued on and Shuten understood why they had come.

He knew about Rubedo, the younger sister of Nigredo and Albedo, the so-called strongest Npc in the original light novel of the story called Overlord.

It seemed though that he himself had now become the strongest Npc, or at least he was on the same level as Rubedo.

'I am not to sure if this is good or not... maybe in the new world, I am being imprisoned like Rubedo... that wouldn't be nice at all...'

A bit of concern crossed his mind, when Rubedo was mentioned, but his mind soon returned to the subject for which Momonga and Tabula had come.

And just as he did, Tabula opened the door to his room again and beckoned someone else inside.

"Come inside." As she said this, a young woman entered the room, she had long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Shuten knew the kind of clothes she wore, as they were very similar to one of his fiance's.

'So this is Aureole Omega... the only human being in Nazarick...' he thought as he looked at the beautiful Immortal girl wearing the clothes of a miko priestess.

"Aureole Omega, this is Shuten Dōji, the Floor Guardian of the 9th Level of Nazarick and the strongest Npc at least on par with Rubedo." Tabula introduce Shuten to Aureole and then did the same for Shuten in reverse.

"Shuten Dōji, this is Aureole Omega, the 7th sister of the "Seven Sisters". She will be the area Guardian of the "Cherry Blossom Sanctuary" which we have relocated to the 9th Floor." Tabula paused for a moment before mumbling, "I'm already starting to treat them like real beings... Momonga you rub your strange behavior off on me..."

Momonga chuckled for a second before continuing where Tabula had left off, "Anyway, the "Cherry Blossom Sanctuary" will be overseen by her and it will also be center of the teleportation network inside of Nazarick, which is the reason why it is needed to be in a secure place."

'Right... that was one of the most important jobs of Aureole Omega... even when she didn't have much of an appearance besides once were Yuri Alpha asked for her permission to use the teleportation network.'

Remembering this, he understood the importance of Aureole Omega again and why she was brought here.

Nodding in his mind, he also understood that his Creators, had a lot of trust in him and his floor to be able to protect the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary.

Momonga and Tabula then left with Aureole Omega in toe, leaving Shuten again to himself.

Immediately the loneliness which had just subsided a little, through the visit of Momonga and Tabula, returned in full.

'And they are gone again... the silence returned...'

Surrounded by utter loneliness as his Npc body lay down on the ground in a comfortable spot again, which gave him no comfort whatsoever.

'But I really didn't expect them to relocate Aureole and the control center for the Transpotation gates...'

It made sense to do this, as he was probably the strongest Npc of the whole of Nazarick, at least if Rubedo wasn't counted in.

That Npc would probably still be stronger then himself, as she was made through the use of a world Item, that was at least what he remembered from reading the novel and bonus informations.

'Haa.... can't do much anyway, maybe I should try to remember what I can and make plans for the future?' He thought to himself.

Though he loved the Novel, there were some characters with a very tragic fate, which in his opinion they didn't deserve at all.

Among them characters such as the little sisters of Arche, a worker who invaded Nazarick. The two little girls were sold into slavery by their own parents and worked themselves to death.

Such a fate was simply disgusting in his opinion, if he could change this, then he would at least try to do so.

Another person whom he thought didn't deserve neither her end nor her whole life, was the girl called Zeshi. Being used by her own mother to get revenge for herself and also being used by her whole country as a weapon, while they use her own kind as slaves is simply miserable.

And she knew nothing of this, which caused her to fight for the theocracy instead of joining Nazarick and fighting against the theocracy.

The end of the Theocracy itself is something he was looking forward to, as he thought that this counrltry didn't deserve to exist at all.

A country which promotes human supremacy in a world with countless species which are much stronger then humans is just laughable.

Such a country simply shouldn't exist at all, the humans in that piece of garbage country even think that what they are told by their higher ups is true.

They simply need to be taught what superiority means.

Another person he thought about was the little vampire girl, who will probably end worse than all people before her, as she was hated by the insect maid.

This should be easily avoidable and it should also be easy to turn her over to their own side, simply by revealing her true identity to her friends.

The only fate he truly couldn't change no matter what, would probably be that of Gazef Stronoff. The most loyal Warrior of the Re-estize Kingdom, even when Momonga offered hin a place at his side, the man's belief didn't allow him to accept such an offer.

It was such a pity for such a good man to die... He truly deserved to be respected, much different from his friend Brain Unglaus, who was nearly scared to death when faced with Shaltear bloodfallen.

Though in the end he became a true Warrior, who was even appreciated by Cocytos, this didn't change the deeds he had done until then.

However, no matter how much he recalled the people in the novel, among them he truly pitied Zeshi the most and if he had to choose only one person among them, then that person would be the one he would choose.

While he was making plans and thought about things that may happen in the future, time slowly went on and actually the people started to come here more often.

Especially after "Blue star" made something very special for this floor.

First he made a day and night cycle, with a moon and a sun through magic. The moon would even be like in reality with an increasing moon and a waning moon.

It would take 7 switches from day to night for the moon to be seen as full and the same time for there to be a moonless night, then it would simply repeat itself.

What was truly special about this was the night of the full moon, at this time, all Npc's were programmed to gather under the Imperial Pagoda before midnight and at midnight they would then with Shuten Dōji as the leader play the role of Hyakki Yagyo.

The Nightwalk of a hundred Ghosts and Monsters, they even build in special fireworks. They also build a special road just for this nightwalk that would lead through the whole of the 9th floor and also further widened the balcony on the highest floor of the Imperial Pagoda, so they could watch it from there.

This at least gave Shuten Dōji something to enrich his boring life as an npc, even when he felt a bit awkward when it happend the first time, he couldn't rebell against it anyway as it was programmed into his data.

Since then there is a nightwalk of a hundred ghosts and monsters every 14 days at midnight under the shine of the full moon.

This also gave the players a reason to come more often to this floor then before, which also in turn made Shuten Dōji fell less bored and more appreciated.

He didn't even know when he started to see the players truly as his Creators, although he knew they were just normal humans in reality, he still started to feel genuine loyalty towards them.

This may have something to so with his settings, but he also understood that they were basicly the ones who made him, no matter if it was in a game or not.

They were his chance at a new life, so why should he stand against them?

So over time he started to develop true loyalty, not only the one programmed into him.