
- New Addition

Anna, Xavius, and Noura all kneel before Ulbert with their heads looking down and their eyes closed shut.

When Anna first revealed herself from the shadows of the mine, as her eyes adapted to the sharp light, she laid her sight upon the two creatures kneeling before Ulbert. Two demons that just with their presence alone, emit horrifying energy that she was not even able to feel from Ulbert.

But there was no time to stand dumbfounded. With a deep breath and shaking knees, she mustered enough courage and walked up to the two demons, bowing her head down as she kneeled beside them.

"I see you have made it," Ulbert spoke, facing the forest instead of the three. As always his hands interlocked behind his back while his velvet cape waves in the breeze.

"I apologize for not waking you up personally, I had some matter to attend to." Although he could not see, Noura and Xavius lifted their heads and their faces full of surprise looked at Ulbert.

"Apologies for interrupting lord Ulbert," Noura said. "But I believe no human deserves an apology from the supreme one, insects like this human will never be your equal."

"Do you not think lord Ulbert knowsss that? It is all part of hisss plan, a plan we sssimply can't underssstand." As if mocking, Xavius said.

Growing tired of useless chattering, Ulbert turned himself around and looked at the two. As his terrifying gaze pierced right through them, they lowered their heads once again and no other words escaped their lips.

"Enough now." He spoke in a calm yet persuasive voice. "I appreciate your concern Noura, but just as Xavius said, my every action, my every word has a meaning. Even an action that you may consider insignificant."

"O-Of course Lord Ulbert, I apologise for being so careless."

"Now, now. We have other matters to attend to." He said as she shifted his gaze to Anna, the one she could feel right through her.

"Raise yourself Anna." He commanded and immediately she rose. Her eyes avoiding to look at him while her fingers tightly squeeze the fabric that she is wearing.

With her spine straight Ulbert began to eye her down from head to toes, his hand stroking his grey beard. Thinking.

Hmm. Although she isn't wearing it properly, the maid outfit looks more than perfect on her. Ulbert looked at her fingers squeezing the fabric on the sides. Although not as much as yesterday, I can still smell fear running through her body.

After a long and silent moment of inspection, Ulbert once again placed his hands behind his back and approached her. With a grin on his face, he gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head so their eyes could meet.

"The maid outfit looks good on you." He said, and the smirk on his face transformed into a genuine, tender smile. A smile that she never thought a monster could wear. And somehow, just for that short second, she could see past his monstrous features and witness a human staring right back at her. A bizarre thought she swiftly dismissed.

"Do all the clothes fit you?"

"Y-Yes Lord Baphomet its-"

Ulbert raised his hand.

"You may call me Lord Ulbert."

"O-Of course, Lord Ulbert. The outfit fits perfectly, o-although I do not know if I am wearing it correctly."

Ulbert let out a chuckle.

"Pay it no heed, you will learn how to be a proper maid in time to come. That is..." No longer smiling or laughing he looked at her with a serious face. "If you wish to serve me."

Slowly, Ulbert walked back a couple of feet and spread out his arms wide open, his eyes still interlocked with Anna's.

"I, Ulbert Alain Odle, give my word that you shall not be harmed if you refuse my offer. If however you do accept, I promise that all of your deepest desires will be met for I am a god. Now Anna, tell me your answer."

The sudden question, so hard-hitting and unexpected, made her look down at her feet as her mind worked up a swift answer. Her whole life she was blindly following orders of the one in charge, not having a choice and say in any matter be it concerning her or something else. And now, after years of being suppressed by the weight of those above her, she finally has a choice. Would she rather accept her new fate and adventure into the unknown, or return to the dull life she is so used to, she must answer soon.

With her fists clenched and her body tensed, she lifted her head and looked at Ulbert who is patiently waiting for her answer.

"I can wait for your answ-"

"I-I accept your offer." She interrupted Ulbert before kneeling once again "I will serve you!"

Even after all he has done, even after all the people he killed. Anna could feel the attachment she has to Ulbert. There is something different about him. He respects her as no one did, he listens to her as no one did, he understands her as no one did. And that is more than enough for her to recognize him as her leader.

"Wonderful." He slightly nodded with a wide smile.

"I trust you already met Juz the goblin"

"Y-Yes I have." Anna quickly glanced around in search for that goblin, yet all the traces of him have vanished.

"You must have already realized, but I have assigned him to protect and serve you. He is quite strong and versatile, ask him when you need anything."

"You crazy bimbo!" Anna recalled those words accompanied by the goblin's squeaky, annoying voice. The little vermin never told her she was in charge of him, in fact, he made it look like he was in charge of her, vexing her so much more.

"Thank you my lord." She responded in a calm voice as Ulbert turned himself around, now yet again facing the deep and calm forest that surrounds him.

"Now, let's get to the matters at hand. Anna, I have been told about a village not so far from here, do you possess any knowledge regarding it?"

"Yes lord Ulbert. It's a remote village where people that work the mine liv...-used to live."

"Hmm. Interesting, do you know how if any guards are stationed there?"

"Yes, about a few dozen.

"A lot of guards for a small village."

"If I recall correctly, the mayor said that they were personally sent by Slane Theocracy to provide some protection against potential raiders."

"Slane Theocracy?"

"It is a country that owns this mine and these lands."

Interesting...Maybe this Slane Theocracy is the higher-ups Andras talked about in his diary, or perhaps it's a separate organisation working rogue.

Ulbert looked at the Succubus. Noura said that those who survived headed West, exactly where the village is.

Ulbert let out a small grin.

"Noura I want you to scout the forest, the human village awaits."








As the lone candle burns bright in the dark, Tristan and Vela sit motionless at a round table, facing one another with their stiff bodies. The cups of ale and wine sit still and untouched, the eerie silence envelops the empty tavern while the cold air slams against the windows. They sit in anticipation, their hands tremble with fear as they wait for the horror itself to barge in and take away their souls, yet it may never appear.

And then, one of them spoke.

"We must return to the capital." Tristan's words, cold and sharp as if a blizzard, awoke Vela and her eyes full of terror and worry, have laid themselves on the dwarf.

For a long moment she looked at him without releasing a single sound, her mind carefully choosing words while her jaw too terrified to let them out.

"Y-You...Can't be serious Tristan." She spoke.

The dwarf looked at her again. He has known her for years but has never seen her so afraid. To see someone you expects to be so tough-minded and resolute succumb into fear and worry, makes you question your own strength and power. No matter who you are.

"We have to Vela. We must tell them what happened."

"T-They will kill me." Tears began gathering in her eyes and her body trembled even so more. Is the sorrow that she shows but a simple act? Is it a deceitful play just so she can get what she wants? Tristan does not know. And no matter how much he dissects her words, the uncertainty of it all just keeps on knocking at the side of his head, clouding his judgment.

"Then what do you want me to do? You are the only person who has experienced his power and lived! Your knowledge is priceless, even when you do not realize so yourself!"

Vela clenched her fists and her eyes looked down at her injured leg covered in bandages, dried blood showing through the white strips of cotton that is wrapped tightly around her ankles.

Curse you Andras, I must find a different way to get out of this. She thought as she subtly began looking around the table, from cups of ale and wine to plates with bread and meat to candles next to a...Knife. A knife that is just sitting and waiting to be grabbed and used, a perfect opportunity.

"I would not do that if I was you, Vela." He said with a calm expression that shattered her confidence. He is stronger than her, she experienced his strength once in the past, and now that he knows her intentions, she quickly realized there is nothing she can do in this situation.

"Tristan, I beg you. I have told you all I know, all the horrors I endured while in the hands of that...Monster. Please, let me go, I beg of you." She said as tears began running down her pink cheeks while her voice shook with every word, so desperate to see sympathy.

Tristan looked past her at the window. It is deep into the night and the all the villagers are resting in their beds, even the tavern owner where Tristan and Vela are staying the night, is sleeping upstairs. Giving Tristan a spare room for tonight.

A few hours ago, Andras gave Tristan clear orders, to release Vela from her imprisonment and make his way to the capital of Slane Theocracy. He did not give specific instructions on how to deal with Vela, so perhaps taking her to the capital would be a mistake. Not to mention the fact that she is injured, which will surely slow down this journey of great importance.

Tristan let out a sigh. "We rest for tonight, I will decide what to do with you tomorrow morning.

"W-What if he comes here? We can't waste time on rest!"

"We can't travel without supplies and a good night's sleep" Tristan paused as he looked out into the window once again. "Let's pray he does not find us before we leave, or we will never make it out of here alive."








Ulbert, Xavius, Noura and Anna have been walking for an hour or so, following a small trail leading out of the forest and onto the main path. The forest was far more vast than Ulbert has expected it to be, and far more animals of all kind roam it, warming him with the sight of harmless life.

"Lord Ulbert," Noura spoke with her altered appearance. No longer does she look like a demonic succubus serving a demon lord, but rather a simple woman dressed in simple clothes. Immense beauty could attract attention, hence why Ulbert ordered her to withstand the urge of a succubus and appear as an adequate human being.

"Would it not be better to fly to the village?"

Ulbert glanced at her for a moment.

"Although this is indeed a remote area, there is a chance we might be seen flying by the villagers. I want us to walk for a reason Noura." He replied with his human lips.

"Of course my lord, forgive my foolish question."

"by the way, I have never asked you how are you finding your new body?" Ulbert continued.

"Its...It's quite different." Noura said as she cracked her neck and tensed her body. So clear it is that she does not enjoy being in a form of those she despises, but these were the orders given to her by her lord, the orders she does not dare to disobey.

"What about you Xavius?"

"Itsss quite wonderful, but sssooo fragile."

Ulbert let out a small chuckle. "That is the price to pay for wearing the mask."

The spell that Xavius and Noura are using is called Perfect Illusion. Perfect Illusion is a spell that defies all five senses of those who lay their eyes upon its wearer. A spell however, that just like all has its drawbacks. The penalty for using this spell is a reduction of all attributes by 75%. For example, if the user who is level 80 uses Perfect Illusion, all of his stats will be equivalent to a player that is level 20. Hence why the spell was commonly used by players to scan the area and not engage in battles.

However, Ulbert possesses a racial ability that allows him to take the appearance of someone else with a different penalty. Instead of reducing his base stats, upon taking any form that does not belong to him, all of his Racial abilities become disabled until his original devil form is returned. He may still use his Job Classes, however the abilities belonging to Arch-Devil, Imp, Evil Lord and other Racial classes are no longer usable.

"How much longer do we have to walk, human." Noura spoke with a heavy tone. All this time Anna has been leading the group to the village and has never spoken in all that time, too afraid to interrupt conversations between Ulbert and his followers.

"U-Umm, a-about twenty minutes, mistress."

Noura kissed her teeth and raised her chin high. Why does this little human girl have to accompany us? What is it that lord Ulbert found in her. She thought and gazed at her lord who is smiling and looking at the empty fields covered in bright green grass. For the whole journey, her mind has been occupied with Ulbert's decision, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a feeling of deep admiration washed upon her as Xavius's words echoed in her mind.

'Do you not think lord Ulbert knows that? It is all part of his plan, a plan we simply can't understand.'

Of course! She realized. I am unable to grasp his thought prosses! Lord Ulbert is a supreme being with intelligence that surpasses all of us combined. This girl is here for a reason...She eyed Anna down.

There is no doubt about it.

After travelling for nearly an hour, a village began coming into sight. From afar smokes escaping the chimneys could be seen and sharpened logs that serve as fences grew greatly in size.

It is a tiny village just as he suspected. With no watchtowers to look over the walls, and no guards patrolling the area during the day and perhaps night, Ulbert realized just how lightly the village is protected.

"Shall I transform back, lord Ulbert?" Xavius asked no longer hissing from the words due to his human form.

"Why would that be necessary?"

"I will not be able to protect you using this weak body."

"Yes my lord." Noura joined the conversation. "How will we be able to shield you if these beasts decide to attack?"

Ulbert looked at them, their faces so serious and determined.

"You two not using Perfect Illusion may alert enemies in hiding, and that will ruin our cover."

"But lord U-"

"I shall hear no more, my decision is final." He spoke with slight anger in his voice.

Upon hearing Ulbert's response and words of frustration, their bodies as if on instinct dropped to the floor and their heads looked down.

"Please forgive our foolishness." They spoke in unison.

"Anna, do the guards permit those who do not live at the village to pass?" He turned to Anna, dismissing Xavius and Noura.

"Y-Yes lord Ulbert."

You would think a place where minerals of high value are stored would be protected better.


Ulbert turned his attention back to the kneeling demons.

"You two may rise. Keep your composure when we enter this human settlement and do not disappoint me again, is that clear?"

"Yes my lord." The two spoke in unison once again as Ulbert turned himself to the village.

"Now let's see if those that escaped are there. I have some questions to ask."

Author note - The chapter took longer but is a little bit bigger than the others. I slightly reworked chapter 1 and currently reworking chapter 1.5 (God damn there are so many mistakes) Reworking older chapters takes me longer than I expected, so next chapter will prob take a little bit longer as well.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading. Anything I can do better or thoughts on the chapter? Let me know I am very open to feedback!

Also, I have been using a character sheet of Ulbert made by Soreon on Reddit, here is the Reddit post where I got it from. If anyone is wondering how powerful Ulbert is, check it out. Reddit. dot com /r/overlord/comments/bm7gkg/attempted_character_sheet_of_ulbert/

Webnovel doesn't allow me to add spaces and italic writing. So some parts (like where I change the scene with bunch of space in between) might not make sense.

RKD_RRcreators' thoughts