
Slime Meets Girl

The blue slime is currently in front of the stair, the stair was going upstairs, the slime didn't know whether it leads to the higher floor or upper floor as he was born in the dungeon as the weakest monster and obtain an intelligence in an unknown floor to him. In its way reaching the stairway it killed a lot of monsters and it also leveled up. Right now the blue slime's status is.

Name: None Race: Blue Slime

LvL: 28

HP: 15, 768 MP: 10, 549

STR: 679 DEF: 10,389 AGI: 1, 260

INT: 4, 789

Among all the monsters in dungeon aside from the 70th floor and above, the floor below is like an exp bank for the slime. The monsters below the 70th floor are like a tool to level up the slime itself. Of course, the slime didn't underestimate the other creature, as a natural born weak monster the feeling of being the weakest is still intact on its mind. The blue slime will hunt the solo moving monster while avoiding the monsters that act in a group.


Outside the undiscovered dungeon, a group of human can be seen there. They are sending a scout in to check if the dungeon is a dangerous place to enter or not, after a moment the scout came out.

"Young miss, I suspect that this is an undiscovered dungeon. As far as I can see no one still discover this place!" The scout exclaimed. His voice contained a hint of excitement in it. If they discovered a new dungeon then the rights to own the dungeon is the first person who found it. Since they are the first one who found the dungeon then naturally they already owned the dungeon.

The dungeon was the most important things for humans because if one owned a dungeon then can have the adventurer to pay a massive amount of price just to enter the dungeon. Aside from that, if one owned the dungeon then they can get stronger by killing the monster inside and then gained an experienced from it.

Currently, the one who found the dungeon is the first miss and her subordinate, the name of the first miss is Mia Sky. The Sky family is one of the few nobles in the Raven Kingdom. Unfortunately, her family was in decline because of lacking funds, but now that they found a dungeon then the fund problem was now solved.

"Send a message to the family and have them send reinforcements to scout the dungeon!" Mia ordered. She was excited that she couldn't help to shiver.

"I'm going to join the first party to enter the dungeon, have someone to watch the entrance in case the reinforcements arrived early!" Mia gave another order.

Her subordinate was stunned when they heard her order, Jack her most trusted aide suddenly shouted at her.

"No way! I can't just stand here and have you miss go on your way!"

"Jack! I'm not a weak little girl anymore!" Mia pouted.

"Absolutely no way! I will not allow you to go inside of the dungeon!"

"Come on Jack, you know that if all of us go inside then guarding the young miss is as easy as breathing." One of the strong looking knights said. The warrior's name is Kail and he is the captain of the Sky Knights. His reputation is well known to the Raven Kingdom because he slays a Disaster class monster. A Disaster class monster is a monster who is at the same level as the Minotaur of the 90th-floor, as a Disaster class monster, of course, it can massacre a group of knights easily.

Jack's suddenly lit up when he heard Kail's suggestion, as he also wanted to explore the dungeon itself. Jack wanted to get stronger to help the Sky family who is in decline, unfortunately, he can't because he need to watch for the troublemaker young miss Mia. But now a lucky opportunity is in front of him so of course, he will not let it go.

"Just as you said, if all of us went in then we can easily guard young miss and let the others get strong. Furthermore, we can gather information about this dungeon!" Jack's eyes are filled with an expectation he is really eager to enter the dungeon right now.

When Mia saw how excited Jack was she looked at Kail's direction, and send to him "Good Job!". Mia was praising Kail makes him happy as Kail likes Mia. In short, Kail likes children. Anyone in his group what Kail type of girl Kail like so they just laughed at him when they saw that.

"What are you looking at!" Kail shouted at them.


While Mia and her subordinate were talking about their plan, our little blue slime is currently treading the stairway. The slime didn't know that the path it was treading to leads to the 14th-floor and it still continues in its way. The slime reaches the stairway's end, upon its arrival the slime a large viper eyeing it. The Slime was spooked by the viper because the viper had red eyes and in the middle was slit as thin as strings, its body was huge as huge as the Earth Dragon but not as strong as the latter. Its body has a black body and it has small spikes in it. The snake sprung up to our slime, its jaw was wide open and its saliva is dripping.

However, our slime didn't panic this time, as it killed a lot of monsters in its way the slime already grew up to not easily scared. Most of all, as its innate instinct told it that the snake is not as strong as the slime. As the weakest monster, it knew how to pick their opponents to survive, they will kill any opponent who is weaker than them and ran if they meet a monster stronger than them.


The snake is now in front of our slime then suddenly.

Supreme Ram!


The blue slime rams itself inside the mouth of the snake and came out from its tail. It sounds dirty but yes, the slime decided to go inside the mouth to damage the internals of the snake, it decided that because the slime thinks that the snake's skin is too thick and worried that if it rams itself it will be bounced back.

You obtained 1340 Experience Point!

Congratulations you obtained Passive Skill: Poison Immunity

Poison Immunity (LvL 1): Immune to all kind of poison.

Our blue slime received the notification and it felt happy as it obtained a passive skill. It actually didn't know what passive means is but it knew what skill is. According to its understanding skills are what makes one individual a strong one, so as long as you have the skill then that means that they are strong. Our slime naivety reaches the heaven but its understanding is half correct because having skills is one qualification of one person to call them strong individual.

The blue slime successfully killed the viper and continue its journey, it didn't care about the viper corpse as it did not have used on it so the slime just leaves it there to rot.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Shuah! Shuah!


A loud sound can be heard inside the dimly lighted room, this has earth as its wall and a torch hangs in the wall. Currently a group of armored knights a black suit butler and a girl wearing an armor and miniskirt under is fighting a huge goblin. This huge goblin is a Goblin King and also the boss on the 10th floor, the group fighting the Goblin King was exactly Mia, Jack, Kail, and the subordinates. They easily dominated the floor below and currently facing the floor boss, Mia, and her subordinate has the upper hand as the Goblin King can't even attack.

"A little bit more! We still need a bit more effort to kill this big goblin!" Mia shouted. She was excited as they easily went on their way to the floor boss.

"OHHHH! C'MON BIG GOBLIN DO YOUR BEST!" Kail entered a berserk mode when he heard Mia's encouragement. His subordinate went speechless as a simple sentence from young miss can make their mighty captain went in berserk.


The Goblin King shouted and looks like it understood what Kail said, the Goblin King charged at Kail. But when Kail saw the Goblin King charging he lowered his sword and concentrated. When Jack saw Kail lowered his sword he muttered.

"So he was going to end it in one blow huh."

Mia heard what Jack said and look at Kail with an eager look on her face. She knew that Kail was very strong and still have a chance to become strong, unfortunately, he chose to serve a declining family like Sky family and that destroyed his bright future ahead. Mia watches Kail carefully and she wants to learn every move he knew.

Suddenly Kail's faced flashed a killing intent and his sword started realizing a trace of fire.

Flare Strike!

When Flare Strike landed in Goblin King, the Goblin King's head separated to its shoulder. The decapitated head then started burning, Mia was shocked when she that, she knew that Kail was strong but she didn't know that he was so amazing.

"Awesome!" Mia exclaimed. Of course, Mia's praise didn't escape Kail's ears as he laughed creepily"Eheheheh!". His laughed made his subordinate disgusted about him even though they knew how awesome he was.

"Let's continue!" Jack said. Jack's word made everyone started moving. They move quickly and as they easily clear the 11th floor, their path was smooth sailing as they also cleared the 12th floor.

"Hey isn't this a little bit easy?" One of Kail's subordinate said.

"Shut up, if Captain Kail is not here right now then we can't even reach our way here by ourselves!" Said by another subordinate.

"Yeah he's right so just shut up and follow Captain Kail!" Another one said.

Mia and her subordinate just continue there way, until they reach the 14th floor, upon their arrival they saw a blue slime who is currently fighting a frog-like creature. The frog is yellow in color and had an ugly look that one makes want to puke. They witnessed how the blue easily killed the frog by ramming it to death.

When the slime notices the group of humans, it didn't make a move nor it ran away. Our slime just looks at them then release a sound.


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