
Sky Family's Reaction

After Gerard woke up they continued their journey but unlike before where he didn't mind Lucius the slime, he was now paying attention to the slime. Gerard was wondering why a monster that strong didn't attack Mia's subordinate. When he saw that Lucius was enjoying Mia's breast he came up with an answer.

"Yep, that slime is a pervert!" No doubt, no hesitation Gerard came up with his answer. Gerards subordinate look at the slime now with respect and fear. They respect Lucius because he was strong and they fear him because he was a monster, they thought that as a monster may be in the future he will attack them.


"Is that so?"

Mia and Lucius are currently talking, Lucius told Mia where he came but it was not that useful because all Lucius know was that he was in the floor next to where they meet. However for Mia that was ridiculous because a slime can survive in that floor, even though they don't know how many floors the dungeon was 15th and 14th floor are already as the number in their group was not that many.

And Kail was the only person who pushes the group to advance, well thanks to that Lucius and Mia met and Kail suffered an injury because of that. As they continue on their journey the company understood that Lucius can understand the human language it's just he can't talk.

They still need the great translator Mia to translate what Lucius want to say. Their journey is smooth sailing after they met the Hind Bear, they meet weaker monsters but not the same level as the bear.

Kail walk near Mia and said: "Young miss can you ask the slime how the hell it got strong?"

"How rude of you Kail! Lucius has a name!" Mia answered. Mia gets annoyed when someone didn't call Lucius with his name.

"Yeah Yeah, so can you ask 'Lucius' please," Kail replied. Currently, Kail really wants to want how the hell this wiggling blue slime beat him.

"Prrrrrrr!" Lucius let out his signature sound.

"He said because of you are too weak!" Mia translated. The rest of the group are speechless when they hear it. Too weak? Kail is? If other person said it then that person is most likely dead by now, unfortunately, the one who said it was Lucius the blue slime who one-hit KO Gerard and sent Kail flying away resulting to all his bones broken.

"Prrrrrrr! Prrrrrrrr!"

"The black snake is stronger than you, he said." Mia translated.

"Blacksnake?" Gerard on the side heard their conversation and couldn't help but wonder. If the slime said that the black snake that he met was stronger than Kail then there should be no way it's not true. He thought, but Lucius was exaggerating because the black snake he met near the passageway between 14th floor and 15th floor was not even a king class monster!

As they continue their journey they get close to their destination after Lucius said that Kail was weak, Kail looks like a dead corpse as he can't believe what the slime said. They continue until they saw a small dots on the horizon the dots looks like a town. This town was called Tron Town it is where the Sky Duke Mansion located.

They reached the entrance of the town where they met with the head of the Sky Duke Adolf. Duke Adolf was Mia's grandfather when Mia saw Adolf's figure she ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Look this is Lucius, he is my contracted beast!" The first thing Mia did when she met her grandfather was introduced Lucius the blue slime.

Duke Adolf himself was a veteran knight who overcomes various bloody war. When the first time he laid his eyes to the slime he already knew that Lucius is a dangerous monster. But when her relatives saw that Mia's contracted beast was a lowly slime they show a violent behavior.

"Mia, why did you pick a lowly slime as your contracted beast!" Her aunt name Rena asked.

"That's right you know that the Sky family future lies in you, so you should have a better beast than this slime!" Daril one of her uncles additionally said.

When Gerard and company heard what they said, they can't help but remember their first reaction when they saw Lucius. They just look at Lucius who was currently climbing to Jack's head and smile. Jack who standing also couldn't help but to wonder 'Why did this slime choose to be a contracted beast to young miss?'. Strong monsters have intelligent, they have an ability to think, but Lucius was different as even though he is a strong monster he is perverted and can easily bait by lewdness.

Kail at the side sneered to them and said: "You guys should fight that slime before you said anything.". Kail's sentenced shocked everyone and they also notice that Kail was currently injured and can't move properly.

"Kail where did you get that injury?" Adolf asked. His question makes Kail shut his mouth and don't want to answer. When Adolf saw that Kail doesn't want to answer he look at Jack's direction.

"What kind of attitude is that!? Father is asking you so you should answer!" Daril shouted. Kail's expression went grave when he heard his shout and glare at Daril.

"What!? You are just a dog of Sky family so as a dog you should follow any order we made!" Daril was currently scared as he saw Kail's glaring at him. Jack saw that the situation is turning and prevented any problem to happen.

"Master this place is not suitable to talk as our knights are currently tired and need to rest. I suggest that we should go back to the mansion and talk about our journey in there." Jack said.

Adolf appreciated Jack as he easily resolved the problem within Kail and Daril. Mia on the side went to Jack and carried Lucius in her embrace. Lucius our little blue slime didn't care about them and just enjoy the sensation.


Jack told Adolf what happened on their journey, he told when they meet the forest monkey, the Hind Bear, and he also told about Lucius sent Kail flying away and that's where he got his injury, he also told Adolf about Gerard being one hit by Lucius. Adolf when he heard what Jack told him thought that the world is going crazy.

No one can blame Adolf about thinking of that because Kail who can kill a disaster class monster was sent flying by a slime. One hit a Knight captain, scare a mountain king by its aura alone. Who the hell will believe that all of that was done by a perverted slime who enjoy the sensation of his grand daughter's breast!?

Adolf was going crazy thinking of that and just shrugged it off, as his warrior instinct also told him that the slime in his grand daughter's embrace was a dangerous one. Adolf may not believe what Jack said but he believes what his instinct said as his instinct saved him countless times already.

Adolf keeps looking at Lucius the slime while observing its behavior. Lucius felt that he was looking at by someone and look at the direction where it came from.

"Prrrrrrr," Lucius said. Mia who was embracing look at his grandfather's direction after hearing what Lucius said.

"Grandpa, why are you intently looking for Lucius?" Mia asked. She didn't translate what Lucius instead asked her grandfather for an answer.

"Nothing my dear, I just thought that you got a wonderful and cute contracted beast," Adolf said with a smile on his face. He didn't say what was in his mind because the slime who can understand the human language might get a misunderstanding.

Hearing what her grandfather Mia let out a bright smile on her face, but her relatives had different opinions about the slime. As the books say monster are divided by different levels the lowest monster are in the category of the white level. This monster starts from goblins but the slime was not in the white category because it is so weak that it can't even defend for its life.


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