
Outside The Dungeon

Mia, Lucius, and the group are on their way outside the dungeon. On their way, as Kail cannot move because of his injury decided to take this opportunity to train the group, he let the group take care of the monsters on their way back to increase their experience and become stronger. Of course, he also let Mia joined the group so their combat experience should increase, Kail forbid Lucius to help Mia, as he knew that contracted should help their master.

Right now the slime was sitting on Jack's head, Jack was helpless right now as he don't why Lucius wants to sit on his head. All he knows is that Lucius told Mia that Jack is a nice person. Jack, of course, was happy to hear the slime has such evaluation of him despite he attacked the slime. However Kail still holds resentment, initially Kail want to hold the slime but the slime refuses and instead said to Mia that he is not a nice person.

'This f*cking slime sure hold its grudges very well! Even though I didn't manage to hurt him and I am the who was hurt its still not forget about it!' Kail thought. Right now Kail is regretting the fact that he lost his temper and attack first because of that he suffered the backlash and he was hurt instead. He didn't even imagine that the weakest monster of all time sent him flying by ramming itself to him!

Swooosh! Ting! Ting! Swoosh!


Kail's train of thoughts have ended because of the sudden loud noises, right now the group was descending and their current location is 11th floor, the group was having a difficulty defending and right now they were overwhelmed by the monsters, as time goes on more monsters have been attracted to their direction and it made them have more difficulty defending.

When Kail saw this happening he frowned as he thought that this was the best way to make the group of knights become stronger, he didn't expect that his plan was a complete as the group was currently surrounded and can't get out of their current situation.

He himself was currently injured so moving is a little bit difficult, although he can escape by himself he can't possibly abandon he accompany.


A loud swoosh suddenly interrupted his thought and when he looks at where the sound came from he was surprised that the sound came from the slime. 'Right! How could I forgot about this f*cker!" Kail thought. Currently, because his bones are broken if he exerted more strength then there is a possibility that he can get a permanent injury.

The reason why the group can ascend easily was that Kail took the vanguard position where there he slaughters all the monster that came in front of him. But now that Kail can't use his strength the group find it difficult to descend even though they knew that they were descending they feel that it's too difficult to get out of this monster encirclement.

When Lucius help the first person he saved was, of course, his legal loli master Mia, after rescuing Mia the first Lucius did was rest between Mia's breast. Mia was surprise that after Lucius save her he didn't save the others, that shows that this slime only cares about his master. However, when Kail saw that Lucius was enjoying Mia's breast he was full of jealousy.

"How envious!" Kail muttered.

"Hmm? Did you say something Kail?" Mia heard Kail muttering, she didn't hear it properly so she asked Kail.

"It's nothing young miss!" Kail answered Mia while hiding his perverted gaze. "Hmmp!" However, nothing can escape Jack's eyes as he eyed Kail with disgust on his face. Kail was rather embarrassed when he heard Jack's cold hmmp.

Back to our slime and Mia, when Mia asks a favor to Lucius, Lucius just look at the group who was currently struggling and look back to Mia.

'Do I need to?' Lucius sent via telepathy. His childish voice dazed Mia. Mia already knew that Lucius was a newborn monster because he has a childish but the sound of his always caught Mia unguarded. Mia right now really, really, really just want to cuddle Lucius but she can't as her subordinate are still in danger.

"Well they are my subordinates after all, so I should do my best to help. Unfortunately, I'm too weak to help them that's why I'm asking you." Mia said to Lucius with a self-pity in her voice. Right now she also knew that she was too weak even after attending the academy. The academy helps the numerous geniuses to stand atop of the others.

But in order to come out from the top, a genius needs to step to another genius head to prove that they are strong. In Mia's case, he was currently in the middle class, as her talent was not that bad but also not that good. Lucius, of course, notices the self-pity in her voice and decided to help her, he went down from Mia's embrace and launch an attack on the monsters surrounding the group.

Supreme Ram!

Supreme Ram!

Supreme Ram!

Lucius continuously used his one and only offensive attack, after using several supreme rams the monsters surrounding lessen tremendously. The group was surprised that the slime alone tremendously reduces the number of the monster.

"What are you doing start attacking Idiots!" Jack yelled at the group of knights. Jack's shout brought back the daze knights and started attacking. The Knights started counterattacking, of course, Mia also joined the clashed but Lucius didn't join this time. As he noticed previously that Mia's strength is not that great and need a polishing.

By having a real combat experiences Mia can grow stronger, although Lucius is a newborn monster as a monster it is already in its instinct to have a combat experience though most of his instinct is to distinguish whether its opponent is stronger or weaker than it.

Mia and the group manage to kill all the remaining monster and continue on their way. Their way was rather smoothly as they descend the difficulty are getting easier as they approach the exit. Each one of them had managed to increase their strength especially Mia. Mia is originally counted as a genius so her growth rate was rather expected.

Lucius, Mia and the group are now approaching the exit and they can see the light near getting brighter as they approach.

"We are finally getting out of this f*cking place!" One of the knights curses as he said it loudly. The rest of the group also agreed with him as they notice that this dungeon was too abnormal. A slime that originally the weakest monster are found in the 14th floor and this slime sent Kail flying away. And on their way descending the group was surrounded by hips of monster, it's lucky that Mia had her contracted beast help them and thus manage to avoid their calamity.

But they also feel grateful because they manage to draw out their potential in the face of death, thus they manage to increase their strength which can also help them in the future. When the group reached the exit. The first thing Lucius did was look for the surrounding and said to Mia.

'Is this what 'outside' looks like?'

"Yes, this is outside, unlike the cave where full of strong monsters and dark. Though outside also has monsters but not that strong like the monsters inside the cave." Mia carefully explained as she explained she can see that Lucius was rather excited.

'I see. But without those strong monster in the cave how can I get strong?' Lucius asked his master Mia. Mia was surprised by what Lucius said, in her understanding, a slime should be avoiding the stronger monster, but Mia forgot that Lucius is unlike the other slime. Although she didn't know that Lucius is a Demon King candidate, she still forgot that Lucius just beat Kail who can kill a disaster class monster.

Right now Lucius tosses the disturbing thoughts in his head and looks at his surrounding. Behind him was the dungeon entrance where he was born, and in his surrounding was a scenery full of tree this can easily guess as a jungle, the jungle was full of vines. The sky was full of clouds and anyone can see many dots floating around, this dots are all floating island and known as Floating Continent, although this floating island is not that big as a continent some of them is but not all.

Floating Continent as large as a continent are rare and if someone saw it there are some creature living in it. Those creatures are so savage and each one of them can match a group of veteran knights.

Two chapter for Today!


GoldenSlimecreators' thoughts