

A bright light surrounded Mia and our slime, then suddenly Mia decided a name.

"From now on, your name is Lucius! Lucius means the light of day!". When Mia decided the slime's name the slime shines brighter, brighter than the previous light.

When our slime was named the voice that always notifies him when he leveled up spoke up.

[Congratulations Blue Slime has been named to Lucius! It means the light of day, the Holy Goddess who rules the light power has noticed your existence and decided to give you a gift as a congratulatory of being named!]

Our slime whose name now is Lucius was surprised when it heard that it was blessed by a god though it did not know what god is. "Finally you are now my pet! Lucius the slime!". Lucius thought was interrupted by the one who spoke and then he looks at the speaker. The speaker was Mia, "Do you understand me?" Mia talks again this time she was really eager to know whether the slime understood her or not.

'Who are you?' Lucius thought, but when Mia heard him speak to her she was so happy because she knew that they can talk to each other via telepathy. Unfortunately, others can't hear Lucius. Lucius' voice was soft as if he was just a newborn baby, he is a baby though. His voice has a childish sound in it that one will think that he is cute.

Currently, Lucius was looking at the person in front of him Mia, Mia just looks at Lucius with a smile on her smile. Suddenly Lucius asked.

'Where is this?'

Mia was surprised at Lucius question because she thought that as a monster that born in this dungeon it would know where is this, but out of her expectations, Lucius even doesn't know where he is. However, Mia just dashes what she is thinking and said.

"This place is currently the 14th floor of an undiscovered dungeon. We found this place because this place is in the territory of Sky dukedom." Mia answered Lucius. Lucius understood what is a dungeon, he thought that dungeon is where monster are trapped and it is hard to escape. But now that he is now a contracted beast then getting out of this place is not a problem.

'Mmm, understood. Then what are you? Why are you guys different from me?' Lucius asked as a monster who was born inside the dungeon, Lucius just sees the monster that is different in form. Some of the monsters he saw have four feet and some doesn't have feet, some have large has a large body and some have a long body.

Hearing his question Mia wanted to laugh but she can't, as she thought that Lucius will be offended. "We are a race called human, and you are monster who's race is Blue Slime. There are many different kinds of monster and there are also many kinds of races." Mia carefully explained. She is enjoying answering Lucius question as if Lucius was her own son.

The unconscious Kail woke up and he was surprised to that the slime who sent him was being hugged by the person he adored. He was shocked! Shocked to the core and thought that maybe he still dreaming. He saw Jack beside him and said: "Hit me Jack lets see if I'm dreaming!".

Jack by his side was surprised when he heard what Kail said, of course, he was oblique to do so because he really wants to hit the person who looks to his young miss with a perverted look.


A loud sound resounded the place, Kail was surprised because Jack hit him so hard.

"What are you doing!? You should just hit me lightly not that hard!" Kail exclaimed as he was complaining.

"Well, maybe you will not awake after I hit you lightly so just to be sure I hit you hard!" Jack reason himself, his reasoning caused Kail's jaw to dropped as he looks at Jack. Kail hatefully looks at Jack.

The sound, of course, attracts the attention of the group including Mia and Lucius. When Lucius saw Kail he look at Kail with hostility, our slime still hold the grudge of being attack by this sh*thead. Of course, as the person who can kill a disaster class monster, Kail sense the hostility in Lucius' eyes so he sent back a hostile gaze.

When Mia saw Kail was looking at the slime she covers the slime and looks to Kail's direction.

"You're not allowed to bully Lucius!". Kail was surprised when Mia defended the slime and thought that something is amiss.

"Lucius? Is that the name of the slime?" Kail asked and look at Jack beside him. "You let the young miss have her contracted beast to a lowly slime?" Kail asked because it is basically impossible to let young miss have her first contract if Jack didn't agree. He knew that Jack agree and that's why he asked him what is this about.

"Well, you said lowly slime but this 'lowly slime' sent you flying you know" Jack answered. Jack answered surprised Kail as he also feels resentful being reminded of that embarrassing moment.

"Even it sent me flying it still a lowly slime you know!" Kail exclaimed. If a look can kill then Jack should have died a million times already. Mia interrupted the talk between the two and said.

"Lucius is so cute and so strong that he can send you flying so what's the problem in that!?" Mia pouted as she said that. Her reasoning also gain the groups understanding as they saw how cute the slime action was.

Seeing Mia pouting Kail can't say a thing anymore, he looked helpless the same look that Jack felt when Mia asks him about the contract. He looks at the slime one last time and sighs to himself.

"Well, whatever, young miss we should make our way out now." Kail made a request.

Kail's planned surprised the group as they were wondering why their strong captain proposes to retreat. So Jack ask "Why do you think that we should retreat? You are strong and now that the slim... I mean Lucius is in our group then our path should be easier."

Kail doesn't want to say the real reason why he proposed to retreat. Suddenly Mia's voice echoed.

"Eh! Is that true Lucius !?" Mia's surprised voice attract Jack and the others. Jack was wondering what the slime told to his young miss and couldn't help but ask.

"What is it, young miss? Did Lucius tell you anything?"

"Yeah, he told me something," Mia answered and look at Kail's direction with a surprise on her face. When Jack heard and saw the look in Mia's face, he asks again.

"What is it?"

"Lucius said that Kail's bones should be broken so he suggested to not continue."

What Mia said shocked Jack and the others so they look at Kail's direction with weird reaction. Kail's face right now is red, the reason he didn't want to reveal was revealed by the slime! He wants to find a hole and buried himself in it to avoid the eyes of the others.