
Ch32. Goal

As expected, Ainz was barking mad because of the small arsonic incident...

After Rei handed over enough Yggdrasil gold for the repairs of the sixth floor, he got a three-hour long lecture on why it is a bad idea to test spells inside of Nazarick, and he had to admit, he deserved every second of it.

Rei was very glad for the emotional suppression of the big skeleton. And while it was hella amusing to watch Ainz getting worked up, calming down, getting worked up again, only to calm down again, Rei didn't dare to laugh. Not when Ainz's Despair Aura was unintentionally leaking out, making even the floor guardians cower.

Rei decided it was in the best interest of Nazarick to listen to Ainz's rant while keeping the tense Solution at bay before she attacked Ainz because of some misunderstanding. It was cute how she was prepared to protect Rei in case it came to blows but Rei knew better. Ainz would rant himself raw and that would be the end of it.

So... he listened.

"... and that's why you NEVER use a spell of mass destruction inside of your own living room!" Ainz finished with an irritated huff, waking Rei up from his awake-pretending slumber.

"Huh?" Rei blinked before his mind remembered what was happening, "Ah, yeah, naturally, you are right, Momo-chan." He seriously nodded.

"Haaa~," Ainz slumped his bones into his chair with an exasperated sigh, "Well, at least now we know that high-level spells are far more destructive than in Yggdrasil." He grumbled under his no-nose.

"Who would have known terrain damage could get so out of hand, right?" Rei chuckled.

"You burned down the entire sixth floor." Ainz deadpanned.

"Hehe..." Rei stopped chuckling.

"I am just glad it can be easily restored by paying Yggdrassil gold." Ainz rubbed his forehead. "Just... please. No more tests. Not in Nazarick. I don't want you tinkering even with first-tier spells anywhere near the tomb. I know you... you will blow something up." He almost begged.

Ainz knew Rei for years and if there was one thing that described him, it would be controlled recklessness. Rei was good at decision-making and a very level-headed individual but unfortunately, he had a bad tendency to jump before thinking when he wasn't serious.

Frankly, Ainz had to admit that Rei's occasional recklessness was what most of the time led Rei towards the discovery of many loopholes and exploits of Yggdrasil. But it was also a lot less dangerous being near him in the game than now.

"Ah. Don't worry about it." Rei dismissively waved his hand, "I am planning to leave Nazarick for a bit anyway."

"Leave?" That got Ainz's attention. "Where?"

Rei shrugged, "We are in a new world, Momonga. You don't really need me here. It's no longer just the two of us. You have the entire Nazarick at your beck and call. That means I have time to go exploring."

"In short, you are leaving out to play while leaving the responsibility of taking care of Nazarick fully to me." Ainz gave Rei an unamused look.

"Of course! You are the guild master." Rei's lips mischievously twitched, "You are the Supreme Being who led 40 other Supreme Beings. You are the most intelligent, benevolent, glorious, and the crystallization of beauty Papa Overlord for the NPCs of Nazarick." He teased, causing Ainz to groan and hunch forward in shame.

"Just... go." Ainz wearily whined and Rei didn't need to be told twice.


"We are leaving, Master?" Solution asked the second she and Rei stepped inside Rei's personal quarters and started relaxing on the couch.

"You know that I have spent fifty million Yggdrasil gold coins to summon an army of mercenary summons proficient in scouting. Some of them reported in." Rei nodded.

He always thought Ainz's approach was moronic. With access to things like Shadow Demons, reconnaissance was almost effortless. Then again, Rei understood why Ainz didn't even try. Firstly, Ainz was not good at thinking up strategies. He was a superb administrator but the strategy was more Punitto Moe's forte. Secondly, Ainz was kinda stingy with Yggdrasil coins since they were limited and he had no way to replenish them for now. It was understandable he didn't use large quantity of them to summon scouts.

Rei had no such problem, however.

"Already?" Solution's eyes widened in surprise, "It's been only a day."

"Ah... only the ones sent to scout the Great Forest of Tob reported in. Apparently, there is a colony of Dark Elves. Just a small village, really. They are terrorized by an Evil Cursed Tree, as they supposedly call it. I think it would be worthwhile to check it out." Rei said.

"Are we going to recruit them for Nazarick?" Solution tilted her head. She had an inkling of how Rei's thought process worked. Just exploring was not his thing. She was sure he had some ulterior motive in going there.

"Recruit?" Rei lifted an eyebrow at her. "Here I thought you would be calling them inferior lifeforms."

Solution smiled and shook her head, "I am just trying to be more tolerant as you told me in the Carne Village. I decided to measure the worth of an individual only after meeting him. Besides, Lady Aura and Lord Mare are Dark Elves."

"Hmmm~." Hearing her, Rei was pleased. It seemed that Solution wasn't stubbornly believing that anything not of Nazarick was beneath her. He didn't know if the ease with which she accepted these things was because of her neutral karma but that didn't matter. This was proof that Solution, and other NPCs, could learn and develop. That they could think for themselves when they wanted. "No, we are not recruiting them. At least, not for Nazarick."

Rei thought a long time about what he would do once he came to the New World. Sure, there was his long-term plan for which he used his Third Wish but before that came to fruition he needed something to do. The answer wasn't all that hard to find when one thought about it.

No matter how strong Rei was, he was just one dude. Countries, organizations, and politicians would never take him seriously unless he decimated a city in front of them before threatening them. Then, they would respect him out of fear. But... that would get tiring really fast. As such, Rei decided to make a country for himself. Not because he wanted to be a King. Because he didn't. That was too bothersome.

His plan was fully for the sake of convenience. Having a country behind him would give him at least a measure of respect and seriousness when talking to uptight people. While he could always represent Nazarick and Sorcerous Kingdom once Ainz established it, Rei wasn't planning to do that. After all, while he respected Ainz, he didn't reincarnate just to be his subordinate. He would help him but that was it. Rei had his own life and he was not about to spend it serving the Overlord.

In Yggdrasil, the guild master wasn't a ruler. He was a guy who took care of a guild and had some benefits because of that. Most of the things were decided by a majority vote. Rei didn't delude himself it would be like that once Ainz became the king of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Sure, Ainz would probably not mind having a majority vote for every decision. He was a bit naive like that... but Rei understood that Nazarick could have only one ruler and he really didn't feel like being it. Ainz could have it. He could be the king of Sorcerous Kingdom too. The guy deserved it after his somewhat miserable life.

"Prepare yourself, Solution. We are leaving tomorrow." Rei informed her.

Rei would build himself his own realm.