
Overlord: My Reign as Ainz

Warning, this fanfic will not be dark and Nazarick will be more or less peaceful. I reincarnated in Overlord 278 days ago (currently after volume 11, after the Dwarven volume), and since then, I have been aligning myself with the canon, making some personal adjustments, and of course, enjoying being a supreme being.

Sr_Angel · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Fathers of magic

After the trade agreements with the Holy Kingdom of Roble and the promise to subdue the demihumans of the Abelion Hills (something that had already been achieved thanks to Demiurge), I set out to organize my citizens.

The first thing I wanted to do was see my disciples.

Well, my future disciples.

I had selected them because I needed scholars who understood magic and also due to several Harry Potter movies I had watched.

A clear candidate was Fluder Paradyne, who would occupy the place of Gryffindor in the future magic academy I was going to create.

He had defeated several monsters that threatened the empire, was an advisor to three emperors, and the greatest human mage at present.

He owed me obedience in exchange for letting him see a fragment of my power, which he called the 'abyss of magic.'

Of course, I accepted.

Another obvious candidate was Arche, whose last name I changed to Ravenclaw.

She was a diamond in the rough, according to Fluder's words. He had the hope of seeing through the abyss of magic through her.

Ultimately, this made me forgive her and her team in exchange for working for me as adventurers.

I also saved her sisters from prostitution or whatever it was.

The one who would occupy the place of Slytherin would be none other than Khajit.

You see, Khajit in the canon became dark due to his mother's death.

So in exchange for his absolute loyalty, I offered him the opportunity to resurrect her.

He might be a genocidal villain, but who cares as long as it's for the benefit of Nazarick.

Lastly, the one who would take the surname Hufflepuff was Ninya, the other girl I saved along with her team from Clementine.

Her talent was learning magic in half the time a normal person would need.

Another diamond in the rough, I secured her unconditional loyalty, and that loyalty only grew when I rescued her sister Tsuare.

The four would be my disciples, and they would be known as the four great mages of the era.

Of course, there was a small problem—I had no idea how to teach magic, but nothing that some books from Ashurbanipal couldn't solve.

"Shalltear, teleport those four here."

"At your orders, Ainz-Sama."

The first to teleport were those currently residing in E-Rantel: Khajit, Arche, and Ninya. Fluder, who still resided in the empire, appeared later.

"Oh master, what a joy to see you! I am very sorry to be the last."

"It's okay, you are simply the farthest away."

"Your mercy knows no bounds, my master, no, my God," Fluder, the only crazy old man, said.

"Ainz-Sama, thank you very much for letting me see you once again. You always have my servitude; your new form is as illustrious as the previous one," Khajit said with his head on the ground.

"And I am moved, Khajit. Has your relationship with your mother improved?"

"Yes, oh great deity."

Just when Ninya and Arche were about to speak, I stopped them.

"Let's stop with the idle chatter. I'll be clear, I have called you to be my disciples."

This left the quartet in shock; they couldn't believe that a deity had chosen them to be disciples.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, excellent, incredible, subarashi!"

"Fluder, calm down," I said to the old man, fearing for his health."

"Forgive me, master."

"You are forgiven. Now I will explain why I have chosen you as disciples."

They fell silent, expectant.

"Although I am very powerful, I am afraid I have not yet deciphered all possible spells. That's where you come in, talented people."

"You want us to create spells for you, Your Majesty?"

"Not only that, I want you to be the so-called four great

mages, the fathers of magic."

"Fathers of magic..."

"From now on, you will be called:

Fluder Paradyne,

Khajit Slytherin,

Arche Ravenclaw,

Ninya Hufflepuff."

"We are honored, Your

Excellency," Ninya said in her androgynous voice.

"I agree with Ninya; I accept being a disciple of Ainz-Sama."

"I accept the surname, master," Khajit said.

"Father of magic, this is a dream! I don't want to wake up! Hahaha."

"Alright, in that case, your first lesson will be to learn my original written language. Fluder, have you already learned it?"

"I have made progress, but I haven't fully mastered it yet..."

"Good, you will share what you have learned with them, and together you will master my written language."

"The second thing I want to know is what type of magic you want to specialize in."

Silence fell.

"Umm, excuse me, Your Highness, but what types of magic are available?"

I touched my chin, thinking about the magics in Yggdrasil.

"It can be elemental type: air, earth, fire, and water; spatial, temporal, necromancy, constructor, psychic, sacred, support, among others. You can only choose two, in Fluder's case, one."

They could only choose two because humans only reach level 40, and I imagine at this point they must already be above level 15 except for Ninya.

In Khajit and Fluder's case, they would be at levels 20 and 30 respectively. Fluder can cast sixth-tier spells because he is 100% focused on magic.

"I- if you allow me, master, why only one for me?"

"The girls are a bit above level 10, Khajit is around level 20, and you, Fluder, are at level 30. The maximum a human usually learns is up to level 40."

"I choose necromancy and spatial," Khajit said.

"I want constructor and support," Ninya said, probably thinking she could help people that way.

"I choose psychic and elemental air," Arche said.

"I choose temporal," Fluder finished, to have more time to learn magic.

"Good, once you finish learning written Japanese, you will have to read books in your respective areas of focus."

"Understood, master," the four intoned.

"The magic academy will be in the Baharuth Empire, once I annex it to the sorcerer kingdom. For now, I will create the plans for the project."

I let the information sink in before dismissing them.

"You may leave now."

[message] "Shalltear, send a portal back for the four people from before."

Once the four left, I went to see my pet.

Of course, Khajit, Ninya, and Arche were not the only characters I saved from their fate.

"Hello, pet, have you been behaving well?" I teased her.

"Here, have some food."

I dropped food into her bowl.

"Meow, meow."

The woman on all fours approached me and rubbed her head against my legs.

I immediately petted her head, pampering her.

Her collar was engraved with 'Property of Ainz.'

This woman had committed the sin of challenging the supreme and insulting him several times.

"To think you used to be such a naughty little cat,


Clementine just meowed affectionately, not having permission to speak.

She could speak, but I had ordered her to behave like a cat a long time ago. When she disobeyed, I tortured her.

Though, of course, after the first punishment, she became very docile.
