
Overlord: A slime’s adventure

A convergence brings together two powerful beings from different worlds, Rimuru Tempest and Ainz Ooal Gown. They find themselves transported to a new world and transformed into slime monsters with unique abilities. Together, they set out on a journey to uncover the truth behind the convergence and find a way back to their own worlds. Along the way, they encounter allies, enemies, and powerful forces that threaten to destroy the new world they find themselves in.

Yukiii123 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Artifact

Rimuru and Ainz journeyed back to their own world to retrieve the artifact the Convergence Mage had requested. They knew that the journey would be dangerous, but they were determined to find the artifact and return to the new world as quickly as possible.

As they traveled through treacherous forests and across perilous mountains, they encountered many challenges and enemies. The first challenge they faced was a group of bandits who demanded they hand over all their possessions. Rimuru and Ainz didn't hesitate to fight back, using their unique abilities to take down the bandits quickly.

As they continued their journey, they encountered a pack of wolves, who were guarding a bridge they needed to cross. The wolves were fierce and relentless, but Rimuru and Ainz worked together, using their powers and skills to defeat the wolves and safely cross the bridge.

Their journey also brought them to a dark and foreboding forest, where they encountered a powerful necromancer who was raising an army of undead soldiers. Rimuru and Ainz knew that they had to stop the necromancer before he could amass an army that would be unstoppable. Working together, they were able to defeat the necromancer and destroy his army of undead.

Finally, they arrived at the location of the artifact. But they were not alone. A group of powerful enemies had also come to claim the artifact, and they were prepared to fight to the death to get it.

Rimuru and Ainz stood their ground, ready to defend themselves and the artifact at all costs. The battle was fierce and intense, with both sides unleashing powerful attacks and spells.

But Rimuru and Ainz were determined to succeed. They worked together, using their unique abilities and powers to support each other. They were able to hold off their enemies until they could launch a coordinated counterattack.

With a final burst of energy, Rimuru and Ainz unleashed a powerful attack that defeated their enemies and secured the artifact. They had succeeded in their mission, and they were ready to return to the new world.

As they journeyed back to the new world, Rimuru and Ainz reflected on their experiences. They had faced many challenges together and had come out stronger for it. They knew that they would face many more challenges in the future, but they were ready to face them together, united in their friendship and determination.

They also discussed their experiences with each other, sharing stories and insights about their respective worlds. Rimuru told Ainz about the unique creatures and races in his world, while Ainz shared information about the powerful spells and magic in his world. They both marveled at how different their worlds were, yet they found common ground in their desire to protect their kingdoms and ensure peace.

As they finally arrived back in the new world, Rimuru and Ainz felt a renewed sense of purpose. They had secured the artifact and had proven to themselves that they could overcome any obstacle when they worked together. They knew that their journey together was far from over, and they were eager to continue their journey side by side.