
Overlord - Undead Guardian.

Baron, just your average 21-year-old dude, is living his best life after getting accepted into a top-notch university. Life is all rainbows and unicorns until one day, out of the blue, he spots a truck barreling straight towards him at lightning speed. Talk about bad timing! Read and judge for yourself.

Atarired · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 8: Customizing My Virtual Identity

"Finally!" I exclaimed, my voice brimming with anticipation as I prepared to dive into the game I had been eagerly awaiting for what felt like an eternity. With bated breath, I watched as 2B initiated the launch sequence, causing the main system to dissolve into a cascade of pixels. In its place, a stunning opening cinematic unfolded before my eyes, immersing me in the world of YGGDRASIL.

Standing before me was a colossal tree, its towering form reaching towards the heavens. Its branches stretched out in all directions, adorned with leaves of immense size. The scene was awe-inspiring, a testament to the grandeur of the virtual world I had immersed myself in.

But as the camera zoomed in, a monstrous creature emerged from the shadows, its massive jaws tearing through the leaves with a voracious hunger. One by one, the leaves were devoured, disappearing into the creature's maw.

I watched in awe as the leaves dwindled, until only nine remained, each one representing a distinct world within YGGDRASIL. It was a visual representation of the vast and diverse landscapes that awaited me, from scorching deserts to lush forests, from icy tundras to towering mountains.

As the mesmerizing display of the diverse worlds came to an end, the scene seamlessly transitioned to a thrilling battle.

A lone warrior, adorned in intricate armor and wielding a mighty sword, stood amidst a horde of menacing beasts. With lightning-fast strikes and precise movements, he effortlessly cleaved through the enemies, his blade finding its mark with each devastating blow.

As the battle raged on, the warrior bellowed commands to his companions, coordinating their attacks with strategic precision. They fought as a well-oiled machine, each member utilizing their unique abilities to synergize and overcome the challenges before them.

The focus then shifted to the monstrous creature that had devoured the leaves. It loomed menacingly, its jaws still stained with the remnants of its feast. The warrior's eyes burned with determination as he issued a resolute command to his allies. With unwavering resolve, they charged forward, launching a synchronized assault on the colossal beast.

With a sense of anticipation coursing through my veins, I watched as the familiar logo of YGGDRASIL materialized before me. The words "logged in" filled me with excitement

In an instant, the virtual realm enveloped me, transporting me to a place of wonder. The transition was seamless, and as my surroundings came into focus, I found myself standing under a vast night sky adorned with countless twinkling stars.

I stood in awe as I gazed at the celestial beauty above me. The virtual realm had transported me to a magnificent ruin colosseum, where time seemed to have taken its toll on the once grand structure. Cracked pillars and entwined vines adorned the arena, as if nature itself was reclaiming the remnants of a forgotten era.

As I examined my virtual hand, I noticed that my character had yet to be customized. It appeared as a blank canvas, devoid of any distinguishing features or personalization. Looking around, I observed that several other players shared the same monochromatic appearance, their virtual avatars also lacking any defining traits.

As I continued to immerse myself in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, I noticed several elements displayed on the side of my vision. To the right of my field of view, a health bar stood prominently, indicating my character's current health.

On the left side of my vision, a digital clock ticked away, displaying the current in-game time. It was a subtle reminder that time within YGGDRASIL flowed the same from the real world.

At the center of my field of vision, a dynamic location indicator revealed my current position within the vast virtual landscape.

I observed the other players in the vicinity. They seemed to be engaged in some form of activity, clicking on various objects or menus. Their focused expressions indicated that they were immersed in the process of customizing their own characters, striving to create unique identities within the virtual world.

Just as I was about to delve into the customization options myself, a notification popped up, capturing my attention.

[Ding: You need to customize your appearance and race!]

[Please choose your race below!

Human / Humanoid


Forest Elf

Dark Elf


Dark Dwarf]

[Demi-Human Races


















[Heteromorphic Races















As I contemplated the race for my character, I made the daring choice to embrace the heteromorphic race. Despite the potential discrimination I might face in the future, I was drawn to the allure of joining the ranks of the monster races. The unique abilities and strengths that accompanied the heteromorphic race appealed to my desire for power and exploration.

Opting for the heteromorphic race meant that I could delve into a wide array of racial classes. These classes offered unparalleled advantages and abilities, allowing me to wield formidable powers and stand out among other players. The prospect of mastering these racial classes filled me with excitement and anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead.

Furthermore, I want to join the guild Ainz Ooal Gown. Joining the guild or establishing a guild of my own, composed of former Ainz Ooal Gown members, maybe it will be beneficial in the near future.

I eagerly delved into the character creation options, eager to explore the diverse range of choices available within the heteromorphic race. From the celestial grace of angels to the macabre allure of zombies, the possibilities were endless.

Each race within the heteromorphic category offered unique abilities, appearances, and playstyles. The angel race, with its ethereal wings and radiant presence, enticed me with its potential for healing and divine magic. The demon race, on the other hand, fascinated me with its demonic prowess, promising dark magic and formidable combat skills.

With careful consideration, I weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each race. The angel race, for instance, possessed extraordinary support capabilities, making them invaluable allies in group battles. On the other hand, the zombie race boasted exceptional durability and the ability to regenerate, ensuring survival in the face of relentless onslaughts. The decision became a delicate balance between the desired playstyle and the racial bonuses offered by each option.

After careful consideration and a strong desire to immerse myself in the captivating realm of dragons, I made my final decision I would become a dragonoid in the vast virtual world of YGGDRASIL.

As I explored the character creation menu, I was enthralled by the diverse array of dragonoid subraces available.

Each subrace had its own set of characteristics and abilities, giving players the chance to create their own distinct playstyle. The flame-wielders were all about fiery domination, burning their enemies to a crisp and causing widespread destruction. The frostborn dragonoids, on the other hand, had the power to freeze their foes solid, adding a bone-chilling intensity to their attacks.

And then there were the tempest dragonoids, who were all about channeling the raw energy of thunder and lightning. They could unleash electrifying assaults that packed a primal punch, leaving their opponents stunned and reeling from the sheer force of their attacks.

Last but not least, there was the enigmatic Dark Dragonoid, a subrace shrouded in darkness and imbued with a profound mastery of dark magic and shadowy traits. These mysterious beings had a natural affinity for manipulating shadows, casting potent spells of darkness, and harnessing the powers of the night to their advantage.

Choosing the dark dragonoid subrace sent a thrill of excitement coursing through me as I embarked on the customization process for my character.

With a mischievous grin, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I delved into the customization options for my Dark Dragonoid character.

With careful consideration, I began customizing my character's features. I opted for a color palette that reflected the darkness and mystique associated with the dark dragonoids. Deep shades of black and violet adorned my scales, lending an air of enigma and power to my character's form.

Turning my attention to my character's facial features, I chose a pair of piercing red eyes and to truly embody the essence of the Dark Dragonoid, I adorned my character with a magnificent pair of horns that protruded from my head, adding a touch of fierceness and elegance.

Satisfied with my character's appearance, I proceeded to finalize the customization and eagerly awaited the next stage.

After completing the customization process for my dark dragonoid character, a notification popped up on my screen, prompting me to choose a starting point for my grand adventure in the world of YGGDRASIL. Excitement surged through me as I pondered the various possibilities and landscapes that awaited me in this vast virtual realm.

The notification presented a list of 9 worlds in YGGDRASIL, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges.

Alfheim: Known as the Land of the Elves, Alfheim is a realm brimming with ethereal beauty and inhabited by graceful and mystical beings. It is characterized by vast forests, shimmering lakes, and cascading waterfalls.

Asgard: Asgard is the celestial realm of the gods, home to mighty deities and divine creatures. It is a realm of grandeur, with towering palaces, golden halls, and a celestial aura that radiates power and majesty.

Helheim: Helheim is the realm of the dead, a somber and desolate place where souls find their final resting place. It is a realm of eternal night, with chilling winds and haunting landscapes that evoke a sense of melancholy and quiet introspection.

Jotunheim: Jotunheim is the realm of the giants, a land of colossal proportions and immense strength. Here, towering mountains, deep valleys, and rugged terrain dominate the landscape, serving as a testament to the raw power of the giant clans.

Midgard: Midgard, also known as the realm of humans, is the central world of YGGDRASIL. It mirrors the real world and serves as the primary setting for player interactions, quests, and adventures. It encompasses diverse landscapes, from sprawling cities to dense forests and treacherous mountains.

Muspelheim: Muspelheim is a world of fire and flames, a realm of scorching heat and intense volcanic activity. Lava rivers flow through a landscape of charred rocks, creating an infernal atmosphere that challenges even the bravest of adventurers.

Niflheim: Niflheim is a realm of eternal ice and cold, a frozen expanse where blizzards rage and icy landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see. It is a world of harsh conditions, where survival requires resilience and resourcefulness.

Svartalfheim: Svartalfheim, the realm of the dark elves, is a mysterious and enigmatic world hidden from plain sight. Its landscapes are cloaked in shadows, and its inhabitants are skilled in the arts of magic and craftsmanship. Underground caverns, labyrinthine tunnels, and hidden enclaves define this realm.

Vanaheim: Vanaheim is the realm of the Vanir, a serene and fertile world characterized by lush vegetation, vibrant meadows, and abundant wildlife. It is a realm closely connected to nature and revered for its bountiful resources.

Author note:

I've been pretty busy these past few days because of work, and I'm pretty tired rn, but I will continue the rest of it tomorrow.