
Overlord - Undead Guardian.

Baron, just your average 21-year-old dude, is living his best life after getting accepted into a top-notch university. Life is all rainbows and unicorns until one day, out of the blue, he spots a truck barreling straight towards him at lightning speed. Talk about bad timing! Read and judge for yourself.

Atarired · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 2: The Figure Named Argonistimatem (Rewritten)

"Ah shit- Lucky day indeed.. "

Is the only thing I could think of, As the truck collides with my body, a wave of excruciating pain engulfs me.

The impact sends me hurtling through the air, my limbs flailing helplessly. I crash onto the pavement, and my body continues to roll to the side, the force of the impact causing a sickening crack in my ribs.

Agonizing pain shoots through my torso, and the metallic scent of blood fills the air as it spurts out from my injuries.

The damn truck just zooms away without even giving a second glance, leaving me writhing in agony on the pavement.

I try to let out a simple "ouch," but holy crap, the pain is so intense that it feels like all my vocal cords are filled with liquid blood. I'm lying there, hurting like hell, and the truck driver couldn't care less.

"Kya! someone got hit!"

As I lay there, surrounded by concerned onlookers, panic ensues. People start shouting and urging someone to call an ambulance. I can hear their voices, but everything feels distant. My head throbs, and my back is on fire.

The pain is unbearable, but somehow, I manage to stay conscious. Tears mix with the blood on my face as memories of my dad flood my mind.

I think about all the moments we shared, and a wave of sadness washes over me. Regret creeps in, knowing that there were so many things left unsaid. "Dad... I'll miss you... and I never even got to…"

As my vision blurs and the sounds around me fade into the background, a sense of lightheadedness engulfs me. I struggle to keep my eyes open, but it's a losing battle.

"Thank you," I manage to utter, though it's barely audible. The world around me slips away, and I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. Darkness envelops me, and everything goes black.





The female voice echoed through the void, resonating with a soothing and pleasant tone.

"Well, I guess he still hasn't regained his consciousness. Should I call out for the next Anomaly?" the second voice replied, its tone carrying a hint of darkness tinged with femininity.

"Ah, don't worry. I can just forcefully just wake him up"

I couldn't see anything, but the contrasting voices intrigued me.

Suddenly, everything went from blurry to crystal clear. My eyes adjusted to the light, and I found myself standing in a totally unfamiliar place.

I found myself in a chamber that exuded a distinct medieval ambiance. The walls were adorned with elegant marble and stone, and each pillar held a flickering torch, casting a warm glow throughout the space.

Positioned prominently in the center of the room was a sturdy wooden desk, adding a touch of authority to the scene.

However, what truly captured my attention was the figure sitting behind the wooden desk. It was as if this being had stepped out of the pages of a fantastical tale.

Their head was adorned with a deer skull, from which mysterious purple lights emanated from the eye sockets. Clad in a stylish striped suit in shades of blue and white, they exude an air of peculiar charm.

By his side stood another peculiar individual, donning a similar striped suit in contrasting black and white shades.

However, this person had an additional striking feature a pair of vibrant red wings adorning their back. Standing tall at an impressive height of approximately 7 feet and 6 inches, they possessed a muscular and imposing physique.

In their hand, they held a list, resembling that of a diligent secretary. With an air of professionalism, they seemed to be meticulously keeping track of important details and tasks.

"I'm.. Alive?" I said out loud, staring at both of my hands.

"Technically you are, but you are not dead either." The man with the deer skull head stepped forward, his purple-eyed gaze fixed upon me. His voice resonated with a sense of wisdom and authority as he spoke.

"You have entered in our realm, beyond your own." he said, his tone commanding attention. "I am the Guardian of Space Argonistematem, and this is my companion, the Keeper of Records Dermondi" he gestured towards the winged figure with the list.

The Keeper of Records inclined their head slightly in acknowledgment. Their gaze, hidden behind a mask of professionalism, seemed to hold a wealth of knowledge and secrets.

"Is this some sort of a prank or what?" I exclaimed, still shocked at the sudden turn of events.

The Guardian of Space chuckled softly, the sound echoing in the chamber. "I assure you, young one, this is no prank. We understand that this may be overwhelming for you, but rest assured, this realm and its purpose are very much real."

The Keeper of Records, with a calm demeanor, added, "We have been entrusted with guiding lost souls like you, your encounter with the truck was not an accident, but rather a catalyst for change."

Still shocked, I didn't say anything.

"You must be still in shock and can't believe that you died. Here let me clean things up for you" The man in the deer skull snapped his fingers as a screen began to materialize in front of him.

The screen before me flickered to life, revealing a harrowing scene. A man with disheveled brown hair lay motionless on a stretcher, his white shirt stained with blood.

The urgent sounds of sirens filled the air as the paramedics rushed him into the back of the waiting ambulance, their faces etched with concern and determination.

As I watched the scene unfold on the screen, a mix of emotions washed over me. The realization that I had indeed died and that this was not some elaborate prank settled in. It was a sobering sight to witness myself being attended to by paramedics, the urgency and concern in their faces evident.

The scene playing on the screen in front of me, showing my lifeless body being desperately attended to by the paramedics, confirmed the grim truth.

"I... I can't believe it," I stammered, my voice filled with a mixture of confusion and fear.

I turned my gaze towards the window, where a vast expanse of stars greeted me. It was a stark reminder of the infinite unknown that lay beyond this room.

The figures before me, with their otherworldly presence and the ethereal glow surrounding them, made it clear that they were not bound by the limitations of the mortal realm.

Silence engulfed the room as the screen faded, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The weight of my mortality pressed upon me, and questions flooded my mind. How did this happen? Was there anything I could have done differently? And what awaited me now in this realm beyond life?

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "What about my.. father? Did something happen to him?" I trembled in fear that my father wouldn't even be able to process the information that his only son would die in an unexpected way.

The figures in the room exchanged solemn glances, understanding the weight of my question.

The winged man's voice grew heavy with sorrow as he continued, "Upon receiving the devastating news of your passing, your father was overcome with shock and grief. The weight of the loss proved too much for his heart to bear, and he succumbed to the anguish."

My mind struggled to grasp the magnitude of what I had just heard, and an overwhelming wave of sadness washed over me. Tears streamed down my face as the reality of my father's fate settled in. "Dad..." I choked out the word, a mixture of pain, and disbelief.

"Why the hell am I here then? If my dad's gone, why isn't he here with me?" I blurted out in a mix of anger and sorrow, tears streaming down my face.

"I had so much left to do... I wanted to get married, buy my dad a damn house, make sure he had all the medical care he needed." My voice cracked as regret and sadness overwhelmed me. "I could've done so much more…"

The weight of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams bore down on me, like a heavy burden that I couldn't shake off. The pain of knowing that it was too late to make things right was almost unbearable.

As Dermondi approached, his footsteps echoing in the ethereal space, he gently placed his left hand on my shoulder, offering a comforting presence in my time of sorrow.

"I understand your pain, my friend, but we must find the strength to move forward. All things must come to an end, and as for your father's absence here... he is already in another place."

"Another place? You mean he reincarnated before me?"

"Yes, and he is living well in an alternate world." the voice behind exclaimed.

"How? I-I mean.. if he would reincarnate shouldn't we be in the same situation right now?" I asked.

"It would require a detailed explanation, which might take some time. Why don't we take a seat and discuss this further?" The guardian of space suggested, motioning towards the lavish chairs in the room. I composed myself, wiping away my tears, and walked over to one of the comfortable chairs. Dermondi stood dutifully by his boss's side, ready to provide any additional information or support as needed.

Argonistimatem took a deep breath before starting to explain, his voice filled with seriousness. "Reincarnation is a natural process in which deceased individuals are reborn in alternate worlds of Earth, their memories wiped clean. However, there are rare occurrences known as lost souls, which emerge only once in every few thousand years. You, my friend, are one of those lost souls."

Contemplating the explanation provided by the deer-headed man, I couldn't help but question my own existence. The concept of being an anomaly raised doubts about my purpose in this strange realm.

"Considering I am an anomaly, what is the reason behind my presence here? Is there a purpose to my existence, or am I simply meant to endure suffering?" I voiced my thoughts, seeking further clarification.

"As you rightly pointed out, anomalies are not meant to exist, and their survival is exceedingly rare. Yet, you have defied those odds, living for 21 years a remarkable accomplishment in itself. As for your purpose, that is something only you can discover. Rest assured, you are not here to suffer needlessly."

"Then.. why?"

"Anomalies like yourself are incredibly rare occurrences. As a special opportunity, we will grant you the chance to embark on another life, retaining your memories from this existence." Argonistematem replied

I pondered for a moment, considering the implications. "If anomalies like me appear once in thousands of years, then there must be others who have been given this same chance, right?"

The man with the deer skull nodded. "Indeed, you are not alone. There are others like you who have been granted this opportunity to start anew."

"But I must commend you. Most anomalies who came before you didn't even question their circumstances and simply accepted that they had died and been reincarnated," Argonistimatem said, a hint of amusement in his voice. He seemed to enjoy the fact that I was questioning the situation, as it provided him with some entertainment.

"Thanks for the compliment I guess, some skeleton taught me to gather more information and think ahead."

"Well, I must thank this being.." Argonistimatem didn't ask to know who it was. But he already knew who it was, Momonga.

"Since we have been far off to the topic, we must proceed with your reincarnation

I will grant you a trait, a unique skill of your choosing, and a few boosters to aid you in the world of your choice"

"A trait? Something like you are born with?"

"Indeed! You can choose a specific trait or skill that you want to excel in, and I will grant it to you. Additionally, I will provide you with some boosters to enhance your abilities and increase your chances of success in the world you decide to enter."

I couldn't contain my excitement as I realized the possibilities laid before me. The chance to choose my own world and my own specialty was like a dream come true. It was as if I was being handed a golden ticket to embark on a thrilling adventure.

Argonistimatem, seeing my eagerness, chuckled and said, "How hasty you are, my friend. But I understand your excitement. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all."

The man in blue and white stripes snapped his fingers and a yellow transparent screen appeared in front of me. "Now, let's see what world and specialty will suit you best. Think carefully, for this decision will shape your next life."

"This is where you can choose the benefits and specialty you want and what world you want to live in," Dermondi explained.

I took a closer look at the screen and began tapping and scrolling through the options. It felt like navigating through my phone, but with much more exciting choices.

[Worlds: 0/1









Benefits: 0/1

Orphan: - Your parents leave you, and you learn life the hard way. (Knows a lot about life and can tackle every challenge with ease. Challenges are easier to overcome with this feature.)

Wealthy: - You are born into a prestigious and affluent family. (Unlimited financial resources and access to a luxurious lifestyle with this feature.)

Scholar: - You are born into an average family but possess exceptional academic abilities. (Learning comes naturally to you, making education and acquiring knowledge easier with this feature.)

Specialty: 0/3

Efficient in all: You excel in every task you undertake, demonstrating remarkable effectiveness and efficiency.

Talent: You possess an exceptional talent in every endeavor, making you a once-in-a-lifetime genius in various fields.

Battle Maniac: You are obsessed with combat, dedicating yourself to rigorous training and mastering all forms of martial arts.

System: You are aided by an advanced and comprehensive system, although it may occasionally be annoying.

Harem: You have an irresistible charm that naturally attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

As I explored the available specialties, each one held its unique appeal. Being efficient in all aspects would grant me incredible versatility and the ability to excel in any situation. The talent specialty promised unrivaled prowess and the opportunity to become a true prodigy. The battle maniac specialty would satisfy my inner warrior, allowing me to become an unstoppable force in combat. The system specialty offered valuable guidance and support, albeit with occasional annoyances. And the harem.. Well, let's scratch that.

After careful consideration, I made my choice. I selected the talent specialty, battle maniac, and efficient in all. Enticed by the prospect of being a rare genius, capable of achieving greatness in any field I pursued.

With my chosen specialty locked in, I chose the world I desired, I couldn't resist the temptation to explore the other options.

Though I know deep down what I want to choose. I clicked on the letter "O" in the world icon, and instantly, a vast array of worlds appeared before me. As I scrolled up, my eyes landed on the world I had always yearned for: "Overlord." A grin formed on my face as I tapped the square on the right side, revealing another prompt that allowed me to select the specific time period I wanted to experience.

[2126 - 2128 - 2138]

'Ah, it isn't here.. the date that I want, but I guess I'll choose 2126' I clicked the box next to it.

Without hesitation, I clicked on "Yes." The excitement and anticipation within me were too strong to resist. I was eager to begin my new adventure in the world of "Overlord." The screen vanished, leaving me surrounded by a radiant, rainbow-colored light. It enveloped my entire body, filling me with a tingling sensation as if I were being transported.

And my vision turned black.