

it was now Tuesday and everyone was still on edge about the news they received from mia and Carla. even though the four of them were in somewhat of a shock, news and the media was trying to get the word out about the killer that may be on the loose. so the town was scared too, it has not been a death in this town since 1997 when a man named lewis Johnson went on a murder spree killing every little kid and women he could come across, even though lewis Johnson has been dead for over 20 years people still tell his story at campfires. but what people don't tell is how he almost got away and let an innocent man sit in jail for about two months. just because he knew what to say he knew almost everyone in the town and knew that everyone knew him and no one would believe that it was him. long story short he paid attention to everyone that came in and out of the small streets of Springfield Virginia. so he knew who to pin it on, someone who was just coming into town to visit a loved one, someone who would be in and out of this town within at least two weeks. but this is where he slipped up. the person he framed wasn't there when the murders started but just because lewis was so eager to have someone become a scapegoat he made that one mistake and it led the cops right to the siko who killed those people, lewis.

long story short you're about to read about four teenagers that get away with the truth while doing good by no one. we are talking about the perfect cover-up, perfect timing, perfect moves, everything comes together at a certain time and the puzzle pieces fit in just right and they get away with everything, but when one little detail, one little piece to the puzzle, just one isn't found and put in place everything goes crashing down and they have to turn to something more vicious to contain the truth.

It was the second day of the school year and everyone was up on their toes. Mia just got out of the car walking to the doors of the school trying to get to her first-period class. "Hey, mia," Carla yelled from afar. Carla jogged up to mia with a fake smile on her face trying to act as normal as possible. "So we meet in the biology room after school?" Carla whispered. "Yep all four of us." Mia put her bag back on her back and started back walking into the school with Carla. Once they reached the intersection of the hallway they both parted ways. Mia walked up to her locker to put her bag and a couple of books in it. She slammed the locker door back and began to walk down to her first period with her books in her hand. Mia wasn't as talkative as she was when only mia and Carla knew. It was less chance of her slipping up and saying something before all four of them knew. Mia walked into Mr. Floyd's class to be disgusted by the face of jerry, sitting next to jerry was Timothy, timothy was in charge of the newspaper committee so he was always trying to get insight on teenagers in the school and always trying to get gossip from every student on campus. so he was probably just talking to him to ask him questions about his dead father. mia walked to the back of the class and dropped her books on her desk and plopped down in her seat. three minutes later the bell rang, Mr. Floyd walked into the class and started teaching. "okay you guys now I know that it's only the second day of class but we are going to start learning about Newtonian mechanics, now this should be a breeze for you guys but I'm going to pass a worksheet out to everyone to see what you already know." as Mr. Floyd started to pass out the worksheet Mia's phone started to vibrate she snuck and put her air pod in and answered her phone. "hello" mia whispered. "yeah mia it's me meet me in the girl's bathroom right now." mia hung up the phone and called Mr. Floyd's name." Mr. Floyd can I use the restroom please." "okay be back before the time is up to turn in this worksheet please." mia got up from her seat and rushed out of the class. she didn't think about the worksheet because she knew that Mr. Floyd already taught this before. she pushed the door open to the girl's restroom to see Carla sitting there with an anxious look on her face. "what's wrong with you why are you looking like that?" Carla walked up to mia and shoved her phone in Mia's face. mia looked so confused. "what's that, I'm so confused right now and I don't have time for a guessing game." "mia the news is saying that they are looking into the campfire that we went to that week, they're going to try to question all of the people that were there." mia knew she was in real deep shit now. she didn't know what to do and the one thing she could do at the moment was panic. mia started to pace back and forth from one side of the bathroom to the other. "mia just calm down everything is going to be alright." "How are you going to tell me everything is going to be alright I killed a guy." Carla stepped into Mia's face. "I can't understand what you could be possibly going through but you don't have to get mad at me because I'm trying to help you cover up a murder." Carla put her phone in her pocket and walked out of the bathroom. Mia sat there for a moment before forgetting she had to start heading back to class, she straightened her clothes and walked out back to Mr. Floyd's class.

The halls were crowded and people were trying to get to different places at once. As mia was trying to get to her next class safely someone bumps into mia which made her bump into the person in front of her, jerry. It was an awkward moment of silence between them before jerry decided to fix his books that were in his hand and walk away. By the time the warning rang the main hallway was clear and all you could hear were doors closing and teachers beginning their lessons. Mia couldn't stand to be in health class so she mainly did the one worksheet passed out by Mr. Harp and spend the rest of the day texting Carla on the phone.

But this time she finished her work and got on her phone to research all she could about the murder and what the FBI knows. Mia was terrified by the things she was reading about the man she killed, she was interrupted by Mr. Harp's voice "okay everyone come out quietly and calmly it's probably just a false alarm." They all head out to the back of the school. Mia started looking around for the culinary class where Jeremy was at the time. Five minutes later mia sees a couple of students and Jeremy running out the back door of the school. Mia instantly runs up to Jeremy to help him walk away from the school. " Jeremy what the hell!." "I know some girl was cooking and started a fire trying to cook ground beef for Nacho's." They reach the other students. "Mia I guess we aren't meeting in the bio lab." " I guess not." Jeremy started coughing trying to clear His throat. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'll be okay but I remember something that jerry was telling me in the cafeteria and it made me think of an idea that might work." Mia looked at Jeremy with a skeptical face. "What are you up to, I'm listening though." "So what if we put someone else at the scene of the crime." Mia didn't know where Jeremy was getting at. " what do you mean Jeremy I don't get it." "So we figure out who people would think did it and try and lead the investigation right to that person." "So like a scapegoat." Yep and if we pull this off and pick a bad guy we might save the future people of his or her life." Mia laughed as principal Stanley said the building was cleared to go back in. Jeremy and mia walked into the school together. " Jeremy update Carla and Enzo and tell them we meet at Monet's." Jeremy nodded his head and they both went back to class. Mia sat back in her chair thinking how things would go back to normal if their plan worked perfectly.