

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 9: Mountain village joy!

When Ning Fei was fishing, the popularity of the live stream had come to over 90,000.

Now that he was on his way back, his popularity was still high.

Few people, on the other hand, knew about the white jiao fish.

Viewers only saw the anchor catch a long white fish and then release the fish again.

They didn't know that it was a spirit fish. It is one of the totems that have guarded China.

Modern society has made people lose their fear and reverence for nature.

But Ning Fei knew that some things are indefinable, but real.

It was only about four o'clock in the afternoon when he returned. Ning Fei did not fish for a long time.

The pop-ups were still discussing how great Ning Fei was today, how many fish he caught in a row and other words.

Just at this time, Ning Fei stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" The viewers in the live broadcast room were suddenly a little puzzled.

Ning Fei explained to the drone, "I may need to wait a while before I go back, the dogs at the east end of the village and the dogs at the west end of the village are fighting again."

"What? The dogs are fighting?"

"Where? Where? Master hurry up and let me see!"

"Wow, watch the subject, and this scene!"

As soon as the audience heard Ning Fei's words, they instantly came to life.

Ning Fei saw everyone's pop-ups and rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a bit baffled, not expecting people to love watching this kind of stuff.

He adjusted the angle of the drone, and saw a group of dogs on a stone road leading to the village, biting together, almost twelve or three.

Said to be tearing, but actually more like playing.

Dogs and other animals are different, except for special breeds, the general dog bestiality is not so strong, and aggression is also very low.

This is also the meaning of dogfighting. When you are watching short videos, you can occasionally see a dog barking at another person in the owner's arms. As soon as the owner releases his hand, the dog immediately becomes honest.

So, the dog is actually a very smart animal, think they may be hurt, they concede.

Chickens are just the opposite of dogs.

Birds generally do not attack people, but when they attack, they will never die.

Why do people like to fight chickens in ancient times, when the two chickens really fight, the scenes are often very bloody. If one side is not dead, the other side will never give up.

Often a chicken fight is over, a chicken died a miserable death, the other one is also seriously injured.

And watch short videos can also see, the village's big geese, bad temper, Ning Fei jokingly called the "goose power" cannot afford to mess with.

If you annoy a goose, that thing can always follow you tirelessly, sending you an offensive posture.

These dogs are all pastoral dogs and look alike.

The audience could not help but be puzzled and asked with a smile.

"Viewers, how do they tell who is in the wave?"

"That's right, what about accidentally injuring friendly troops?"

"Haha, dogs should rely on their noses."

"This group of dogs is clearly playing around!"

Seeing everyone's confusion, Ning Fei courteously explained.

"Everyone look carefully, the tail is upright and the one curled up is the dog from the west of the village."

"As for why they are all like this, I can't really say."

"The ones whose tails aren't up, are the dogs at the east end of the village."

"They tend to play in their own groups, and sometimes two groups of dogs meet and fight like this."

The audience listened to Ning Fei's explanation and found it extraordinarily interesting.

"Hahahaha, there's still this kind of thing!"

"Long insight!"

"There is a lot of joy in the countryside!"

"The viewer you still do not go up to persuade the fight!"

"Yes, please persuade me!"

"We want to see the anchor persuasion!"

"If the anchor persuades you, a rocket will be delivered!"

Suddenly the winds of the pop-ups changed, and thousands of viewers popped up to beg Ning Fei to go and persuade the fight.

Ning Fei, of course, could not really go to persuade, in fact, this group of dogs are just playing, they go over in case they are accidentally injured how?

Moreover, Ning Fei has always liked animals like cats and dogs, and watching a dozen pastoral dogs play around is also unique.

"Everyone don't think about it, I still want to live two more years, not going!" Ning Fei joked to the viewers of the live broadcast, also provoking a burst of joy from the audience.

Just at this time, the figure of another dog appeared in the distance.

Its figure is tall and majestic, although it is earthy yellow, but the breed is obviously a bit more unique.

It was Rhubarb.

As soon as Big Rhubard appeared, the group of dogs all lowered their heads and did not dare to fight anymore, with a cautious look, split into two waves and each ran a few steps into the distance.

When I ran, I didn't forget to look at Rhubarb as if I surrendered.

These two waves of dogs are really as Ning Fei said.

A wave of earth dog tail all rolled up on the vertical, the other wave of dog tail natural swing.

Clearly distinguishable.

"Wow, it's it's rhubarb!"

"Fuck, how does this dog look muscular!" the audience in the new live broadcast room asked curiously.

"Can anyone scientifically explain what breed of rhubarb this is?"

"The offspring of the village dog, now in charge of all the native dogs in this countryside!"

"Holy shit, this group of dogs have seen kooks?"

"This is the male dog that stands at the apex of the hot-blooded countryside, Serizawa Tama Huang!"

"Dude, it sounds like you want to challenge the big rhubarb!"

"I, Uchiha Huang, would like to call you the strongest dog!"

Since ancient times, netizens have produced talents, and the pop-ups in the live stream came rushing in, making everyone unable to help themselves.

Big Rhubarb is running straight at Ning Fei, Ning Fei is counted as one of the closest people to Big Rhubarb, so as soon as they meet, they will run over and follow Ning Fei.

Big Rhubarb ran to Ning Fei's feet, Ning Fei touched the dog's head.

This sounded a bit awkward, but Big Rhubarb still expressed extra enjoyment.

Now that the road had given way, Ning Fei moved on, with Big Rhubarb following behind.

Another person asked this: "Taoist, other dogs are afraid of rhubarb, so rhubarb is not alone?"

This question was profound.

Yes, those dogs are very afraid of rhubarb, rhubarb does not have friends.

Since ancient times, fierce beasts always walk alone, and powerful people always have to endure loneliness.

Although Rhubarb is a good dog to guard the village in people's eyes, but it is also a lot less fun to play with other dogs.

This problem made the pop-ups in the live broadcast room become sad for a moment.

"Yes, Rhubarb is so pitiful!"

"No dog to play with it?"

Ning Fei was walking on the road, glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and found that everyone was talking about topics such as "rhubarb is so pitiful" and "the audience should give more care to rhubarb", and his expression suddenly became a little confused.

Ning Fei said calmly: "Did you have misunderstood something? I know that there are four of Rhubarb's wives. In the two waves of dogs, at least one bitch is the friend of this guy."

"And Rhubarb just doesn't play with the dogs at the east and west ends of the village. The village is so big that it is spread over a mountain, and it has many friends."

"How did you guys come up with this?"

Ning Fei looked helpless.

Hearing his words, the live stream was instantly quiet.

Just a moment ago, the audience was brainstorming about a dog sacrificing its happiness for the safety of the village, establishing its majesty, having no friends, only loneliness, and occasionally seeking out its master for some love.

Now they know that Rhubarb loves four bitches.

How can the audience imagine how happy Rhubarb is?

"Bah, scum dog!"

Just now the audience was sad, instantly not calm.