

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 6: Fishing, the king of fish


Ning Fei half squatted down and touched the head of Rhubard, who tilted his head and closed his eyes looking very enjoyable.

"I haven't eaten it now. I'll feed you when I go back at night."

Ning Fei smiled at it, rhubarb seems to understand it, and turned around and ran away with light, small steps.

Ning Fei glanced at the phone's pop-ups and found that people are very interested in this, so he explained.

"This dog is called rhubarb and has no owner, but it has a high status in the village, and everyone knows it."

"There is a big difference between the mountain village and the city. Dogs in the city are pets and need to be walked on a leash. But here the dogs are more like our companions, living together. However, because every household has a dog, these dogs also give birth to a lot of wild dogs."

"The villagers are very kind to wild dogs. Although they are not their own, they will feed them when they eat."

"Rhubarb is special, its father is the previous'dog god' in the mountain village. The dog god is a joking name. The dog in this mountain listens to it, and the dog god also protected this mountain village."

"Once a wolf entered a farmhouse, and only a 6-year-old child was there when the adults were not. Fortunately, the dog god rushed in and bit the wolf half to death to save the child's life, but he was also seriously injured."

"Rhubarb grew up with his father, and now that the dog god is dead, he has become the leader of the wild dogs in the mountain village."

"It has no home and usually lives around the Taoist temple. It's not that I don't want to keep it, it's that no matter what, it just won't go into the Taoist temple, and because of it, the other wild dogs have never been in the Taoist temple either."

Ning Fei explained to the drone's camera as he walked.

Hearing his words, the audience were impressed.

"Is there such a dog in the mountain village?"

"Wow, before I thought that the intelligence of earth dogs were all very low."

"Upstairs, look down on the Chinese field dog?"

"Anchor, I reward a rocket to help me buy dog food for rhubarb!"

"Me too, this reward is for Rhubarb."

Then, many people turned out to be rewarding.

Seeing such pop-ups, Ning Fei cried and laughed. Half a day of live broadcast did not get much, but I cannot imagine that the Rhubarb just show a face, and get a lot of rewards.

People are worse than dogs ah!

Of course, the main thing is that the story told by Ning Fei makes the audience very touched.

The hustle and bustle of the city is increasing, so people are easily moved by some simple things.

In this way, Ning Fei walked for more than half an hour, and on the way, he kept introducing the surrounding scenery to everyone.

The mountain air is fresh, the trees are lush, walking on the mountain road, there is a special flavour.

The viewers who were watching the live broadcast saw such a scene and also felt relaxed.

It didn't take long for the sound of several streams gurgling to come out of the live stream. When Ning Fei walked for a while longer, a small river 20 to 30 meters wide came into view.

The river flowed down from the mountain, the riverbed and riverbank were pure nature, without any trace of modern construction. The water is not turbulent, and there are several huge natural stones in the river, which have been polished by the river to be very round and smooth.

The small grass on both sides is lush and green, and the whole scene is like a landscape painting.

"My God, this place is too beautiful!"

"Where is this place? I want to go take a look."

"It looks very comfortable, but let me go or forget it!"

Everyone was discussing intensely again.

Ning Fei walked to the river and found that there were already people here.

"Uncle Zhang, come so early?" Ning Fei smiled and said hello. Not far from Uncle Zhang, he put down a small stool and buckets and started fiddling with his fishing gear.

"Haha, Ning Fei, come to fish again? If you still can't catch a day like before, just talk to Uncle, I will divide you two." Zhang Sen responded kindly.

Listening to Uncle Zhang's words, Ning Fei shrugged helplessly and pointed to the drone and said, "Uncle Zhang, I'm live, don't shake it out."

Zhang Sen looked at the drone above Ning Fei's head, but not too surprised. Nowadays, young people are fond of technological equipment, which is also very common in mountain villages.

The audience heard the conversation between the two of them and burst out laughing.

"So the anchor does not know how to fish, I thought he is a fishing expert."

"No, I can't catch it for a day?"

"Come on, I am optimistic about you."

"I used to hate watching people fishing, but now I find that what I hate is not fishing, but the uncle. Little brother is really handsome!"

"Yes, this scene is too handsome, satisfies my desire for the ancient style teenager, love love love."

Ning Fei is fiddling with the bait, he does not intend to directly use the "primary bait" drawn from the lottery, or first to find a feel.

The bait he used was learned from a certain degree and then made by himself, which was made from barley, soybeans, corn mixed with some fish flour wine and fermented.

Then, after getting the bait, he threw the fishing rod, the hook fell straight into the middle of the river and half sank.

Looking at the distance, almost the line cast out 60 meters away.

You know, the normal person's line can be cast out at most 30 meters away, some proficient fishermen can also be cast out about 50 meters away.

Ning Fei fell well and flew 60 meters straight out in one shot.

This action provoked a burst of praise from the viewers of the live broadcast.

"Wow, this is a good standard. Who was mocking the anchor's technique just now?"

"Indeed, I have been fishing for seven or eight years. I am an expert in the doorway. The anchor has a good starting technique and selected positions. I am a master!"

"Taoist master is awesome, waiting for Taoist master to catch big fish!"

"Looks so laid back."

"Much more professional than other outdoor anchor action, the key is that people look handsome."

"This environment looks very real."

Everyone praised each other.

Ning Fei's movements became professional because he already had the skill "Fishing Technique (Elementary)".

Zhang Sen also said laughingly at the side: "Yo, Ning Fei, back from college fishing skills have become powerful."

Ning Fei could only smile helplessly.

Then, for ten minutes, the wind and waves were calm.....

A few viewers were a little impatient, and the number of people watching in the live stream dropped from 45,000 to about 40,000.

"Here it comes!" Just at this time, but see the fish rod quickly began to shake.

Here comes the fish!

Only, it was Zhang Sen's fishing rod.

But seeing Zhang Sen quickly retracted, and finally abruptly provoked, a palm-sized fish just jumped out of the water.

Zhang Sen quickly reeled in the rod, and then the fish was caught in mid-air by Zhang Sen precisely in his hand.

It was a most common grass carp.

Zhang Sen picked the fish off and threw it into the bucket, in a good mood. He already had seven or eight big fish that were alive and jumping in his bucket.

"Haha, Ning Fei, don't be discouraged." Zhang Sen did not forget to tease Ning Fei after catching fish.

Zhang Sen grew up on the river, and now decades have passed, the means of fishing naturally needs no further explanation.

The audience was also gloating.

"Hahahahaha, anchor, look at them."

"Live the tragedy, the anchor was beaten by a villager."

"Heartbroken anchor, can only watch."

However, just at this time, Ning Fei's fishing rod also moved! And moved more!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Sen also looked surprised.

The huge tearing force made him lean forward a bit, but fortunately he often exercises, his physical fitness is not bad.

He quickly pulled the rod and then also mentioned it with force, raising the fish to the surface of the water.

The fish fluttered violently in the air, splashing, the sun shone on its scales, reflecting a faint silver light.

Ning Fei will pull up the line, the fish was clearly presented in the broadcast.

The fish is as long as Ning Fei's arm, looks alive and well.

Instantly, the live stream pop-ups came rushing in.

Zhang Sen also looked amazed.

There is no other reason, that fish is a very precious fish species.

The Shad!

The shad, also known as the "king of fish", is a rare product in the water, and in ancient times was a tribute, a valuable and precious economic fish in China.

In other words, this kind of fish is rare and can be traded freely.

Ning Fei actually caught a shad!

Zhang Sen had to give a thumbs up to Ning Fei.

Ning Fei put the fish in the bucket and also smiled contentedly.