

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 41: Ancient Chinese Secret Techniques

Cut the scales and shave the bones in one go.

Then, take salt, cumin, cooking wine, vinegar, sesame oil and some onion and ginger, in proportion, stir well, and place the cracked fish completely into the marinade.

The marinated grilled fish will be more delicious when grilled.

"The longer the marinade the better, the fish is better to marinate some, almost need fifteen minutes, it will be tasty."

Then, Ning Fei brushed some oil on the stone slab, so as to ensure an even temperature on the slab.

While the fish was marinating, Fang Ju came forward and asked, "Brother, you are so good at knife-making, may I ask which family is your teacher belongs?"

Fang's attitude was very kind and polite, and the change in his attitude surprised the people around him.

Just now, he said that the anchors are all flowery and can't make any good dishes, but now he is polite.

In the eyes of Fang Ju, the cooking skill is great, that is worthy of respect.

Just now, Jiang Xue is in a special situation and can't eat a lot of things. Now that Fang Ju sees Ning Fei's ability, he can't help but admire it.

"I have no teacher, cooking is just a hobby of mine." Ning Fei replied casually.


Just a hobby to perform such amazing knife work as cutting scales and shaving bones? And have such a deep understanding of fish?

In Fang Ju's eyes, Ning Fei was definitely the kind of hermit who was not out of the world.

Fang Ju is a national-level chef, but he knows that the masters are in the folk, there are many hidden culinary experts, usually not show, but have a variety of unique cooking skills.

But people are not willing to say, they do not ask more.

After Jiang Xue saw the change in attitude of Fang Ju, her beautiful eyes looked at Ning Fei in surprise, a glimpse of light flashed across her pretty face, as if she saw something very interesting.

Jiang Gongzi was also secretly nodding.

As expected, this Taoist priest, unfathomable ah.

Fifteen minutes later, no more, no less, just the right amount of time.

There are prepared warm tree leaves on the table, Ning Fei wash clean a few leaves of the warm tree, the marinated split-belly fish cut in half and spread out in it.

Then, Ning Fei beat a few eggs in a bowl and gently chucked out all the egg yolks with chopsticks.

This time, let Jiang Gongzi could not help but shout "awesome".

There are many ways to separate egg whites from the yolks, such as there is an egg yolk separator, or you can only make a small hole in the egg, and then slowly pour out the egg white.

But Ning Fei's method is undoubtedly the fastest.

There are some experts who can do it, but beating several eggs in and then clamping them out one by one requires a great deal of skill.

Ning Fei poured the egg whites evenly on one side of the fish while putting slices of ginger underneath the fish.

Then, some cardamom, comfrey and cloves were evenly placed on the fish for seasoning.

When everything was properly arranged, he carefully placed the grilled fish on the stone slab.

The most important thing is to prepare the fish before baking, but the process of baking the fish is not so much skill.

The fish was evenly spread out, not long, a trace of heat from the grilled fish body dense.

The aroma overflowed and opened, Jiang Xue smelled the aroma, immediately felt a sense of hunger from the abdomen, could not help but say: "good smell ah."

Seeing Jiang Xue's appearance, Jiang Gongzi laughed happily.

Fang Ju also sighed in admiration.

From the knife work to the ingredients, to this hand of grilling, Ning Fei's technique was definitely professional level.

Such a young person has such cooking skills, it is really a long wave pushing the front wave.

After about half an hour, Ning Fei took out the long plate and put the warm leaves into the plate together with the grilled fish. At once, a stone plate baked fish with full colour, fragrance and taste was completed.

"Boss Jiang, the fish is done."

Ning Fei said after placing the roasted fish on the table.

"Good, you worked hard." Jiang Gongzi nodded and said politely.

"Xue'er, quickly taste it."

"Mmm." Jiang Xue hadn't felt such an appetite for a long time, and immediately nodded her little head, then sat down at the table and chucked a bit of grilled fish and gently put it into her mouth.

For a moment, she felt a sizzling sensation coming from her mouth.

Then, she slowly chewed a few times, fresh fish with light spices, in addition to refreshing, there is actually a hint of sweet taste.

Jiang Xue's soulful eyes smiled into a crescent and said, "Brother, it's delicious."

Seeing her look, Jiang Gongzi was happy from the bottom of his heart and said, "Eat more if it's delicious."

Ning Fei had finished his mission and felt there was no need to stay, so he said hello to Jiang Gongzi and planned to leave.

"Master Ning, I really thank you for today."

Jiang Gongzi came to his side and said gratefully.

"It's nothing, as it should be. I still want to broadcast live for a while tonight, so I have to go now."

"Good, I'll have my driver take you back, it's quick to fly to Qincheng anyway."

Hearing Jiang Gongzi's words, Ning Fei thought that this person is very nice, although he was an upper class social figure, he didn't have a half-hearted attitude when dealing with people.

Ning Fei was not a nosy person, nor did he have the heart to help the world, but Jiang Gongzi's words about letting a private plane take him back made Ning Fei change his mind a bit.

Be good with others and be good with yourself.

Jiang Gongzi would never have thought that his intentional arrangement would bring another opportunity for Jiang Xue's life.

"Boss Jiang, your sister seems to be physically ill, it looks like she should have a lack of strength and blood, and some problems with her kidneys and spleen." Ning Fei glanced at Jiang Xue, who was happily eating fish there, and said.

Hearing this, a trace of loneliness flashed across Jiang Feng's face, "Yes, congenital diseases have been seen by Chinese and Western doctors, and they can't be cured."

"Strength and blood deficiency, the lack of human blood biochemical source, external use of blood beads Lingzhi and other tonic, can only treat the symptoms, but not the root cause. If you want to cure the root cause, you need to start from the inside and stimulate the activity of her internal organs in order to cure the root cause."

Hearing Ning Fei's words, Jiang Gongzi's eyes grew wider and wider.

He was the grandson of the Xuanhu Medical Centre and had many famous doctors under him. Jiang Xue's illness, the conclusion reached by the western doctors was congenital organ failure, involving too many organs to do surgery, and only nutritional fluids could be used to maintain life features.

This method, was rejected by Jiang Xue.

She would rather die than lie in bed with drips all day long.

For her, a flower at its most beautiful moment should bloom to its fullest in the sun.

The Chinese doctor came to the same conclusion as Ning Fei, supplemented externally with heavenly treasures and found ways to regulate the activity of the organs internally.

Jiang Gongzi has an old Chinese doctor under him, called Han Chengzi, known as "Han Half Immortal", this person has real skills, Jiang Xue's current condition is also thanks to his wonderful hands.

But Han Chengzi could not completely cure Jiang Xue's illness, so Jiang Gongzi was almost desperate.

"Master Ning, what you said is all right, may I ask if there is any way to cure this disease at its root?" Jiang Gongzi let out a bitter smile and asked casually.

For Jiang Xue's disease, the Jiang family had been disappointed too many times and had long since lost all hope.

"There is."

What Jiang Gongzi didn't expect was Ning Fei's answer, but it was full of determination.

Hearing this word, Jiang Gongzi only felt like something had exploded in his head.

"What did you say?" Jiang Gongzi asked incredulously.

"To stimulate organ activity, there is a secret art in China that works, and that is acupuncture."

Ning Fei looked calm and said in a steady voice.

The content he learned last night, in addition to the human body's acupuncture points, is also the "look" in Chinese medicine "look, smell, ask and cut", as well as a large amount of pharmacological knowledge.

Acupuncture is one of the top skills of the system, although the name is simple and unpretentious, but it is really a divine skill!


Hearing Ning Fei's words, the hope that had risen on Jiang Gongzi's face gradually dimmed again.

"Do you think it won't work?" Ning Fei asked rhetorically.

"Master Ning, it's not that it won't work, my family runs a hospital, and there is a family elder named Han Chengzi who is extremely good at Chinese medicine. He said the same as you, to cure Xue'er's illness, only acupuncture can do it."

Hearing Jiang Gongzi's explanation, a trace of surprise flashed in Ning Fei's eyes, he couldn't imagine that there were crouching tigers and hidden dragons in China, and that there were people who could also see how Jiang Xue's illness should be cured.

"It's just that the true art of acupuncture has long been lost, and most of what has been passed down is just skin deep. The kind of skill that can raise the dead and live all things, we have searched for years without finding it."

"I'm not going to lie to you, we've searched for all the Chinese doctors in China, including some famous doctors in small places. But none of them can meet the requirements."

Jiang Gongzi said helplessly, his words were full of loss.

Jiang Gongzi was right, acupuncture is an ancient Chinese secret art, once had endless scenery.

But just like landscape science and Zhou Yi, the world can only spy on one or two of them, and there are very few that are truly mastered.

The human body itself is a treasure, acupuncture is like the key to develop this treasure.

At this time, Ning Fei looked at Jiang Gongzi and said seriously.

"What if I can find someone who knows the art of acupuncture?"

Hearing his words, a look of shock slowly emerged on Jiang Gongzi's face.