

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 15: Astonishing knife work!

Ning Fei glanced at the live streaming, and the live streaming viewers were still talking about the cuckoo bird just now.

Ning Fei explained.

"Friends and audience, nature is cruel, we can't consider things from the point of view of the weak, nor can we use human morality to judge a species as good or bad."

"Let me give you a simple example, do you know zebras? Zebras are herbivores with docile temperament and can only serve as food for carnivores on the prairie, and everyone thinks they are a vulnerable group."

"In fact, zebras also have a side that you can't imagine."

"If the zebra herd gets a new male leader, then the female zebras will kick their own children alive in front of the new leader in order to please the new leader."

"Even, they will invite the new leader to play together."

"I saw that scene on the Animal Channel where the female zebra's two front hooves were frantically kicking the fallen baby zebra, whose front hooves and chest were all covered in her own child's blood, while the male zebra just looked on coldly."

"It's the natural law of the gentle natured zebra to survive."

"I just want everyone to understand that nature has its own set of rules, and our human emotional morality may not be suitable to interfere with nature's rules."

Ning Fei narrated quietly.

He felt that what he was telling was clear enough.

The audience seemed thoughtful as they listened to his narrative.

"Is this true? A zebra will kick its own child to death?"

"Nature is crueler than we thought."

"The anchor knows a lot."

"First time I've seen this kind of gentle outdoor anchor, love it, love it."

"Yes, other outdoor anchors are all yelling styles. This anchor is a real treasure."

Then, Ning Fei knew he should get busy with his business, after all, there is still a system task that has not been completed.

The popularity of the live broadcast in a short time to break 200,000!

200,000 popularity, even the old anchor who has been broadcasting for three to five years dare not say that they can do it.

Of course, this is also related to the live content.

If the live content is really wonderful, then the popularity is going to accumulate quickly.

At this time, Ning Fei took out four large watermelons from the cellar and placed them on the table.

Seeing his action, the live viewers were full of consternation, what was the anchor doing?

Just saved a small bird, and then inexplicably took out four large watermelons in the blink of an eye.

"Friends and audience, yesterday I promised everyone to perform knife technique, today is the time to fulfil this promise."

Ning Fei said with a smile to the viewers in the live stream.

"Knife technique?" The audience was stunned.

"The anchor still knows knife technique?"

"Really? What knife technique?"

"Hahaha, I want to see it."

The audience shouted one after another.

Then, Ning Fei did not explain anything more, took out a set of knives, put them next to the watermelon, and just started to operate.

The knives were complete, large and small.

With the extreme knife technique, Ning Fei found himself operating the knife really handy.

Every time you put down the knife, every force, you can master it without fail.

While Ning Fei was carving, the audience couldn't help but curse.

Because the live camera, they saw Ning Fei's knife stuck into the watermelon skin snap and pick, but did not find any changes in the watermelon skin.

"What is the anchor doing now?"

"Isn't it showing knife technique? How come I don't see any change?"

"Pretend to be a fool."

"Is this piercing a watermelon?"

Unknown audiences began to complain.

In fact, art is something that can't be seen until the last moment.

Ning Fei's knife technique, high in one point, and the watermelon rinds he carved were connected together.

In other words, when he uncovers the watermelon peel, the true glory of the carving will be revealed.

At this moment, Ning Fei is fully engaged in the melon carving, so also ignore those pop-ups.

But the pop-ups are becoming more and more excessive, and many new viewers who see this scene are even more mocking.

"I think this live broadcast room is quite popular, so I came in and have a look. What is the anchor doing? Cutting watermelon?"

"The environment is good, but the live content is so boring."

"The anchor is showing knife skill, understand?"

"Hahahahaha, so this is knife skill ah, awesome, awesome."

In the shot, Ning Fei cut two knives here for a while, and stabbed a few times there, but the watermelon still looked intact.

The audience did not know what he was doing?

Some people felt bored and left, some people flocked in to see, and some people have been waiting, waiting for the moment he solved the mystery.

Liu Sen is the one waiting to solve the mystery.

He is now very bored, lying at home with nothing to do, just finished playing the game, do not want to play anymore, so only to watch a live stream to relax.

Lying in a modern house, Liu Sen preferred to see the outside world, so he chose the outdoor anchor type, and after a few pages, he was attracted to the "Qingfeng Guan Guan's live broadcast room".

He clicked in.

Seeing the camera, a handsome young man was busy with a knife, seemingly carving something, but the watermelon did not change much, only a few places were plucked out by the knife, revealing the light green part.

"What is this anchor doing?" Liu Sen thought curiously.

He looked at the pop-ups, which had many people spitting on the anchor and many defending it.

"Knife technique?"

"What kind of knife technique is this?"

Seeing what the anchor was doing, Liu Sen disdainfully skimmed his mouth.

It's not just plucking a few spots on the watermelon? This thing does not have a hand on it?

Just at this time, Ning Fei finally finished his work.

He looked up, wiped his sweat, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Friends and audience, the carving has been completed, and here is the time to reveal the results." Ning Fei said with a smile into his phone camera.

He had spent a total of about an hour carving, and now there were still about 80,000 people in the live stream.

Then, he pulled the phone stand closer, allowing a close-up of the watermelon to appear in the phone's lens.

"What is this anchor up to? What the hell is broadcast?" Liu Sen looked at the watermelon and felt a bit baffled.

The other viewers thought pretty much the same as he did.

Then, Ning Fei held a corner of the watermelon rind with his hand, and then cleaned out all the watermelon rinds that were still on the surface of the watermelon.

The final result was revealed.

After seeing what happened under the camera, all the viewers were dumbfounded.

Even Liu Sen, could not help but blurt out "Fuck!"

Damn it!

What the hell is this?

Am I dazzled?

Liu Sen took a closer look.

He saw a lifelike tiger carved on the skin of the watermelon! The tiger is in a posture of descending the mountain, looking down from above, so that the audience can feel its domineering across the screen!

Watermelon skin can carve a tiger?

Liu Sen felt his perception was turned upside down.

What kind of person is this anchor?

This is too fucking awesome!

At the same moment, the pop-up screen also exploded!

The screen was full of "hell".

There were also many "6666" mixed in.

The reward is not broken.

Ning Fei's swordsman was amazing!

At the same time, the popularity of his live studio has skyrocketed!