

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 13: The divine tree, the young bird descending from the sky

The sacred tree is in the west of Qinshan Village, follow the main road all the way forward to reach.

On the way, Ning Fei encountered the group of dogs at the west end of the village, which had their tails up and curled, tearing and playing with each other on the roadside.

"Hello again, the west village dog gang."

"Hahahaha, the local dog in the east of the village, I want to watch them fight."

"Guys, what's up with this group of dogs, can someone explain."

"Go watch yesterday's recording, two groups of native dogs were fighting together. The scene was very exciting."

"Really? I'm going to watch it."

The audience was greeted with excitement when they saw the native dogs.

Ning Fei then introduced the story of the sacred tree to everyone.

"The sacred tree is the oldest tree on this mountain, the category is unknown, the trunk diameter reaches 6 meters, the circumference can reach more than 20 meters, and the height is almost 50 meters."

"The sacred tree is very large and counts as one of the many wonders of this mountain village."

With Ning Fei's narration, the audience became increasingly curious.

"Really? With a diameter of 6 meters, I remember that the largest tree in China, the cypress king, is only this big."

"Nature is so amazing."

"The viewer's live broadcast is so interesting, I can see many things that I could never see in my life."

At this time, the popularity of Ning Fei's live broadcast room had come to 110,000.

As a newcomer on his second day of live streaming, this number was very exaggerated.

This was because, Ning Fei's live broadcast, the number of people who followed the broadcast was very large. After seeing Ning Fei's live broadcast yesterday, many viewers found him very interesting and naturally came back today.

Then, Ning Fei went down from the main road and started walking deeper into the forest.

"The back of this mountain is all forest, the mountain village is only a very small area, the forest is the main body."

"There are also many fierce animals in the mountain, but most of them are in the back of the mountain, this area's animals rarely come over, there are protection settings."

Ning Fei walked while speaking, everyone listening to him, unconsciously became nervous.

After all, now Ning Fei, like the anchor of the outdoor adventure, adventuring in the dense forest.

"So, anchor, you're not in danger, right?" Someone asked.

Ning Fei smiled and responded to everyone, "Don't worry everyone, the beasts are far away from here, besides the sacred tree is just ahead, there's no danger."

Ning Fei had lived in the mountains for more than ten years, so he naturally knew what the surroundings were like.

It didn't take long for Ning Fei to arrive at the bottom of the sacred tree.

Seeing the divine tree, the audience couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

Fuck, there really is such a big tree!

As they glanced at it, they saw that the divine tree was sky-high, its trunk resembling a giant chimney, thrusting straight up into the clouds, and the leaves on it were very tall, yet very lush, like a giant cloud.

When they got closer, they saw that the trunk of the divine tree had many thick roots like water pipes, and the whole tree gave a feeling of vicissitude and antiquity.

"This is the divine tree." Ning Fei explained with a smile.

In this way, the young bird can be protected to the greatest extent.

The audience was confused when they saw this scene.

What just happened?

A martial arts movie?

In their perspective, what they saw was Ning Fei stepping on a tree trunk, flying upward a full three meters, and then catching something that he didn't know what it was.

Ning Fei's movements were standard, somewhat like the pose of a martial arts movie warrior taking off.

"Fuck, Master Guan, you still say you don't know martial arts?"

"God, there is this skill!"

"I thought the anchor temperament is so gentle, just a literary person, I never thought he would still know martial arts!"

"Great, great!"

In addition, there is a screen full of 666.

At this time, the drone flew close, everyone saw what Ning Fei was holding.

It is a baby bird that is pink all over and has not grown hair yet.

Everyone reacted to the original Ning Fei just caught, is a fallen young bird! He was in a hurry to show that kind of skill.

The audience was incomparably shocked.

This anchor is really divine!

But, why did the young bird fall down?

Ning Fei looked up, and vaguely, he could hear a few crisp chirps of the young birds.

Immediately, he shook his head helplessly and said to the viewers in the live broadcast room, "Friends and viewers, in the nest above, there should be a cuckoo's baby bird."

Hearing Ning Fei's words, a number of viewers were instantly filled with righteous indignation.

"So it's a cuckoo, no wonder!"

"This disgusting bird I thought was just a rumour, I never thought it would really do this kind of thing."

"Owner, climb up and drop that cuckoo bird to death! I'll give you a brush of 1 rocket!"

"Who can explain why you guys hate cuckoo so much, I remember cuckoos are very beautiful."

Then, Ning Fei explained to some viewers who didn't know.

"The cuckoo bird is a notorious liar in nature, the female cuckoo will select another bird's nest and lay her own eggs in this nest, which is equivalent to parasitism."

"And the first thing the cuckoo's young do when they are born is to squeeze out all the other young and eggs in the nest, thereby monopolizing all the food and affection of the 'surrogate mother'."

"Every summer, thousands of eggs and chicks of the host birds are killed in this cruel way by the newly emerged chicks of the great cuckoo."

"And the parents of the young birds, who are kept in the dark, are still wholeheartedly caring for the only remaining murderer who killed their own children and who only cries 'hungry, hungry, hungry'."

"That's the cuckoo bird."

"Of course, scientists have studied that of the more than 140 species of cuckoo known worldwide, only 40 percent of the category has parasitic behaviour, but that's enough to make them infamous."

Hearing Ning Fei's explanation, some viewers came to understand what was happening.

There are actually such birds in nature!

Young birds kill the young of other birds and have to get the love of the other parent.

It is simply outrageous!

Many viewers have blamed this behaviour.

But nature is magical, every creature has its way of living, this method of the cuckoo, which is engraved in its genes, may be against human morality, but for the cuckoo, it is just its way of surviving.

Some viewers are explaining this, saying it's just the law of nature.

But most of the audience clearly did not appreciate it.

"Don't tell me what is the law of nature, I am also a living creature, and I am also a part of nature. I have encountered this situation. I must throw all the cuckoo's young birds to death so that it knows what the laws of nature are!"

"This tree has only one trunk, and the branches are very high, at least a dozen meters, so it's impossible to climb, so don't think about letting the anchor go up." He took the lead in dispelling this idea of the audience.

The audience naturally wanted Ning Fei to take risks in order to see the fun, and Ning Fei knew the audience's preference.

But it was really hard to climb up on the tree, and falling from it would either kill or injure him, so he wouldn't be so impulsive.

Ning Fei looked up at the branches above the sacred tree, and just at this time, he saw what looked like a small black dot falling from the tree.

He frowned slightly and took a closer look, and it was indeed a small black dot that was falling down rapidly.

That seems to be a baby bird?

In this situation, Ning Fei's agility attribute showed its effect.

Only to see him he leapt up high, cupped his hands around the young bird, and then used a decreasing acceleration downward with both hands as a way to reduce the force on the young bird, quickly offsetting the speed caused by the young bird's free fall.