

influencer, daily blogger, teacher, martial arts, training

Novel_Hunters · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 11: Excellent anchovy soup!

After putting in the tofu, Ning Fei put in the radish ten minutes before the fish came out of the pot.

Ten minutes later, the fresh fish soup came out of the pot, Ning Fei picked up the frying pan and poured all the fish soup and fish into a basin.

The white fish soup was faintly hot, with all kinds of side dishes, in which the anchovies looked even more delicious.

"Why did I turn on the live broadcast, feel so hungry!"

"Wow, I really want to eat."

"Can the anchor send the leftover fish bones to me?"

"The anchor is good at his craft, big praise."

"A man who can cook is so attractive."

The viewers in the live broadcast room praised one after another.

Ning Fei was also very satisfied with his work, he glanced at the pop-ups in the live broadcast room and found that many people were talking about his knife skills just now.

The reason why his knife work was so strong was naturally because of the skill "Ultimate Knife Skill".

He found that with this skill, he seemed to be able to cook with ease, and his mind naturally came up with how to cook a dish.

"Everyone is interested in knife skills." Ning Fei smiled at the live broadcast, "Then I'll show you another one later."

His words immediately elicited another burst of enthusiastic responses.

Then, Ning Fei felt hungry, so he took out the rice he had made, and took out his pickled vegetables from the kimchi jar, so he ate the fish and the pickled vegetables at the same time, which was extraordinarily comfortable.

The shad is very big, so the amount of fish soup is a lot, Ning Fei knows he can't finish it alone, so before eating the fish, he poured part of the fish soup into a huge thermos cup.

The value of the fish soup of wild shad is very high, and the price of the fish soup in this thermos must be thousands if it is to be sold.

Ning Fei finished his dinner, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

He carried the thermos, so leisurely went out.

The audience did not know what he was going out for and were curious, however, Ning Fei said.

"Sorry viewers, this is the end of today's broadcast. Tomorrow at 9:00 am, I will open the live broadcast on time, I hope you all support more."

"Promise everyone's knife skills, I will compensate tomorrow, there is something temporary, sorry!"

Ning Fei's words made the audience stare, because they hadn't seen enough yet.

"Master Guan, finish performing your evening homework before you leave."

"Anchor, broadcast a little longer, it's hard to see such an excellent anchor."

"Yeah, let's broadcast it for a while."

"Come on, anchor!"

Amidst the audience's voices of retention, Ning Fei still turned off the live broadcast.

The deliciousness of the shad made him feel comfortable now, the hot current surged through his body, and the feeling of satiety was the happiest feeling of one's day.

He walked on the mountain road, it was still bright on the mountain at 7pm, it gets dark later here in summer, almost 8pm before it gets dark.

The place Ning Fei was going to was a farmhouse.

"Grandma Wang, here I am again!"

Ning Fei shouted to the yard with a smile before he even walked into the yard.

Hearing his voice, a small black and white dog immediately ran out, tail wagging extra vigorously, as if seeing his master.

Ning Fei specifically left a "pet feed (low level)", smiled and shouted "Little White" to the puppy, and threw the pet feed out.

The puppy called Little White was very agile and swallowed the feed in one leap. After eating, the little white looked very excited, and barked for several times.

Ning Fei remembered the introduction of the pet feed, "the unanimous praise of the animals", he guessed that the little white barking should be praise it.

Ning Fei walked into the house, there was only one old woman with gray hair. Hearing Ning Fei's arrival, her face was filled with kind smiles.

Ning Fei is naturally not a saint, there are many widows and orphans on the mountain, and Ning Fei does not care that much about others.

But Grandma Wang is different. It can be said that when Ning Fei was punished by his master when he was a child, he always took refuge at Grandma Wang's house. When he was young, 1/3 of his meals were eaten at Grandma Wang's house.

Wang's grandmother worked very hard when she was young, and the family was very rich. Grandma Wang has no son, she is a real widow, and she has been very good to Ning Fei, take care of Ning Fei as his own grandson.

Now Granny Wang is getting older, gradually unable to do farm work, and her eyes are getting worse. Ning Fei specially took Grandma Wang to the city hospital, the doctor told him that Grandma Wang's cataracts are very serious, it is very difficult to cure.

Therefore, Ning Fei took special care of her.

"Grandma Wang, this is the fish soup I made today, you can drink it while it's hot." Ning Fei took out some cutlery from the kitchen, poured the steaming fish soup into a bowl, and then brought it to Grandma Wang's face.

Grandma Wang smiled gratefully; she couldn't see well and could only see Ning Fei's blurry shadow.

After Ning Fei put down the fish soup, he went up and down and cleaned up Grandma Wang's yard front and back.

Then, Ning Fei told Wang's grandmother about his live broadcast and today's encounter, but of course, he didn't mention a word about the system.

He was not sure if the old woman understood words like "live", "reward", "fan" and so on, but the old man kept smiling and he was happy.

"The white water fish I caught was so big, with shimmering scales, and it was very beautiful. After I caught it, the fish looked at me with begging in its eyes."

Ning Fei spoke with great enthusiasm, heard here, Granny Wang also unconsciously became nervous.

"Master said that some animals have spirits, we have to respect them, so I released this white jiao fish."

Ning Fei laughed again, and hearing that Ning Fei released the white jiao fish, Grandma Wang also laughed.

Just like that, after staying at Grandma Wang's house for more than two hours, everything was taken care of properly before Ning Fei went back to his Taoist temple.

He secretly vowed that he would find a way to cure Grandma Wang's eyes.

In the past, he could only rely on hospitals and doctors, but now it was different, as he had the system, he had unlimited possibilities.

So, he had to gain more popularity value and get better skills.

When he returned to his room in the evening, Ning Fei first sorted out the proceeds of today's live broadcast.

He roughly calculated that his first day's live stream income was around 20,000. Of course, this is related to the appearance of the giant panda, and the catching of the white jiao fish, Wang manager rewarded 10 rockets.

Live broadcast money is not easy to make, as long as there is something that makes the audience very interested, then the money will be made very quickly.

For example, live panda, catching precious fish, fighting with groups of local dogs, etc.

So, 20,000 a day is not uncommon.

Just at this time, Ning Fei found several signed messages in the background of his live stream.

Before he could take a closer look, an unfamiliar phone call came in.

"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Ning Fei?"

The voice of a calm middle-aged man rang out over there.

"It's me, what can I do for you?"

"That's the case. We are a live broadcast platform of Maoxiong TV. We have found that your live room has great potential, so I would like to invite you to come to our Maoxiong TV live broadcast."

The voice said.

So it was a dig! Ning Fei thought to himself.

This situation was normal, the first day of the live broadcast could get such a high popularity and so many rewards, Ning Fei would naturally gain the attention of many people.

For the choice of live platform, in fact, Ning Fei does not care, anyway, now live platform is the same, can pit, and many platforms are also living by earning breach of contract.

Therefore, Ning Fei's idea is very simple. Whoever has the best contract will be signed.

Just now he has seen several private messages, all leaving contact information, hoping that he can sign their platform. The same was true for Dou Bird Live.

Ning Fei then asked, "Then I would like to ask, what is the level of the contract between Maoxiong TV and me?"

Ning Fei also wanted to sign up as soon as possible.

Without a contract now, only 40% of the share of the gifts would go into his own pocket.

It would be different after signing the contract.

"B grade! That's the highest deal we can give! Newcomers often start at Grade D, and Grade B is already very good. Would you consider it?" said the person from Maoxiong TV.

At that, Ning Fei frowned.

He knows for the B-level signing, the annual salary is 300,000, and the gift is divided into 46. He gets 6 copies and the live broadcast platform 4 copies. But there is another condition, that is, it must be signed for 5 years.

5 years, too long for him, this condition does not yet meet the position in his heart.

"Okay, I know, I'll think about it."

After saying that, Ning Fei hung up the phone.