
Outlet of My Desire (BL)

[Warning: This story contains Shounen-Ai elements at the beginning, which will develop into deep BL. There are some torture and BDSM scenes. Please continue to support the development of the characters!] Forbidden love, conspiracies, slavery, teenage life that is far from ordinary, the forbidden hobbies of wealthy children, escapes, money games, wars, and even... the world of magic. Respati is not gay, but he is specifically attracted to a popular student at his school named Sha. However, their lives are very different. Sha is a famous student who has many friends and is very kind. Meanwhile, Respati, although quite attractive physically, is shy, doesn't have many friends, and is a bookworm. Until one day, a fate that Respati never expected brought their lives together. Little by little, the reality is revealed about what big things a perfect teenager like Sha hides in his life. Also, a series of bad things had to happen in Respati's life. Who is Sha's true identity? What has Respati done to become an enslaved person for other people's satisfaction? Can they break through everything they have believed in and unite in the end? #Fantasy #Reality #Story

stormseye · LGBT+
6 Chs

The Boy I Hate is a Demigod

What made Respati curious when he passed Shakarta in the classroom corridor before going to the library was finally answered. It turned out that there were quite noticeable wounds on both wrists. Respati is still determining what the cause is. However, Shakarta didn't attract much attention because he cleverly used the blazer sleeves to cover it.

Respati thought, didn't any of his friends ask that? What did he say to them?

When he had not finished his thoughts, Shakarta suddenly said, "It looks like you are injured. I'll take you to the School Medical Room," he said, pulling Respati's wrist. A little pushy.

A shocked Respati replied, "I'm fine. You don't need to do this. Soon, the bell for the end of break will ring."

"Where are you going, Shakarta?" asked some of his friends.

Shakarta answered with his usual bright and happy face, "I will take him to the School Medical Room. Please tell the teacher if I'm late coming back to class."

"Oh, okay."

Respati has admired Shakarta's almost perfect figure and personality all this time. But, yeah, that's all. He never saw the teenager as a personality at all. It's no different from fans who worship idols because they are good at singing, dancing, and look good in front of the camera.

Respati never thought that his first interaction with a figure he had always admired would turn out this strangely. Why did Shakarta force him to go to the School Medical Room even though he was okay? Where did Shakarta's perfect figure, who never made a mistake, go?

Is he an idiot, asked Respati in his heart, not understanding.

When they arrived at the School Medical Room, the doctor who was supposed to be on duty was not there. As a result, they were the only ones in the room with three simple hospital-style beds.

"Now sit down and take off your pants!" Shakarta ordered as he approached a cupboard with glass doors containing various medicines and first aid kits.

Respati reflexively widened his eyes until he opened his mouth with a look of disbelief. He replied, "You're out of your mind, right?"

Shakarta didn't seem to care and continued to rummage through the medical equipment cupboard. "When will the doctor come back, huh? I'm worried it will worsen if it's not checked immediately."

Respati thought while holding his buttocks. Did he realize it? However, he chose to say, "I'm okay. Why should someone like you care about me?"

Zruuk. Shakarta suddenly squatted down, placing both hands on his knees. At that time, Respati didn't want to think that what was in front of him was not the Shakarta he had known all this time. However, the situation became so awkward that he couldn't react in any way.

"Something bad happened to a worker in my house because of my carelessness. "I just don't want that to happen again," said Shakarta without looking Respati in the eye.

I still won't be fooled by your attitude, Shakarta, Respati determined in his heart. Moreover, there are rumors that Shakarta is the young master of a wealthy conglomerate family. Whatever mood he shows is definitely because he is thinking about himself and not caring.

"I will ask the teacher's permission. You'd better stay here until it's time to go home. I will take you to the hospital later…"

"Stop talking so much because I'm fine, Shakarta," Respati responded indifferently as he walked towards the door. His buttocks hurt a little, but it wasn't anything to worry about.

"I beg you, Respati! At least cure my anxiety by waiting to see what the doctor will say!" said Shakarta, trying to pull Respati's arm back into the School Medical Room.

Respati, who didn't like how the light source was treating him well, was very excessive, to be precise, trying to twist his body to ward off, which made him lose his balance and...




Finally, Respati ended up having to rest in the student health room until it was time to go home from school because his buttocks fell to the ground, which was about one meter from the floor of the student health room, causing him to have a headache, nausea and even vomiting.

Fortunately, after lying down for a few hours, his condition got better.

"Luckily, when you fell, Shakarta was immediately there to help you. If he weren't there, maybe your condition would be much worse now," said the doctor on duty in the student health room while working on several reports.

"It feels like everywhere I go in this school, all I hear are expressions of admiration about that damn kid," grumbled Respati quietly. He didn't want the School Medical Room doctor to hear him and start saying other things he didn't want to hear.

"I know what you're saying, boy," said the female doctor, rolling her eyes.

Respati, who didn't want to get even more embarrassed, decided to keep quiet.

"I don't know what you feel or think about him. However, Shakarta is someone whose presence is there to help and complete the emptiness of the people around him. That's why you'll have difficulty finding time for him alone. Everyone always wants to be around him," said the doctor.

Respati was a little surprised when he heard that. "How do you know all that?" He thought the School Medical Room doctors had only worked indoors and didn't care about what was happening outside.

The woman answered, "Ohohoho, I have a reliable source of information, you know. The youth members of the Red Cross also often talk about him because he likes to help with anything."

Wow, Shakarta is some Superman or what?

"Not only is he good-looking and kind, Shakarta is also very smart and knowledgeable, right? You can ask him anything, and he will give you a satisfactory answer."

Did he ever eat encyclopedia book juice as a child? I didn't know people like that living in this world, thought Respati again. For some reason, the more others talked about how perfect Shakarta was, the more disturbed and unhappy he became.

Shakarta was like a source of light that was too bright to the point that he had to burn to death when receiving all its rays.

The female doctor continued, "Not only that."

What else, anyway?

"From what I have heard a lot, Shakarta seems to have the ability to know what is happening to the people around him. Don't forget that he will also take responsibility for many things. He is like someone born into the world to give light and happiness to many people."

"What kind of nonsense is that," said Respati again, much more quietly. Have the ability to know what is happening to other people and help them overcome various problems? Is he someone like Buddha? Jesus? Horus? Or Muhammad?

How ridiculous. I will never want anything to do with someone like him again! I hate HIM!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

stormseyecreators' thoughts