
The crash

Ruby felt her nerves jump as the stood on the platform. The thoughts running through her mind seemed to encompass her.

The words of the headmaster did nothing to ease her worries.

"There have been a lot of talk about teams and I will put all of your worries at ease. You will be given teams right now. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with, will be your teammate for the rest of your school experience."

Uh oh. Eye contact. She could barely hold a speech with someone whom she had never met before and he was expecting her to make eye contact?!

Wait... that actually didn't sound that bad.

Why was she freaking out?

Ruby wasn't sure.

She glanced over to Yang in support. Yang's support came in the form of popping on sunglasses, avoiding Ruby's sight.

Dammit Yang!

"Get ready students, you will be launched in 3...2.... what the hell?"

Ruby, who was expecting to launched paused as she glanced at the headmaster, Ozpin. Why wasn't he counting down you might ask?

Looking closer, she could see his glasses slightly skewed across his face and a flabbergasted appearance of shock filtering through.

That seemed to stun the rest of the students as well and curious, as they looked to where Ozpin was they adorned similar looks of shock.

Ruby herself couldn't help but to mirror their expressions, glancing at the amazing sight happening across the sky.

A gigantic... SPACESHIP was crashing through the sky, parting the clouds, and lighting the world with its size.

The size of the Spaceship pretty much rivaled the size of the entire beacon grounds. The body of it was covered in odd futuristic looking metal and tech that winded around it in an almost crude manner but at the same time, Ruby could tell was a marvel of future technology.

Idly Ruby allowed a thought to pass through her head.


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