
Outcasts of Eden Apartment

chersthetics · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Outcasts of Eden Apartment Outline

1. An angel is tried by the heavenly host for tampering with mortal life, she is exiled from heaven, falling into earth.

2. A demon breaks a contract with a dying old woman, instead, taking the souls of hoodlums attempting to assault a young girl. This angers the king of hell, her punishment is to reap a pure soul before she can return.

3. An unknown figure releases a paper airplane that splits in two as the wind carries it high above the clouds, the angel and the demon both recieve the airplanes, it contained an advert for Eden Apartment, both needing a place to stay while in exile, decide to check the aparment out.

4. The angel and the demon become roomates, both unaware of each other's identities. The novel follows the two as they struggle to hide their true identities from each other and the people around them.