
Outcast Hunter

Ever since gates and monsters appeared on Earth so is the people who can fight against them. Leo, a high school graduate didn't took college, instead ventured on becoming a hunter to support his life and his brother's while looking for his dad. But life isn't so great for everyone. Leo who had became a hunter found out that he was a 'defected hunter' who can't level up and was ranked as the weakest hunter. Despite the circumstances, Leo didn't gave up until the opportunity itself came upon him.

JuliusAlfred · アクション
38 Chs

Chapter 13 : C-rank right?

Goblins showed up, everyone were holding a weapon of their own. Their spits spraying everywhere as they show aggressiveness towards Leo. "As I always saw, goblins really are the ugliest monsters alive" Leo clenched his fist, "There's around 15 of you, you guys really liked to play it safe huh?" all of the goblins come at once, Leo ran straight towards the rushing goblins. The goblins lacks height compared Leo who's 5'10 tall. The goblin who ran first swung it's shortsword, Leo he dodged sideways then hold it's hand with his right and broke it's arm. The goblin scream in agony and let go of the sword, Leo picked up the shortsword and thrust the sword on it's neck. The goblin scratched at his throat as blood poured over his finger's, mingling with that of his companion. Another one coming from behind, the goblin jumped holding the knife with both it's hands, Leo slightly sensed it's intent, Leo shifted his head, caught and holds the goblin with his hand then he stabbed it in its chest, blood splattered to Leo. He let go then aimed for another one, he showed no fear on his face but a wide smile that made the goblins panic a little. He chopped off their heads here, there, brake their bones, their screams became a music to Leo's ear that made show his excitement.

The remaining 7 goblins sensed inferiority and ran away, Leo chased them but instead of running he was just walking as if he was giving them a head start. He was suppressing his self from smiling, he shouldn't let his excitement get the better of him. He was still holding the sword he picked up from the first goblin he had killed when he remembered that he received a sword as a reward when he completed his first mission, so he stopped for a moment. He quickly took a look inside his inventory, there he saw the sword stored inside. [Sword Lily: Gladiolus, an old world plant of the iris family, that looked like sword-shaped leaves and spikes of brightly colored flowers].

Leo clicked the 'equip' button, the sword appeared in his right hand, but though the name of the sword came from a plant, the sword was made from steel-- tungsten of its finest. The only sameness of the sword from the gladiolus is the color, scent and brightness of sword. It has a strong odor of the dead, the blood-tinged scent that lingers on the sword. It depicts that the gladiolus had killed numerous monsters in the past. Leo can still feel the grip of the gladiolus' users of the past.

. Leo began walking again, towards the goblins. 'I wonder how fine it cuts' he thought as he looked at the sword. The trees were thick enough for someone to hide behind and make a surprise attack. In that spur moment, when Leo looked at his sword, the remaining seven goblins were hiding behind the trees, waiting for a chance to attack. But, Leo, caught up to the moment and he also jumped.

The goblins, still in mid-air holding their weapons, looked up when Leo jumped higher than they did. The goblins failed to make a surprise attack, goblins where standing on the ground, whilst Leo was still in mid-air, turns head over heels and landed at the standing goblin-- a somersault. The goblin that got stomped by Leo, were cold dead, the goblins panic and decided to attack Leo altogether.

He clenched his left and gave a roundhouse punched, his strength was powerful enough to knock a person out. The goblin were down to five, they were thoughtlessly swinging their weapons towards Leo, but it can be easily dodge since they're on a state of panic. 'Easy peasy!' the blade were easily going through their flesh as Leo swing the gladiolus, the goblins were brutally killed, a one-sided fight between monsters and real monster. 'This was suppose to be a C-rank, right' his face was a bit disappointed, he was different than he was before.