

Anisa is a normal teenage girl who lives abroad with her parents, she's also sassy and is willing to stay out of trouble's way so long as it stays out of hers but what happens when her grandparents, a renown and well off family who own the great and prestigious young stars International, a school which only children of rich politicians and business tycoons can afford ask her to come back to her country, Nigeria and finish her high school. How will life turn out for Anisa especially since she is willing to go back to California and continue her life as the carefree teenager that she is. What will happen when her life gets entangled with a senior who is also one of the stars of YSI and at the same time with someone she met online. Follow me on this amazing ride. Enjoy!

amnah_amee · 都市
7 Chs


Ever since she came back home and changed into something dry, she have been feeling cold and feverish so she used her duvet to cover herself. She know it might make her fall ill but she can't help it.

She want to sleep but it's bad to sleep after Asr, she also want to watch the new released After but she also want to chat with her friends.

Finally deciding on what to do, she picked her headphones and connected it to her phone before turning on her sad/slow music list. Surrender was the first on the list so it started to play.

She decided to reply her snap messages first, then Instagram and lastly WhatsApp. She don't plan on replying her mails so let them sit and wait until she's ready.

She sent a few streaks, reply messages and sent a story of her room with the caption 'My New Room' before leaving Snapchat. The walls of her room are white but the furnitures are navy blue, she's a sucker for dark colors and she love blue too. Almost everything that's in the room is either white or navy blue, including her bedroom flip flops. Her closet on the other hand is black and white in color, raging from the carpets to mirrors everything is black and white, well except for her clothes. The en suit is white, just plain white, everything in there is white.

There is a message from Darkpoet001.

Darkpoet001: I can't remove your disgusting strawberry's scent from my wall. Bah!

Inkheart: you couldn't stop yourself from messaging me, could you?

Darkpoet001: don't flatter yourself girly, I'm just bored.

Inkheart: yeah right, you were bored so you decided to talk to the poet that you hate, that doesn't make sense.

Darkpoet001: it does to me🌚

Inkheart: you're so weird

Darkpoet001: so I've been told

Inkheart: you still owe an apology, you know that right?

Darkpoet001: an apology? Psss! What will I apologize for?

Inkheart: well, for many things but your rude message about my post is what comes to mind right now.

Darkpoet001: I won't apologize for being honest. Your post are too cheesy so admit it and move on.

Inkheart: honesty? You call that honesty?

Darkpoet001: yeah

Inkheart: I don't know why I even waste my time on you

Darkpoet001: neither do I

She narrowed her eyes a little at her iPhone's screen. He's such a jerk!

Inkheart: what class are you?

Darkpoet001: class?😅😭 I'm a graduate

Inkheart: lol💔 what course

Darkpoet001: computer science I guess 🙆🏻‍♂️

Inkheart: oh great 👍

Darkpoet001: how old are you?

Inkheart: twenty

Darkpoet001: lol, you wish

Inkheart: just kidding, I'm fourteen but will be turning fifteen soon, what about you?

Darkpoet001: all age does is give you a lot of responsibilities so why add to your age?

Inkheart: 🌚

Darkpoet001: when's your birthday?

That question made her heart skip a beat. She hate her birthday and she hates anything that reminds her of it because of the bad memories it harbors. Unlike everybody she hate her birthday and she wish she can just delete it from her life. Completely!

Inkheart: I don't know 🤷‍♀️

Darkpoet001: how?

Inkheart: I don't know 🤷‍♀️

He is starting to annoy her so to avoid saying something mean she exited instagram and tapped on WhatsApp. She always tell people she don't know her birthday, except for those who already know.

There was a message from an unknown number which happened to be Ahmad. She needed to clear things with him and that's why she is going to reply his message.

Ahmad😈: hey baby doll

Ahmad😈: I know you don't take me as a boyfriend😈, right?

Ahmad😈: But can we fake being in a relationship? Please!

Anisa👸🏻: hi

Anisa👸🏻: yes I don't

Anisa👸🏻: I don't do relationships so nope.

Ahmad😈: please

Anie👸🏻: no

Ahmad😈: please

Anie👸🏻: on one condition

Ahmad😈: I'm in

Anie👸🏻: calm your horses bro, you don't know what it is

Ahmad😈:yes I'm still in

Anie👸🏻: then convince your friend to tell the principal he don't want to tutor me, I'll give you three days.

Ahmad😈: which?

Anie👸🏻: Who if not Adnan, he's the only one in my class.

Ahmad😈: huh, why? I'm sure he won't do it...not after what happened last term.

Anie👸🏻: then I'm not going to pretend to be your girlfriend

Ahmad😈: okay I'll do it.


"Pretending to be Ahmad's girlfriend?" Norah screamed the question out. Well Anisa can't hide anything from her best friend, especially not this.

"Yes and after that he'll stay away from me and nobody will even remember" Anisa explained

"That's what happens with all the girls he have dated, and I believe nobody will believe it was fake when things get over" Anisa have already made up her mind, at least she's not doing it for free, she'll get something in return.

"I promise it'll be different this time around" Anisa said taking a sip of her Pepsi, she love Pepsi but the Nigerian type is making her hate it.

It's Thursday and after recess all the SS2/sophomore students will be heading to the changing room and change into their sport wears then head to the field, it's gymnastics period. Anisa chose basketball and running. She can't join football or handball alongside basketball because of her health condition and she hate any sort of gathered water so she didn't choose swimming. It's better to watch it from a far. Norah on the other hand chose running and handball.

Anisa changed into the short red and blue next sports wear with a black tight under and a white canvas, she used a matching black socks which she brought from home and a white cap. She also wore a black long sleeved tee shirt under.

"Let's meet outside, I need to get something from my bag" Anisa said as she head back to her locker where she left her bag leaving Norah to wear the same cloth as hers.

Every floor have a changing room and a restroom so it only took Anisa a few turns to reach the hallway where their lockers are. Hers is the 75th. She picked what she needed and then turned to leave but she bumped into someone as she took the last turn out of the building to the field making what she was holding fall on the floor. His manly cologne hit her nostrils hard and she looked up, his dark brown eyes looking right back to her hazel ones. His hair line set perfectly as his jawline. His perfect features is envied by most of the boys in school and worshiped by almost the entire female specie.

"Ya Allah" she muttered as she looked away from Adnan.

"I seriously need you to do my biology assignment" he said passing her the inhaler that feel

"Thank you" she replied dumbfounded, did he really pick up her inhaler off the floor.

"Says the guy who is supposed to tutor me"

"Speaking of that, I don't want to tutor you either but I can't say no to the principal so lessons start when ever you're ready" and with that he's gone, she's still surprised because this is the nicest thing he have said to her so far, or maybe she's just used to his rudeness.

"You're unbelievable"

"Thank you" he said with a wink and then took off immediately. That reminded her of Alamin. How will he look when she see him? Will they ever meet? Is he handsome? And all sort of questions kept popping into her brain.

Well speaking of it, she's yet to hear what Ahmad will say but since Adnan have already informed her by himself then there's no need. Ahmad always changes the topic when ever she ask him so she don't even know if he have spoken to Adnan or not.

"Where have you been?" Norah asked walking towards her

"I said I was going to get this" she raised the inhaler.

Anisa wasn't even surprised that her cousin Jamila have the same sport combination as her because she's sick, she have a heart problem and that is the reason why everybody love her more in the family. Anisa and Jamila have a lot in common, including hatred for each other. but whatever they have in common is outweighed by the fact that they want each other dead, if possible.

"Hey" Fatima waved at them from where she stood. The girl chose running and handball.

"Haven't seen you throughout the week" Anisa complained

"You know class president stuff and I have to prepare for the upcoming test so" it baffles Anisa how Fatima stresses herself but then she's a scholarship student and she will be off the scholarship list if she gets C+ or less as a grade. Only A+ or A or B.

"You have just reminded me that test is next week" Norah said making Anisa roll her eyes, the girl have been speaking about the test since in the morning and here she is pretending. The school have a ritual of giving students tests every three weeks and it starts on the third week, the tests are very important because they determine your grade. Same goes with class activities, projects and assignments.

"Says the girl who wakes up every 3am just to study"

All they did throughout the last one hour is stretching and other little exercises. The period for gymnastics is one hour twenty minutes, ten minutes to change before the class begin and ten minutes after. Anisa didn't get to change back into her school uniform because there are a lot of people in the changing room.

Anisa have noticed how everybody is looking at her and murmuring something but she just ignored it thinking it's because they still don't believe about her and Ahmad's fake relationships. Little did she know there is more to it.

After the torment called gymnastics, she was headed back into the school when she realized she's alone, she don't have class after gymnastics. Fatima have headed to physics class and Norah Government. Both are very important subjects that the can't skip, if only it's French or history. And she can't call Ahmad or Ajmal because they are not that close.

Anisa decided to visit the roof top for the first time since she joined the school. She love heights but she didn't get much time to visit the place and Norah makes sure she doesn't because the girl is scared of heights.

Her phone pinged thereby reminding her that she have a message from Alamin which she haven't replied so she brought out the phone and logged into Instagram.

Darkpoet001: boo

Inkheart: you really can't survive without me, can you?

Darkpoet001: nah, just enjoy annoying you

Inkheart: right

Darkpoet001: I have the hope that I can persuade you into writing good stuff instead of posting cheesy poems one day.

Inkheart: my poems are not cheesy, stop saying that🤧

Darkpoet001: they are some day you'll admit it

Inkheart: whatever

Darkpoet001: Anisah, strawberry, peachy🗣🗣

Inkheart: why do you keep messaging me, it's obvious you don't like me.

Darkpoet001: I've told you, you entertain me.

Inkheart: how?

Darkpoet001: what are you wearing?

Inkheart: you're a pervert

Darkpoet001: I bet my ps5 you're blushing right now. See, that's how you entertain me. You're predictable girl

Inkheart: you don't know me

Darkpoet001: I know enough about you

Inkheart: What's that suppose to mean?

She scowled but then she felt stupid because he can't see her face.

Darkpoet001: writers always have a piece of their selves in what they write so basically by checking your posts I know a lot about you.

Inkheart: you're weird

Darkpoet001: nah I'm smart. Do you want me to prove it to you?

Inkheart: ???

Darkpoet001: you're a shy girl. You're also an introvert. You prefer being alone on your computer because you're afraid of the real world. You like reading and writing which is obvious but it's still a fact. You have few friends and you hate being wrong, you don't like many people getting closer to you because you're afraid they will leave and lastly you don't have a boyfriend. It's quite obvious you don't want anything that will lead to relationship.

Anisa was totally shocked. How on earth did he know all of that? Is he a stalker?

Inkheart: are you a stalker??????

Darkpoet001: no I gotta know all of that by going through your posts

Inkheart: that's impossible

Darkpoet001: no it's called intelligence

Inkheart: you are weird, indeed!

Darkpoet001: thank you

Inkheart: how old are you?

Darkpoet001: why?

Inkheart: I don't know. You just seem...

Darkpoet001: older than you? Yes I am

Inkheart: so?

Darkpoet001: does it matter

Inkheart: yes I want to know if you're a creepy old man

Darkpoet001: 😂😂 no I'm not a pedophile so don't worry

Anisa can't help but think why he's hiding his age when she have already told him hers without even worrying

Inkheart: why are you talking to me?

Darkpoet001: because you're the opposite of me

Inkheart: what do you mean?

Darkpoet001: gotta go, talk to you later. Bye peachy girl

Inkheart: oh great! Another pet name

Darkpoet001: You know you love them

Inkheart: whatever

Darkpoet001: bye 👋

For some reason she felt lonely when she's done talking to him. It surprised her how he knew her this much. Not even Norah or Meenah know this much about her. They don't know how scared she is of the real world, they only taught she is a closed person.

It was the sound of her laugh that drew Adnan's attention. He love the place because that's the only place in the whole school where he gets the peace he want. All other places are either too crowded or too noisy for his liking. The laugh didn't stop so he decided to come see for himself.

"I don't know you were here" she defended herself, he's looking at her accusingly so she had to defend herself. "Oh wait are you stalking me?" She asked

"Why will I stalk you Kelly? You're not my ideal girl and just do my biology assignment and I'll let you be. It's just a few drawings" he said handing her the flash.

"I swear I'm not good at drawing, only painting" she don't want a situation where by she will mess with his grade and things will get worst.

"Yeah sure, just do it. The stuff you heard about me is a lie...I'm way worst" he said turning to leave the place but as if something have caught his attention he turned around, he looked at her not knowing if he should say it out or just act, he chose the later because he can't let her be and he don't want to speak.

"Your ego can hardly fit in your head as it is so why do you need my help?" She asked

"Just do it" he replied

He walked towards her. Anisa was scared, scared that he want to assault her too so she walked back slowly as he walked towards her. She have asked Fatima if what Norah said about Adnan assaulting a girl is true and the girl confirmed it to be true.

She walked back slowly until her back hit something hard, the wall. The door is right next to her so she can either run out or wait a little longer for Adnan to assault her.

Guys tell me what you think of the characters...I'll be waiting for your replies.

Love you❤️