
Chapter 8


We were so scared, he sat us down and said, "look, you are of age to be 'pleasured'," we became so scared. "I have trained you in many things, made you even watch porn. Now it's time for you to do it in my presence."

He clapped his hand, and three females and three males came in. Alright, girls, I want you, he pointed at Addy, "to pleasure one of these girls, while you, I want you to pick a man that would please you," he had never called us by our name before, sometimes I wondered why, he either calls us girls, maid or slave.

Mr. Rogers made sure he bought every size of the dildo. He was even introducing us to BDSM when everything happened.

We told Lia about it but made her promise not to tell our mother. Even though she tried to protect us, she would be devastated if she knew what happened when she was not around.