
Chapter 43


How are we going to catch him? Luna asks. We will dear

You're calm about this? We need to run away Luna said again

We can't run forever, this is our home and I promise I will protect you and the kids. I won't let him touch you

Have you called your friends? Yes they're searching for him as we speak, bastard is hard to find but we will find him.

Anything yet? Addy asked them, as she stepped inside.

Not yet, but hopefully soon

Good, have been practicing and training hard, I'll fucking kill him

Language dear

Mama, am not a child

You're still my baby, she said, coming closer to kiss my face.

No mama don't do that

Mama just wants to kiss her baby

We laugh watching as Luna chased Addy around

Mr. Rogers

Everyone keeps blaming me for what I am doing, but they forget I was not like this, someone made me like this, and that person was no other than my mother.