
Chapter 13


"Well, that's a good question. I don't do that anymore; ever since I started dating Julia, I stopped sleeping around. I only kiss them on the lips because I want my friends to think I am still in the game."

"But that's not right. How do you think Julia feels when she sees you doing that?"

"Have never even thought of that."

"Dani, do you just want to fuck and dump her, or do you want something more with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how do you see your life with her in the next ten years?"

"Well, I see us getting married in two years, having kids in four years, and adopting more cats. She's actually a cat lady. Oh my gosh, I'm in love."

"Yes, you are, so you need to stop doing that shit you do to girls. Okay?" She nods. "And for your friends, if they really are your friends, they would support you on anything you want to do with your life."

"True, I mean they love me, so they have to support me." I nodded.