
Chapter 10


What the hell! Why would he come in now? I want to know what happened. I wasn't focused at all during the class. I just wanted to hear how this girl got a girlfriend or a woman.

After class, I ran after Dani since the teacher held me back; I was getting angry by all the questions he was asking. I ran after her, but she already got into her next class. I hate not having this class with her right now.

My sister was just looking at me when she saw me going the wrong way. I went back to her while we waited for Violet to come out since we had the next class together.

I checked the time, waiting for it to be over. After the class, I ran searching for Dani.

I went into our next class, which was English, only to see her there, hiding from me; I did promise her I wouldn't tell anyone. I looked around. I saw most of the group here; even the 'whore' is here, busy dry humping Jason.